Do you think we'll ever know who really killed JFK?

Do you think we'll ever know who really killed JFK?

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The Comedian

Lel Harvy Oswolt

Ya. It was Ted Cruz's dad.

Btw Ted Cruz is also the zodiac killer


No. If the information ever existed in some way that was definitive and written down, it doesn't any more.

This was before everything was digitized and most government computers were offline. The information has been destroyed and anyone in on it was could leak was too.

Old school conspiracies will forever remain just that.

You could say JFK was Cruzin' for a bruisin' out there in dallas.

George H.W Bush gave the green light to do so

yeah we already know genius. take off your tin foil hat

No, we'll never no.

Definitely single shooter, from 6th story.
Probably Oswald - could have been a pro he let in though.
But something is definitely fishy with the whole thing - the Jack Ruby involvement opens too many questions.