Why do you keep thinking English is a Germanic language?

Why do you keep thinking English is a Germanic language?

Beacuse Germanics want to pretend that we are relevant

English is a mixed language. It's as germanic as latin.

no it is mostly latin

Because the grammar is almost entirely Germanic and that is what matters. Stop being retarded

English IS a GERMANIC language.

Because vocabulary is not the only thing that matters in a language

English is mostly latin in vocabulary and mostly germanic in grammar

Because it is.

67℅ of the Latin vocabulary is meme and never used and is there for no reason

"Germanic grammar" what's that? German and Scandinavian languages have very different grammar.

well, you're right. but english core evolved from the germanic language that saxons spoke.


It's the same grammar as old English,just reduced in cases

percent latin vocabulary meme used reason

those are the latin words you used

sixty-seven of the is and never and is there for

those are the germanic ones

not how all the simple words are Germanic, lol. Even real Germanic languages have alot of latin loanwords, since we literaly can't talk about science or philosophy without them.

Not that Germanics ever had any interests in those things anyway.

because we never use the french words

hybridized danish and dutch grammar, specifically. bongs were getting cucked by immigrants way before it was cool

latin is more germanic uezs

Because vocab composition is not the only factor for classification.


He can say since.
Literally a useless word

latinized version of greek


English is clearly a latin language

He never said note

he said "not how all the simple words "

I simply corrected it

Why are Latins so obsessed with proclaiming that English is a Latin country? Do they want to feel relevant by proxy?

Latin tongue*
They feel inferior and are angry the international lingua franca isn't a Latin language

It's a bit complex, however. The continental languages have a lot more in common with each other than they do with English as far as phonetics are concerned. I recall reading somewhere that German and French have more similar phonetics than French has with with Spanish and Italian. Anyone who has studied the major western European languages would notice that. They say that French sounds so different from Spanish and Italian on account of the Gauls and Franks. My guess is that German phonetics are more similar to French due to the Germanic origin of the Franks.

Nice thread


>They feel inferior
>Check flag

Is this some sort of joke ?

nice b8

But it is just because the "Gemans" are in fact Gauls in denial

Same goes for the Franks aka Sicamri who are merely Germanized Gauls.