Be british

>be british
>wake up
>thanks allah and the queen for another day
>have breakfast with the 5 niggers I share apartment with
>go to work
>arrive at workplace
>sharia police arrested my boss for not praying yesterday
>good, no work today
>go back home
>friendly paki asks for my wallet on my way home
>give him what he wants and thanks allah for multiculturalism
>arrive at home
>go into Sup Forums
>search desperately for argentinean flags
>find one
>procced to comment "falklands are british"
>niggers arrive
>time for my daily rape
>they finish, i clean their cum with my mouth
>time to sleep
>close my eyes
>sharia police enters my house and arrests me
>i forgot to thanks allah before going to sleep
>they will behead me tomorrow
>country is shit
>still be happy because we won a war against a 3rd world country 30 years ago
>last wish before dying
>i ask for a computer
>go to Sup Forums and find an argentinean
>comment haha falklands r british

Falklands r British


I agree

Very true exists

>have breakfast with the 5 niggers I share apartment with

Don't get this part

London housing market

reminder there are shitleans and other subhumans under argie flags on Sup Forums, and you should avoid their posts/threads no matter what


Gibraltar aka Jabal Tariq is British.

>be argentine
>be genuine nigger
>not even a meme

I can affirm this


Yeah I heard that too actually

U forgot about the tv and knife licenses, unarmed cops and big brother surveillance
I dont get then why dont you are best friends :)

It's a threat, he's implying there's going to be lots of argies over here soon



First argentinian quality post in centuries

that was funney actually

No shit, when I visited London
>Cameras literally everywhere
>Warning signs "You're being filmed for your own security, antisocial behavior will lead to an arrest"