Hi Sup Forums. I am 20 and my gf is 24...

Hi Sup Forums. I am 20 and my gf is 24. She is amazing and beautiful and I love her and we've been together for a year and a half. However, she wants to get married and have kids ASAP. The fuck should I do? I dont wanna lose her but fuck i am too young for even thinking of kids

if you're so selfish and immature maybe you shouldn't be with an older woman.

commit dumbfuck

i am not denying that

>i am too young

marry her and have kids you pussy.

do you know what 20 year olds have accomplished in the past? you are acting like a baby. man up and become a dad.

Your gf is not a special snowflake. Go find a new one like her, but 16 years old. You can thank me later.

Do it, faggot.

You're American, you can always divorce her later and be a statistic. 50% of all marriages in the US end in divorce.

I knew an American who was on his third wife at 27.

Marry anime.