Newfoundland in Portuguese is 'Terra Nova'

>Newfoundland in Portuguese is 'Terra Nova'

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It came on the flag

>white aryan Portuguese gifting the land to old brown haired English woman


Also, the full name was "Terra Nova do Bacalhau", go figure.

It's Terranova here, we use the portuguese name for some reason

We call it Newfoundland, I think. It doesn't come up in conversation much, but besides using "Nova" instead of "New" in names like New York we almost never translate names of cities.

A couple of Asian ones, like Pequim, I guess.

weird, we translate almost everything

Yeah, Spaniards seem to be very closed to foreign languages in a lot of ways. I guess it's a patriotism thing.

In here, and for a very long while, knowing/being able to speak more than one language has been seen as something to be proud of (that only rich people could afford), so we're usually pretty good at it.

I guess it also helps that we have a lot of varied vowel sounds and whatnot.

>anglo newfoundland shares fishery with portuguese for 450 years
>nothing goes wrong
>"anglo" canada shares nfld fishery with basically anyone because why not lel
>shits itself in 30 years

>I guess it's a patriotism thing.
I doubt it, we're not a patriotic people

maybe "muh linguistic purity" by the 4 autistic people who make la Real Academia de la Lengua EspaƱola

How do I emigrate to Newfoundland?
Are there jobs there?

Yeah, you shouldn't have sold it to the Chinese or what was it. We were much nicer to you and your fish.

Norway is our dealer now, though.

That's the old one, but not much has really changed.

my dad's old enough to remember the portuguese white fleets lining up in the st john's harbour, and buying lobster for a buck each

fuck he's old

>Are there jobs there?

memes aside, there's not much here other than gubbermint jobs, power generation (hydro) or offshore oil rigs

a little bit of mining in labrador but be prepared for ~-40 to -50 in the winter

Shit, it looked comfy.
I know both French and English, I could get a government job r-right?

>there's not much here
Truly a former Portuguese colony/settlement.

>tfw backyard view
>I know both French and English, I could get a government job r-right?
for sure, you'd probably just have to do some sort of exam to recieve a bilingual certificate
i live about a half hour from portugal cove wew

I wonder what if Newfoundland had been properly colonised/kept as Portuguese.

Would it be a shithole? Would it be about the same? Would it be so considerably better than Portugal? Would Portuguese have more projection, since there would be 2 Northern hemisphere luso countries?

>I wonder what if Newfoundland had been properly colonised/kept as Portuguese.

it probably would have prospered like all great portuguese colonies like macau, brazil and angola

I'd be assuming it would have less black people and a better geographical position.

I doubt it'd stay dependant, although I'd like to see a twin-country situation, with an Ocean in between, where one of the countries isn't that much bigger than the others.

Possibly like Quebec but better.
A place with an actual culture, comfy places and a decent language.

>this guy again
You must have a lot of free time in between picking up those welfare cheques you newfie fuck.

>even more fish
>even more depressed because of climate and luso genes
>probably some weird funny unseen accent

I kind of want to see it, now.

>gets mad at me for posting newfoundland
wew, why so butthurt?

>probably some weird funny unseen accent

fish is meh because rekt fishery but definitely recovering

I'll admit you're better than the Albertans but it's the same pictures day in day out. The we wuzzery also doesn't help.

i usually keep from my province >>> urs chats because those are pretty cancer
i just post my memes occasionally, ive posted it enough for others, even non-canucks, to start newfoundland related conversations so at least it isn't just meaningless shitposting

We call it Terra Nova still. It's the official name.
Most people just use the modern name because we're no one else does.

Do we? To be fair, I've never heard it.

Sad to hear we never officialised the suffix "do Bacalhau".

>the brits got the land from us when we were under the iberian union with spain.
for fuck sake,spain...

Because that's not the actual name.

sure it's our fault and not of your greatest ally

You literally used our Grande Armada to try to invade the UK.
You ignored strategic ports in North America that would've been helpful in the future had the integration worked. North America could be speaking more Iberian and less English by now.
You also ignored the fact that the Netherlands (also yours) were fucking us in every place possible.

Who you're talking to? I don't think he was the guy who lead armada lol.