This shouldnt upset me, but it does

This shouldnt upset me, but it does.

Other urls found in this thread:

lol because you're an insecure cuck

What? Black people getting jobs as butlers is a valid, honrable position. I think it's good they continue to serve whites as their intellect allows.

he doesn't even look like a nigger, just a black guy.

Upsets me too

Ah Niamh good to see her again

Once again, just a regular black dude. How are you sad fucks getting triggered by non-thug black guys?

My gf and I, we mostly get weird looks from black people or dudes checking her out which doesn't bother me


>black dudes checking out a black woman
as if

Why do black guys get all the good white girlls?????

The desire of black males to mate with white women is their explicit admission that blacks, as a race, are inferior. Unfortunately, 40 years of "guilting" and brainwashing have caused white women to accept blacks as suitable mating choices despite the huge amount of evidence to the contrary.

Why? Is she too young to be his court appointed attorney?


it's a mystery

God what a faggot. Dbz shirt? You could be sucking a million dicks and not even be 1/10th as gay as you are in this picture

They check her out


if this image upsets you its only that you are lonely
if you were with someone you probably wouldnt give a shit

She bought it for me lol

He looks half asian

you're fucking humorless

doesn't make it any less gay

we'll have to see some more to be sure


white girls are only that big in America.



She's a race traitor. It should upset you.

dont be such a fuckin queer, its a gift his girl got him. you too big and strong to wear a dbz shirt


then she realizes you're gay. do you buy her shit or something? cause she sucking dick on the side

>lod tattoo

AIDS infested future single mothers.

>you too big and strong to wear a dbz shirt
yes. too big and strong to wear diapers too. but if it makes you feel more like a man, wear a DBZ shirt and diapers all you like.

I know, he needs to fix that tie.

You must be black, as you're apparently too lazy to do a simple Google pertaining to interracial marriage statistics.

Got any nudes of her?


>lusts after Asian women

how is that evidence that blacks are inferior? are you retarded?

> Dat look

Nigga, caint touch dis


unfortunately not

we'll have to see nudes to be sure

Finally someone with some fucking sense. Three cheers!

There are THREE reasons this would upset you:

1 - You're not good with the ladies
2 - You have a small penis
3 - You aren't good at sex

Which is it user?

post moar pls



all three of them of course

100% of the the blatant racism on /b is nothing more than an expression of an extreme lack of confidence. Modern people living in western cultures simply aren't racist anymore. Except the insecure ones. Grow up user.

ITT: A bunch of cucks and one or two weaboo niggers


I love this shit.

Some cuck faggot posts bait.

Normal people get grossed out.

Then a bunch of liberal faggots rush in to tell everyone they're insecure if they don't like it.

Every day.

lol @the self-proclaimed purveyor of truth
his boundaries are the all for he is the alpha and the omega

srsly, that dress is ugly af

That bitch is ugly as shit and I'm black

he looks like a normal nice guy. there is no niggardness with this one.


why do you always see good looking brothers with fat, homely white bitches?

and one faggot, you

She's cute. Where can I obtain more pictures of her?

please stop saying the f word. Jerk or asshole works fine. #pride

dont stop

>I love this shit.
>Some cuck faggot posts bait.
>Normal people get grossed out.
>Then a bunch of liberal faggots rush in to tell everyone they're insecure if they don't like it.
>Every day.
So I come here to analyze the thread every time and save the day

it would upset me out of jealousy, but who cares what the dude looks like.