just wat
soo many nipples
Don't post pics of me OP, thanks.
It's a sculpture if I recall correctly.
What are you doing here dad?
sorry Sup Forumsro, i have no control over my actions
That's my friend Jerry B. He likes watching TV and smoking blunts. His dad used to beat him when he was in the womb. He did all types of terrible things to the fetus. I bet he wishes he has a normal son now.
at least this isn't a huge knees thread
why the nipples though
Kill it!
the rapefugee-german hybrid race
Several airbags in between each rib and a huge chest to protect the heart
Wow can those feet help survive a crash?
We should put a terminator in this and make it kill terrorists and shit.
Is she a kiwi? Someone help identify that accent
Not enough nipples.
They're air sacks. The nipples allow air to escape so the sacks don't burst.