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I'm 21 years old and I still don't have my license. I'm just so nervous on the road & at intersections. How do I overcome this struggles?

grind exp,

You just gotta drive more. I hated merging on highways or having people tail me when I was learning. Now I dont give a fuck.

Like everything else, you just need practice.

Ride until you wreck.

Don't be a fag

Pay attention, drive slowly and practice in lonely roads.

Remember that a lot of stupid people drive, and sometimes they do it properly. You can do it too.

I feel like maybe I am a decent driver. I just feel so afraid to take the test. I am afraid of failure definitely. But I don't have any way to practice driving with my parents or with friends, and when I do, I fuck up frequently. I find it very hard to figure out where I should be going to get on some road or to make a turn or whatever.

4 words...


its all about experience and overcoming fear.

don't be fooled by people.

my guess is there was some avoidant behavior that was encouraged by your parents. they fostered avoidant wishy washy behavior instead of teaching you how to properly buckle down and align yourself.

everything in life is improved through practice, patience and self control.

>I have a CDL btw

Its like swimming in a way, just fucken do it Opie.
Its like go carting.

I'm the same way, It's not that I'm nervous. It's just i have no fucking idea how road rules work. Sure I passed all my permit test and have learned most rules. It's just actually doing them I have no idea how it works.

Also 21 but don't have it since I always put off the road test after failing twice now they're giving me crap over having 2 different a names on my permits and have to wait another 6 months to show certificate of citizenship with my proper name.. Tl;dr you don't have to wait just get your license mang just remember if someone honks at you you'll literally never see them ever again in your life so it doesn't matter if they rage and you shouldn't sweat it. People will tailor themselves to your driving style untill your finally fine on your own. Btw since your 21 you only have to wait 3 months before the road test

I failed the drivers test 3 times. the first one i wasn't ready for because i wasn't even taught what a 3 point turn was.

then the second time i failed the written part(don't know why because it is so easy). then the third time i ran a red light.

you just have to get through it.

practice makes perfect. it seems to me like your parents are not taking you out long enough to drive.

i was just like you, same age, 5 months ago. i went to the dps to get my learners permit, but the lady fucked up and accidently submitted something for the actual license, and she asked if i wanted to do the road test right then and there, and i hid my nervousness and agreed, having like 2 hours max driving experience ever, never parallel parked. i ended up doing fine, i supposedly drove too fast by people walking, but i slightly swerved around them each time and didnt go fast so idk waht that was about, but i passed, not with flying colors, but i got my license. i did the 6 hour course online for like $25, and hardly paid attention to it. ive been driving regularly for a few weeks now and i am very comfortable, i just have trouble going as fast as everyone else, everyone passes me

I had one and decided not to renew it after the second time. Use public transportation or a bike. Unless you live somewhere shitty that has no public transportation, it's much better.

i work with a 34-year-old that doesn't have his license he is a disgrace in my eyes don't be that guy OP get your license you will be fine

Drive drunk, duh

Take a class like a faggot.

Car guy and auto technician here! OP if you're nervous on the road just don't get a license, use public transit, you can go almost anywhere in a large city with it or learn to ride a nice bike, not trying to be rude but we don't need anymore terrible drivers out there. And nervous people make for terrible people.

its really typical of shitty, lazy parenting. in some cases they have all these expectations of their kids but they spend no time with them teaching them. they want someone else to teach their own children.

then you have parents that don't care in any way and may even prefer their kid never get their license so they can control them.

parenting plays a huge part in these kinds of situations. no one taught you to believe in yourself.

my guess is maybe your parents are on prescription drugs like antidepressants or you come from some kind of broken home with dysfunction.

really you need someone to sit with you and teach you respectfully and with patience. lots of people with mental problems get angry and impatient when they try to teach people. they make the person they are supposed to be teaching feel stupid or like there is something wrong with them. but this is not the case. The real issue is with the teacher. especially when it comes to something as simple as teaching someone how to drive.

don't listen to this guy. overcome your nervousness.

Find a secluded spot and drive like an insane person. Do burnouts and fuck shit up. After you do this, driving like a normal person will seem easy.

yeah its funny. i read the manual and when i went on my drivers test it was raining. the manual said to go 15 mph under the speed limit or something like that, if there is rain.

so i did that. and i held up traffic and everyone was mad and they passed me even though they didn't want to.

everyone treated me like an idiot. but i was technically following the rules.

but we all know people don't abide by all the rules. they roll through stops, they go 10mph over speed limit as the norm, they make right turns on "no turn on red" turns.

so really the rules are something vague and like in the example I gave, going "by the book" is often seen as the wrong thing if it annoys people or makes them impatient.