Ask someone who is about to gain the wizard status in 1 hour anything

Ask someone who is about to gain the wizard status in 1 hour anything.

You think you'lll make it?

Why is OP a fag?

well i just got into a relationship, but sex with her is not gonna happen in the next 1 hour...

wish i was a fag then i would have an excuse....

be alpha for once in your life nigger

I should have been more confidence at 17-24... i was getting girls like crazy.. just never made the move.

Never considered getting an escort?

How do you not buy a whore by the time you're 30? Whores are great.

See, I would never get this far. I'm a 23 year old virgin and I've already made commitment that I will get a hooker if I don't lose it within the next year.