Hi Sup Forums, Waterlines outside my office were replaced, and the drinkable water has been this color ever since...

Hi Sup Forums, Waterlines outside my office were replaced, and the drinkable water has been this color ever since. (This is a flushed toilet, and no I didn't drink from it. It just displays the color well) This was a few days ago, and I still have a headache and upset stomach. Am I going to die?


Your fucked OP.

The morons hooked your water line up to the sewer line by mistake.

Enjoy your malaria

quit drinking piss OP.

Serious answers only please

die? could happen.
get sick? could happen
be fine? could happen
Just dont drink the water. what country btw? water in russia is wayyyyy more yellow then that.


could be lead pipes

Did you take a piss in the toilet and take a pic?

I live in the states. Could it be a stomach ulcer?