ER surgeon on ten minute break. AMA

ER surgeon on ten minute break. AMA.

Post benis

You're really just a scrub tech aren't you?

Wipe that old mans ass faggot

Define benis.

Prove it surgefag


How so?

>ER surgeon
>Someone who makes almost half a million bucks a year in salary
>on Sup Forums

Sure faggot. Gtfo

wtf do you expect to happen in 10 minutes?

We get bored, too. Believe it or not.

You tell me.

post benis

You a general doctor, or have a specialty (other than trauma)

I mean that if someone has a serious spinal emergency, do you have an ER neurosurgeon there, or have to call in from the neuro department, or just do it yourself?

best surgery today?

Time stampe with your id. Or anything in your er with a timestamp

Yup. Bs lol

I specialize in trauma surgery. In other words, "it has to happen right this second" (think gunshot wounds, etc). Spinal and brain injuries (again etc) have specialists on call for absolute emergencies.

Medic fag here.

There is no such thing as an ER surgeon. Theres physicians in the ER and when we bring traumas in the trauma surgeon gets out of his bed and walks over.

So OP is a fag

What is a stampe? Is that similar to a stamp?

Are you already experienced & so worn out with so many patients you see them as previous cases you already treated ?

And yeah er bro we'll need some timestamp proof

Post a picture of the drunk homeless guy sitting in the er's facesheet as proof

this thread will die soon™

Scroll up.

That is not on unethical it is illegal.

My cousin is an ER surgeon somewhere in Chicago.

Remember hearing she'd do 100 hour weeks on relatively shit pay. Might have just been while an intern though.

Seems bad to have people that need to think quickly and remember a lot to be overworked and tired.

Does this look infected?

OP here. My time is up. Have a good evening.

Cmon. He wont know.

well in 10 minutes youll go back to work. And what happens to this thread then?

Get the fuck back to work!

We all have lots of things lodged in our asses that need to be sorted out in the ER.

I remember you from the other night! Did you ever figure the heart thing out??????

Are you made of glass???