ITT: Strangely attractive musicians
ITT: Strangely attractive musicians
>The best make up, clothing, hairstyling, lighting and photography money can buy
>probably photoshop too
yeah, real strange how she looks attractive in recent pics init
>literally cake my face with mud
>lol look aren't I pretty???
Women actually believe this.
>Not being nice to Grimes
oddly attractive > traditionally attractive
it's a unique look with personality
from the face up
she has the body of a 8 year old. no thx
ok to be fair she's got hips but they're waisted
Isaac's my husbando
this i want to make a sextape with bjork and call it art
That's why models are so ugly to normies
i was happy
Rihanna looks unapologetically black; wide nose, big forehead, spaced out eyes YET SHES HAWT
The wacky slacker with "happiness teeth", always wearing a cap and fishing
If I was a girl I would fuck the fuck out of Mac
He's got the same scruffy chic thing going for him that Charlie from Sunny has
I thought you were talking about "scaruffi chic" for a moment
>30 layers of make up
I don't like Grimes but fuck she is cute
Grimes >>>>>> all
Bjork its actually normal attractive, fucking pretty.
Fwiw attractive =/= sexy, per se
People tend to forget that...
nice tummy
You make me sick
I guess I'm not sure what OP means by "strangely" attractive. she definitely has strange/uncommon features.
Yolandi is the only logical answer to op's question
irony you pick the ugliest picture.
Only answer to this thread
>What did they mean by this
conventionalism is ugly
Rihanna is fucking uggo
there is no such thing as an ugly grimes picture
what makes Grimes so attractive? 1 need a personal opinion, deeply curious