It's been 2 episodes and there is still no frey bannerman in winterfell or a letter asking what happened to Walda and...

>it's been 2 episodes and there is still no frey bannerman in winterfell or a letter asking what happened to Walda and her baby

Nobody gives a shit about the wife of a dead lord. She's dead and Ramsey can say whatever he wants about it.

She has given birth to a true bolton boy. There is no consequence of killing sign of alliance, a bride? Even her kid?

>caring about a cursed family

Oh no, what will Walder's other hundred children do?

The writing has gone to shit without GRRM, you can't expect these kinds of details to be covered

too bad GRRM will eat his fat ass to death before the next book is written so you ungrateful cunts will have to live the ending the show gives you.

Evidently when the warden of the north dies his memory is expunged and everybody forgets he ever existed. Come to think of it pretty much everyone on this show that has died has been forgotten about by most of westeross.

No funeral or anything either, and no swearing of fealty by the new warde


Blackfish still lives

She died during child birth so did the baby. Wow it was so hard to think of a lie that works.

Almost like in real life

ok show the body if there's anything left of her

Nobody is going to cross Ramsay. They'll just pretend she died in childbirth or something.

and the sworn maester of the citadel doesn't just fly the ravens through the country. nice plot.

The Freys are gearing up to fuck the Boltons

You heard Littlefinger

The Freys never forget

No, because GOT is not a show interested in political conequences.

It used to be, but now it's about STRONK womyn and shock tactics.

She was poisoned by her enemies.

But what about the dozens of people that saw her alive with the baby

It's customary to present the family with the body