Why is it taboo to expose the fact that neanderthal heritage correlates to intelligence?

Why is it taboo to expose the fact that neanderthal heritage correlates to intelligence?

Is it because black people have nearly 0 of it?

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>tfw modern human

Yes. any scientific research that suggests racial differences is taboo and forbidden by our overlords, they must censor and punish dissent severely, because if they didn't employ those nazi tactics, the nazis would come back ;)

Didn't neantherthals also were the ones who originally had blonde hair and colored eyes?


Yup, also the distribution of neanderthal interbreeding correlates with the distribution of white skin in modern humans

Too nazi to be spoken of

All races have physical differences, but that doesn't mean you should treat someone else like shit just because of his race.

Raise a monkey as a human and he'll behave more like a human child than a wild animal.

If a person have tech education, he's intelligent. If no, he's not.
Simple as that. No need to get race involved.

This map is shit, how did Mexicans end up with less neanderthal genes than Spaniards if Amerindians are descended from East Asians?


Its taboo to discuss any regional differentiation.

not the case at all

example africa

probably got a lot more to do with the fact that if you have to much melanin to get vitamin D your pelvis tears apart like wet toilet paper during chilbirth

also aboriginals have the same percentage of denisovian dna, everyone knows they are ubermenshen

Because it isn't true.

Besides, what would make you think neanderthals are more intelligent than us?

>What is the sprinter gene?

*rips your face off*

Africa what?
Any location, nationality and other shit is irrelevant.
Tech ed=brains. No tech ed=no brains.

Since this topic is censored I don't think we'll ever find a real map, but we'all kind of know the real distribution of it.

higher cranial capacity, although that doesnt necessarily correlate to higher intelligence in humans

weve had geniuses with half as much as others both achieving things you couldnt dream of

denisovian != neanderthal

denisovians were probably the less developed of the living human species back in times

>Portuguese more intelligent than Finns
allow me to not believe your theory

aboriginals are fucked up, i should split up my shitpost from my real facts

fuck those crazy bastards, but thats kind of my point it goes both ways

thought it was just as interesting

Aboriginals Aussies have big chunks of neanderthal dna also

>Neanderthal heritage keans you are smart
>Neanderthals go extinct


So nothing... like it or not we're all basically the same genetically. The only differences with us are cosmetic

They got cucked to extintion.

>homo sapiens, less developed, more savage, invade the area where homo neanderthalensis, more developed, less physically developed, lived



>Race miximg with neanderthals made us smarter
>But race mixing is bad


pretty much, but its impossible to know for sure

i think its partially responsible for why we have less neoteny than other races (look less childlike, more bodyhair etc) compared to other races like east asians (but they all have babyfaces, mate selection is a big deal in this, thats why women look a lot more like children)

its really fucking creepy when you think about it

Neanderthals have gone extinct because they weren't biologically adapted to the extreme climatic fluctuations of their time. It wasn't a matter of intelligence.

Race mixing with a taconigger such as yourself is not the same as race mixing with a neanderthal. Race mixing with an arab is not the same as race mixing with a neanderthal. And so on and so on. It might've somehow worked with the neanderthals but it certainly does not work with niggers. Look at Apezil. It didn't work with Aztecs either, look at the shitty country Mexico is.

Try bringing that argument to any scientist or researcher and see if they don't mock you to oblivion

So are you saying intelligence is irrelevant?

I am white and have an occipital bum, monkey, my ancestors racemixed with neandertals The difference is I do not fall for pseudosciene

Neanderthals could be colonising space if they hadn't been wiped out
We can't let such a thing occur again

Might is right

>Too dumb to breed
>Conquering space

Why do you think the New York Times criticized one of its most important science researchers? Because they disliked this book.

Where did I state that intelligence is irrelevant? I said they died out due to the climate, not due to their intellect, as you implied in your shit-tier ""post.""

>I am white
No one cares though, taconigger.

If intelligence were relevant they would have figured out they could move to a better climate

So either
A) they were stupid
B) intelligence did not help them

>No one cares
You seem to care enough to make posts about ethnicity, monkey

Who has the most neanderthaler DNA? I've read that Caucasus people, jews and middle eastern arabs have a lot

Not that guy but if you want to go there, the Spanish/Amerindian mix in Mexico did in fact produce an original and relevant culture in terms of cuisine, archietcture, music, painters, etc. while meanwhile your culture is Samba and Paulo Coehlo, maybe it was all the African admixture or the fact that your curuminha has abo genes, or that the Portuguese did enthusiastically mixed with all the peoples Spain expelled. Your country was basically built on coastal cities while you allowed the worst of your degenerates to have free reign in the jungle, seriously Huezil, you've got twice Mexico's murder rate while we are at our worst and your arguably in one of the best times in your history, don't compare us with your monkey hell civilization.

I care about science, not about some random taconigger's true ethnicity.

All of European and Mediterranoid together with Caucasus, also Siberian-descended people: Han, Japonic, Korean, Finnic, and some Native-American as Mayan

Race idealism isn't science, monkey

>Too dumb to breed
>Leading tech innovation

>tfw Puerto Rico is always portrayed as part of the white and superior in all these meme maps
>tfw I don't believe any of that bullshit
sometimes I wish I was autistic like you so I could feel superior

Look, you've got less murder because druglords literally control your states, your crime is much more organized. And your country can't get rid of them since the cartels' military power is equivalent to that of """Mexico's army.""" Monkeyzil could get rid of its druglords, if only the corrupt politicians wanted to.

But I don't mean to defend this hellhole of a country in which I'm currently living in. Both Mexico and Brazil are utter shitholes, my point though is that you taconiggers are actually more incompetent, and that you have some relevance on cuisine, archietcture or whatever only because you're next to the US. I know it's true, you know it's true.

>Smart enough to breed
>Cuck japan out of their technological innovations


Kek @ this monkey assraging

It doesn't though. Look at your own map.

>smart enough to breed
>no gas, build wall

That's because Neanderthals originally inhabited the middle east and then humans coming out of Africa bred with them.

Gonna cry, babyboy?

Shoo shoo, back to your tacos now. Your american overlords are waiting)))))))))))))))))))

Except it's not racemixing you stupid monkey, it's cross-species mixing.

Neanderthals would be colonizing the galaxy right now it hadn't been snowing too hard in Europe.

Fuck off ape, Mexico's relevance does also largely come from having had ancient civilizations which did independently come up with all the hallmarks of a civilization, including a written language, and from having been the crown jewel of the Spanish empire not some shithole in the southern hemisphere, proximity to the US has fucked us over more than it has ever heleped and that is the fact, your ghettopized society would have probably happily blended into the US if you had been in our place.

As for your made up argument tripe on violence and incompetence it's nothing but a wishful thinking excuse, your government is as corrupt as ours, being "disorganized" isn't a virtue and we wouldn't have much of a war if the narcos had the amount of control you claim now would we?

You're nothing but a jealous self hating monkey who thinks if he flings shit at others they'll be like him. Speak for your society, leave ours alone.


>it hadn't been snowing too hard in Europe.

i'm pretty sure it was a genocide made by the ooga booga sapiens

>nah, it was just a coincidence that they died when sapiens came, it was because of the climate despite it had been snowing for fucking thousands of years already


I knew a literal taconigger subhuman would say that. But look, when you take the most accept definition of species in consideration (a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding) you can assume that, since sapiens managed to interbreed with neanderthals, it could be said they were closely related enough to be considered the same race. Just an assumption. You shouldn't take semantics to heart when you understood what I meant you smelly taco eater, it shows you're not able to debate the subject.

I'm not reading that shit LMAO

Stay buttmad, TACONIGGER))))))))))))

Why Tech ed and not other types of education?

Whats up with idiots grabbing any small piece of science and going full retard with it?

LMAO not even

>nah, it was just a coincidence that they died when sapiens came
Except that's not true, they existed with Humans for at least a millennia

I always knew Spaniards were some of the most Neanderthalized modern humans.

Just look at us.

kek, another Brazilian proud he won't read

>they were closely related enough to be considered the same SPECIES
I ought to pay more attention to what I'm writing LMAO. I keep thinking about 'race' (v:

>indios have as much admixture as some yuros
this just proves that your correlation is shit

Amerindians are really diverse. There are some of them with a lot of admixture while others have nearly 0 of it.

Interesting enough, some native americans never did anything of value while others where building houses with more than 1 floor.

>that doesn't mean you should treat someone else like shit just because of his race.

This is where both sides get it wrong. Example: men are taller than women.

I'm 5'10, slightly above average height. My experience walking around is that I'm taller than most women and shorter than a lot of guys. Also shorter than some women. That's all an average is good for. If you pick one man and one woman at random, don't be surprised if the woman is taller.

Where hardcore racists go wrong is in applying group characteristics to individuals. Men are taller than women, yes, but a 5'8" guy in a WNBA locker room thinking he's the tallest guy in the room is a retard. Women are shorter, but recognize hen they're taller than you.

Where anti-racists go wrong is by focusing so much on the individual that they ignore group characteristics. Some women are taller than some men, therefore no conclusion can be drawn as to the average height difference of 1,000 randomly selected men and 1,000 randomly selected women.

Groups are different. Your mileage varies with individuals. If you can't recognize the difference, you're going to have a bad time.

Neanderthals were a different species, not a different race.

They were not a different species, else they would not have been able to interbreed with humans and produce viable offspring. Sub species as a taxon implies a larger distance amongst the lines of ancestry than whatever you may mean by race so the argument that it is equivalent to race mixing would stand.

But trying to enforce beliefs on to groups leads to a lot of bullshit though on top of making people who don't fit your stereotypes having to do a song and dance to prove themselves to people over and over again that they are safe.

maybe they didn't "go extinct" as in, they all died, maybe they went extinct as a distinct species because they were assimilated into the larger population of homo sapiens.

What is Neanderthal haplotype IV?
and what does that do/what traits?

yep you monkey are correct

good post desu senpai