What are gypsies like?

What are gypsies like?

Ask ur mum

They're every bit as thieving and dishonest as in the movies. They also trash up the places they move into something fierce. We've got gypsies here in Spain and they're worse than dindus.

Don't be a fucking racist

Delete your post

Sure thing bro, I'll delete my post the moment you move out of your white neighborhood and into a gypsy slum.

Exactly like gypsies desu.

They will bite the hand that feeds them

The other day I knew a gypsy guy about 40 years old that turned into a religious "love is the salvation" creep after he went dead for some minutes by alcohol and had an angelical experience

Like Slavs but brown and musically gifted.

Gypsies are essentially rats for the most part, though there are some that 'make it' and get away from their vile culture.
Those that don't are parasitic, petty criminals with not a gram of remorse. They live in clans surviving by taking shit from garbage cans, stealing and through government handouts (which are minuscule in Bulgaria).
Many of them run scams and try to trick tourists into buying crap from them. If you see any of them selling anything on the sidewalks keep walking.

Opportunistic, selfish, thieving, completely without any morals or sense of right and wrong. They use their own children as tools for petty crime. I've literally never seen or talked to one that behaved even remotely like a human being.


Dirty and nomadic.
Never turn your back on one. Never let them in your house. Always keep an eye on them when they're near.
They are animals, real scum.
Americans romanticize the shit out of them for some reason, probably because you don't have anything like them in NA and you think our hate is unwarranted.

Literally sub humans

No meme

Fucked a gypsie girl when i was in my teens, their slutty as fuck

>Opportunistic, selfish, thieving, completely without any morals or sense of right and wrong. They use their own children as tools for petty crime.

Did you came inside?

>Americans romanticize the shit out of them for some reason
supposedly there a shitload of them in Washington state, but I've never seen one.

>Fucked a gypsie girl

Didn't her relatives castrated you?

They're like the once race that you are allowed to be racist against in my book.
Leave your comfy country for a change and find out yourself how gypsies are like.

Worse than niggers. Seriously, they are so bad they got kicked out of India, of all places.


But i didn't know she was a gypsie(she didn't look like one, and she had a French firstname and a Spanish lastname) when i fucked her, i learned it later


I think theere's very few gypsies in south america.
I knew like 3 different (very big) gypsy families and every single one of their memberes was involved in some kind of crime, mostly stealing cars, but they would always get in trouble because of knife fights and such aswel.
and they didn't even believe in education or regular jobs like normal people.
and they're always filthy

I always thought that I was unlucky and found the very few ones that behave like that, but later on I learned that this is literally the way they live, everywhere.

they stink


In the imagination of 19th century nobles - free and proud people, beautiful women and great singing culture.
In fact - nomadic scumbags - drug dealers, low-level pimps beggars, kidnappers. And the women are ugly as fuck
The descendants of those who settled down are preserving what's left of the culture in the Moscow gypsy theater.





I have a Romanian friend who's a straight up gypsy. His whole family is gypsy and they make decent money doing gypsy things. Like begging, overpricing cheap stuff and his brother actually used to take the copper out of light poles. He's a pretty cool guy though.

pretty cool people, they even stole my car antenna to sell it as metal scraps.

Thieving bastards