/lbg/ - letterboxd general

no embryos allowed

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We will need a few killings to make it great '''again'''

of course letterboxd would decide 1. that they're next major update would add approximately zero functionality and 2. that it would make the whole site look fucking uglier than it already was


Lettercucks in a nutshell

The typical pretentious- here the word is warranted- fag from there. Barely amusing

get a sense of humor


You can buy invites if you can't get one legitimately.

I'd recommend movie companies try and get some to catch a lot of pirates.

Why would you want that?

What the fuck is an embryo

>questions that only embryos would ask


To stop these assholes from stealing. Yes, it's stealing by the way. Stealing sales away from companies is stealing. Private trackers and sites like these are making money - lots and lots of money - off of people in donations.
That's why people run them.

Karagarga is a private tracker that is probably the largest repository for movies online. Yes, really. That's because they also cater to niche and obscure movies.

They don't want people talking about their tracker and only ask people to refer to it as KG.

Tracker review here: torrent-invites.com/showthread.php?t=273728



But, really, believing it isn't satire, that's pretty pathetic, fàm. You should try chill, like a lot

no u

>Karagarga is a private tracker that is probably the largest repository for movies online. Yes, really. That's because they also cater to niche and obscure movies.

I wouldn't say it's the biggest repo online (some dumps, Usenet and Emule certainly give it a run for its money), but it's certainly the best place to fetch obscure stuff in a relatively efficient manner. I've been there for 6 or 7 years, contribute whenever I can and never regretted it. A truly pleb-free environment.


>A truly pleb-free environment
No, no, actually in my experience most people are just a different kind of pleb there, but plebs still, considering the usual characteristics of such kind. You're too blind or forgiving.

I'm there too, I'm going to gather IP addresses of the people there and match usernames to other profiles online. I'll see how far I can get with it.

It'll be a good learning experience and I can hopefully do some good with exposing some assholes.

I repeat, that's a good look

I'm sure you're the first person ever to think of googling people's usernames

What the fuck is your problem, man?

I won't be the last either.

>No, no, actually in my experience most people are just a different kind of pleb there, but plebs still, considering the usual characteristics of such kind. You're too blind or forgiving.

I just don't have time to waste on tautological thinking. If I have a place that consistently outputs what I'm looking for, with a community that generally sticks to its premise, it's for all intents and purposes pleb-free.

Beyond being a waste of time, since even within the scope of a personal witchhunt nobody would give enough of a fuck to justify the ego trip (as opposed to SWJs and so-on that have their own echoing chambers), it's also legally worthless.

Yeah, very important work to white knight for justice. Hordes shall join

what did user mean by this?

new design is so ugly ugh


Post popular with friends

lol what is this


>circular avatars
This has gone too far. Why would they do this? It literally always looks stupid.
Cinemos pls save us


>ywn be popular with friends


Civil War>>>>>>>>Batman V Superman


Um duh

shit vs diarrhea

t. retarded embryo that hasn't been to a theater in 10 years

What would that have to do with anything?


#Horror is something else.

fart sniffer

what does that even mean?

Disgusting ratings. But still, I already had discarded #Horror because it looks cheap and dumb and has terrible reviews, but even when someone as suspicious as you is the person, this ridiculous high rating will force me to watch it. Of course, you're praising ironically but I still will be tricked and watch this probable 2/10. Ugh

turd burglar

But shit is objectively better than diarrhoea, unless you're using them externally for some other purpose.

Do you even think?


It's not like I'm holding a gun to your head. And how do you mean suspicious?

Reason why I liked the movie so much is because I was expecting it to be standard teen slasher crap. But it's not - it's an assault on the senses that seems to be designed to be as alienating to the audience as possible. It's extremely strange.

What compels you autists to act this way?

No u

When in Rome.

Hey, I'm all for trying new things and finding pearls. And a truly alienating film is what anyone who watches lots of things wishes to fall upon their heads. So, you're morally holding a gun to my head, but that's ok.

Damn that's a way better rebuttal than mine

I suspect you won't like it but I'm glad you're willing to give it a try.

I'm not saying it works the whole time, but the film is definitely more of a wannabe art film than straight horror. But it's like - digital art? Like a horror film with the production design of Spring Breakers done in the most in-your-face jarring way possible.

Yeah, it's truly humbling when somebody shows you such a strong shitposting game. It inspires you to better yourself.

Well, I don't mean to brag, but I am Australian.

Sorry for your loss.

not just yet