Nationalism thread

You may only post in this thread if you're a nationalist.

1: Your country
2: What makes you proud of it?

1: Sweden
2: Swedish empire, inventions and discoveries, base culture

Swedish empire?

>Swedish empire
A few acres of snow half the size of France with half the population of the Netherlands

Like what, meatballs and muh discovered elements that didn't actually contribute anything meaningful to chemistry - the study of reactions rather than the study of single elements?

>Base culture
Like the egalitarianism that was engrained in your culture ever since the viking age, explaining why you're the most eager to erase your own genetic footprint?

kek, this:

1.Check my flag and guess it.
2.Muh bro,Stephen the Great for fucking Turks in the ass.


1. flag
2. Based Leopold "need a hand?" II

Skåneland and provinces in germany were mostly non snow, taken by force from strong neighbors.


No we have nothing to be proud of but abusing slaves and destroying land and culture
We should be all killed

Also USA.

came to post this, saw based Belgian bro already did it

>Belgian nationalist
No such thing exists. You're either a Flemish nationalist or a Rattachist

kut Bataven

>1: Your country
t. a paki
you have to go back

The only unionist country has literally ONE seat. The biggest party in Flanders is a separatist one. The Walloons practically only vote for parties that focus on Wallonia.

1. Québec
2. Proud of speaking the most beautiful language of the world in a continent filled to the brim with the culture of degeneracy; the American culture (Anglo Canadian culture is pretty much non existant). Proud of muh higher HDI than France. Proud of our personnalities. Proud of muh hydroelectricity. Not proud of federalist cucks like the Trudeau family and everyone who voted "No" in 1995.

What's your problem m8, are you just butthurt we prefer staying with the kruidbroodjes rather than joining dude weed lmao country?


He's trying to hurt others national pride, tried it on me, failed. And now he's moved on to you

1. burger
2. burgers, winning wars for incompetent euros, removing kebab in record numbers, incomparable wealth, incomparable military strength, pretty much everything about it tbqh

I believe if we started ever listening to Batavians in the first place we's probably be second class citizens in the same country as those "people". So I guess he won't succeed with his shitty attempts

it's really funny just how butthurt Maghrebis get on the topic of France, while constantly demanding gibs of them

pretty much this

I'd also add that I'm proud of the fact that even being only 8 million people (of which there are AT LEAST 2 million 5th column anglos and immigrants), we still manage to produce great cultural exportations, and globally competitive research, development and technology. Not to mention that our PISA scores in math are the highest of any white country, and something like 3rd in the entire world. But for some reasons our PISA scores in reading are quite shit.

C-C-Can I migrate? I don't feel any nationalism for Norway

Can you feel nationalism for a country you moved to? Just a question

Have you watched skam? It's pretty good, you should feel proud.

Yeah if you integrate properly enough I assume you can.

No, I haven't watched SKAM. Only teenage girls do that.

1 Japan
2 only G7 country in asia
first developed country in asia
3rd largest GDP
first industrialized nation in asia
defeat russia and china at war
only country getting many nobel prize in asia
has many cutting edge techs

I agree with all of this, and many other points. I think there are many reasons to be proud of Japan, and frankly Japan seems to be one of the best countries in the entire world to live in.

However, I've heard that many Japanese feel ashamed like Germany because of WW2, that almost nobody in Japan is willing to defend Japan militarily, that almost nobody in Japan supports getting more aggressive to defend Japanese interests against China, and that people are unconcerned about demographic problems.

How true is this?

Do you speak French? If no,then no

1) America
2) Muh Freedom, muh Capitalism, muh Egalitarianism

no, need to give a list. We are best

1: Australia
2: Outside of the cities there is a great culture of mateship, working the land, larrakin, creativity and hard work.

I live in the South so I have to say the food and the people, Southern culture, architecture and hospitality is god-tier. Everyone here is nationalistic to an extent even in the inner cities filled with hipsters


>tfw proud nationalistic social democrat

1. denmark
2. our welfare system, our ingenuity, our culture



Those fucking Wallonian faggots almost ruined CETA. Fuck em.

Rightfully so, CETA was improved upon in the negotiations following that
t. not a Walloon

CETA is cancer and for the first time in over two decades I was proud to live in the same country as the Walloons. So fuck off leaf

1 Germany
2 Historical military prowess, history in general, rebuilding after the war, language, diversity and federalism, our true values (Prussian values, not the democracy and human rights bullshit that many modern Germans claim to be their values), achievements in science, poetry, and philosophy, it's where I truly feel at home

1: Your country
2: What makes you proud of it?

1: Iberia
2: Reconquest, Spanish Empire, victory against bolshevismous in the civil war


Glad we killed this thought in the civil war.

My country
It's my country

>Yeah if you integrate properly enough I assume you can.

Eh, yes, fellow countryman.