I enjoy films by Xavier Dolan

>I enjoy films by Xavier Dolan

This is what you do at night? Shitpost pictures of little kids with a tryhard unfunny greentext to accompany it?

>is a tripfag

Oh, makes sense.

Kill yourself.

Go to bed Xavier, it's late in Quebec

No one watches Dolan's movies unironically

Mommy is very good desu


Xavier, when's your next flick coming out?

Ta gueule, Xavier, Mommy etait une insulte au systeme de sante Quebecois en entier, et une glorification de la maladie mentale en plus.

That kid is /fa/ as fuck. His shoes probably cost more money than I make in a week.

That kid has rich parents and is going to get pummeled in middle school

If he has rich parents then he will go to a private school. Also rich kids don't get bullied. They get friends for free.

Mommy c'était moyen en crisse on s'entend
Tom à la ferme était meilleur

>that kid who went to school with big head mode on

I still can't understand why Sup Forums would possibly be annoyed with Xavier Dolan

What's to hate??

that kid has a big head

the kid looks like a complete twat.

his parents are twats dressing him up like such a jaded cosmopolitan materialist fag. it takes many years to lose so much to devolve into a 'person' of that type


you can tell he practiced that expression in the mirror for hours before going to that showing

Is that the youtube channel?

Why would you put glases onto your kid? His vision is perfect for his age.

they all do the head starts off normal size and the rest larges up to match it

Kill yourself, summerfag. We can spot you faggots a mile away.

Will he ever resolve his daddy issues? Will he ever make a different movie? I hate watch his stuff t.b.h.

>I'm not afraid of dying


he's the only good directer to emerge in the past 2 decades

>my favorite directors are fulci, jean rollin, argento and mario bava, as you can tell I'm not like other film buffs

Xavier casse-toi.

>can't even tie his shoes properly


>I enjoy the musical stylings of Neutral Milk Hotel

I've only seen J'ai tué ma mère and Mommy, both very similar. I was really impressed with Mommy. Need to get around to seeing some of his other films.

Why is Canada so bereft of good artists?
