/be nice to gr!mes/
2nd for our cute queen
not sure why grimes warrants all these threads.
it's bizarre.
She's the artist of the decade.
Which, considering the quality of music being released at the mainstream and non-mainstream levels, means fuck all even if that were true.
someone carefully explain to me how she isn't waifupop
>means fuck all even if that were true.
Means fuck all? Dude, you're dealing with the most important artist of this decade. That's important, like it or not.
what's considered important these days is taytay and booty minaj, shows what you know bro
Explain why she's artist of the decade. As a person, she comes across as extremely disingenuous. As an artist, she comes across as a low-rent, DIY Kate Bush.
I don't really care how many times that comparison has been made, or how many times Grimes has denied ever listening to Kate Bush. That's how it comes across.
Ignoring all of that, I've listened Visions and Art Angels and I don't see it as much more than bedroom produced synthpop
Because waifupop only exists in your head.
>considered important
>Completely missing the point
not sure why an anonymous imageboard warrants use of a tripcode
As I've already posted in another thread, my opinion holds more weight than a majority of the posters on this board. That's why.
can i have your tripcode when you die?
Absolutely not.
>my opinion holds more weight than a majority of the posters on this board
>Explain why she's artist of the decade. As a person, she comes across as extremely disingenuous. As an artist, she comes across as a low-rent, DIY Kate Bush.
All, false. She's the artist of the decade for a multitude of reasons, the most important being:
1. superb and innovative music: 4 excellent albums in a row + 1 excellent EP + lots of various songs
2. no one else did her kind of music before; do you know some real similar artists?
3. one of the few female producers and sound engineers that achieved notable success
4. one of the few artists that did everything in their music and achieved notable success
5. genuinely interesting person; there's a reason why people can't shut their mouths about her
6. very exciting live performer
7. respected by most critics, listeners with good taste in music and even many other musicians
8. she supports good things such as environment protection or helping people in need
9. complete artist: singing, songwriting, multi-instrumentalist, producer, sound engineer, model, visual artist, music video editor and director, dancer
>Ignoring all of that, I've listened Visions and Art Angels and I don't see it as much more than bedroom produced synthpop
Maybe you're just a pleb. Learn to analyze music on a deeper level. Her music isn't bedroom produced synthpop, but an immersive and emotional experience. If you don't get that, I'm afraid our conversation is useless.
In short, it's because I'm older than most of you at 27. I've heard more music than most of you. I can articulate what I like and why I like it better than most of you. I've had more "life" experiences than most of you. The familiarity of how music coincides with those as an art form is more familiar to me than it is to most of you (and don't be fooled, music and how it relates to your life is largely relevant).
How arrogant. If your opinion holds more weight than a majority of the posters on this board, why do you say so much crap such as ?
>Explain why she's artist of the decade.
Because she is leading the way amongst the current crowd of pop-star personalities in changing the ways people think about and - most importantly - go about making contemporary pop music.
>1. superb and innovative music: 4 excellent albums in a row + 1 excellent EP + lots of various songs
I fail to see anything innovative about her music. Apart from her voice (which isn't a particularly good thing), there is nothing that sets her apart.
>2. no one else did her kind of music before; do you know some real similar artists?
Yeah. It's like if you took Prefab Sprout, added vocal reverb, and replaced the vocals with a high pitched squawk.
>3. one of the few female producers and sound engineers that achieved notable success
Absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. You're appealing to emotion here.
>4. one of the few artists that did everything in their music and achieved notable success
I don't even know what this means.
>5. genuinely interesting person; there's a reason why people can't shut their mouths about her
Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
>6. very exciting live performer
Cannot speak to this since I haven't seen her live
>7. respected by most critics, listeners with good taste in music and even many other musicians
As were the fucking Eagles.
>8. she supports good things such as environment protection or helping people in need
Appealing to your political ideals. Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
>9. complete artist: singing, songwriting, multi-instrumentalist, producer, sound engineer, model, visual artist, music video editor and director, dancer
Respectable, but if the end product isn't remarkable (which in this case it isn't), it doesn't matter much.
what do you think are the greatest albums of all time?
No particular order:
Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller)
Lapsed (by Bardo Pond)
Lazer Guided Melodies
Transient Random Noise Bursts With Announcements
Dark Noontide
This is a slapped together list
May or may not be accurate
Classically trained professional musician (and author of ) who routinely preys on Grimes threads chiming in. Fwiw based on your listed criteria I am NOT a member of the 'most' category of people you mention.
The reason why I didn't start using a tripcode when I first found this cesspool was because: (A. It's a completely disingenuous system for author-identification since a user can selectively apply it to certain posts and not others, and (B. Thoughtful well-written opinions are capable of standing on their own two feet, regardless of what an author may have said/not said in the past.
i want to impregnant her
i want to fuck
fuck off.
>I fail to see anything innovative about her music. Apart from her voice (which isn't a particularly good thing), there is nothing that sets her apart.
That's just you.
>Yeah. It's like if you took Prefab Sprout, added vocal reverb, and replaced the vocals with a high pitched squawk.
So, your example is a fictional one. Name a real one, that could be verified right now.
>Absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. You're appealing to emotion here.
It's very relevant. An artist of the decade should be extraordinary in every way. This is one of those ways.
>I don't even know what this means.
It means that she's 100% in control over her music, from singing to artwork. How many artists with a reasonable success could claim that?
>Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
See my reply at #3.
>Cannot speak to this since I haven't seen her live
Moving on.
>7. respected by most critics, listeners with good taste in music and even many other musicians
>As were the fucking Eagles.
They weren't that respected. See the ratings of their albums of Wikipedia. Start with their debut:
I don't see anything huge rating here most of the time. Even their best album Hotel California received quite mixed reviews.
>Contemporary reviews indicate critics found the album well made; some found it patchy and unexceptional, others rated it highly. Robert Christgau felt it was their "most substantial if not their most enjoyable LP", while Charley Walters of Rolling Stone felt it showcased "both the best and worst tendencies of Los Angeles-situated rock".
>Appealing to your political ideals. Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
See my reply at #3. These aren't some abstract political ideals, but real, verifiable things.
>Respectable, but if the end product isn't remarkable (which in this case it isn't), it doesn't matter much.
FIFY: isn't remarkable to (You).
>I fail to see anything innovative about her music.
>It's like if you took Prefab Sprout, added vocal reverb, and replaced the vocals with a high pitched squawk.
Has someone else done this? If not, then that counts categorically as innovation - whether suited to your taste or not.
>Absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
It's completely relevant since it categorically sets her apart from anyone else currently doing what she's doing at her level of success.
>Cannot speak to this since I haven't seen her live
I have. She is an absolute BEAST - and I mean that in a good way, mind.
>As were the fucking Eagles.
Yes. Yes they were. And for very good reason, too.
>but if the end product isn't remarkable (which in this case it isn't)
Taste is subjective. Apparently she doesn't fit yours, which is fine. She happens to fit mine like a glove.
i want to fuck her
we know
*I don't see any huge rating
:( im so lonely
how about now?
Sorry to hear that, but fyi this thread isn't about you. Stay on topic.
:( sorry
heil grimes
So, no trace of synthpop / electronic music. And you're complaining about Grimes. Get into synthpop and then we're talking more.
BTW, I like these ones:
Lazer Guided Melodies
Transient Random Noise Bursts With Announcements
Again, this thread isn't about perverts like you.
Prot tip: If the subject of a sentence is some form of the 'I' pronoun, then it is in fact about you.
is that her?
No. It's a Brittish model by the name of Rory Manning.
thanks! I was really wondering
I hope Grimes is fine and confortable, sleeping well