No rekt thred? Rekt thred

No rekt thred? Rekt thred

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this gif triggered my psychosis.

not really an animal abuse guy.. but sure

Your mum triggered my psychosis

Ah yes, the Chinese. Hundreds of thousands of them here illegally, dumping snakeheads and killing bears for their gallbladders, destroying tigers because they still believe it will cure their tiny dick syndrome, and pull this kind of shit.

Yet it's Muslims and Mexicans and niggers that are destroying America.



Quads lol

IS is a bunch of shitheads
But there vids actually good.

What is that? A baby ?

some guy enhaled allot of nerve gas and went apeshit on a 4yo boytoy


Nope, talcum powder.




Its a reply or you'll die troll. Don't click


God bless

Yep, chinamen aren't human. They don't have empathy like people do.





>>btw nice.

I hate niggers, I hate Jews...

team reddit loses board game

the full video of this is gold

cock slapper

post link nigger.

anyone got the webm version of that one?



wait wait... what? I dont get why he did that?

saw image change and clicked off, didn't even read. gj faggot

I hate you.




Have you ever even seen a human, the skin is much lighter than that. More like milk than mud



Fucking hell Ahmed I told you not to use the intern



What was he actually thinking?

Rekt thread here


obligatory front flip

Why the fuck is that moron just sitting there?

Keep this shit going

fucking asians


Oh for the love of God.

keep that funny shit comming


Fucking niggers should just be deported


thank you sir

join the republican party and vote for Donald J. Trump then

This triggers me

Niggers must be burned, no way


I watched this entirely too long

I kek'd

This webm is boring now

fuck you


Nobody can talk shit on china, trump knows where to stop.

You fools. Dont click

Mondays, am i right?

for allah. l am going to heaven now, all l need to do is chop off some heads now




fuck off



l wish this kinda stuff would happen to me, haha goes to show that you should always have situational awareness. Don't be scared to look shook one

kek at that last immigrant. first choice of action is to take a bottle and throw it at truck xD

Man, what a fucking loser. So alpha, killing a kitten...hardcore bruuuh

dance dance revolution

If Op doesnt reply to this reply the effects of the curse will be reversed to his shitty foo foo ass famiry

oh boy i got spooked



Fuck off faggot

lol same... my head hurts..

Killing animals is just plan wrong. They are the only life form that you can trust to be by your side

theyre also fake as fuck

fuck you mutter fucker

You spelt executed wrong
Anyone with 1/16th of a brain would vote for Donald Trump


Kek'd, well played.

damnit! replied

doin gods work
