Nintendo will independently produce a movie in the next two to three years:

Nintendo will independently produce a movie in the next two to three years:

After the news about theme parks and mobile games, it's obvious Nintendo has learned to stop holding their properties so close to their chests. Branching into as much shit as possible is fine, they're probably just trying to recoup the Wii U or create some fail safes in case the NX is another blunder, but I really can't see Mario or Zelda translating well into film. Video games in general have a hard time adapting into the big screen, and something like Mario has such a paper thin plot to begin with, that adding too much to it would create box office poison (their first attempt comes to mind). A Nintendo film division is likely doomed before it even starts.

And no this isn't Sup Forums-related.

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Wreck it ralph 2 ft mario bros


Zelda would translate to film just fine

You mean cartoon?


>I really can't see Mario or Zelda translating well into film
Same. LEGO Movie sucked ass. It just doesn't work. Especially for games like Mario which don't have any stories or even characters that talk.

>Protag who doesn't say a thing

Zelda series itself doesn't have interesting lore to go by anyway

Cant wait for the company wars of Nintendo vs other vidya movies

Can you name single modern nintendo game with real story and not one-dimensional characters?

Will the shared universe crossover movie be brawl or mario kart?

Did you see the """"""""Story"""""""" in the wii smash game? it's horrendous

That Ratchet & Clank movie is the most recent example of how adaptions just don't work. A lot of games rely on gameplay to drive the plot, and if you take that away then you're left with a boring experience that simply won't work as a standalone movie.

>Lego Movie Sucked
>No one talked in any Mario game
High or Bait?

Better story than 90% of capeshit

That's a dumb fucking statement

Adaptions work if you make them work, if you figure shit out

If it doesn't work out, it's just a shitty adaption
But that kind of blanket statement that you can't make something like Mario or Zelda work is just straight up retarded

I can see it now, Adam Sandler is a Blitzball coach in a lighthearted family comedy made in a disney/squareenix collaboration movie.

Pray tell what the 10% you consider is good

is ghouls n ghosts nintendo?

I'd watch a Van Helsing/Mummy comfy movie like that.

Can you not type like a retard and say what you mean instead

>No one talked in any Mario game
Yahoo, Wararara, Oh - do not count m8.

I want a film with an adventurous light hearted tone. Where there is little character development and it's one whole journey of enjoyment.

this isn't comfy. I don't even know what the word means exactly. Help me I've memed to much. Buzzword after buzzword. Help me.

comfy doesn't mean dogshit, it's just used by retards to justify shit taste without having to explain why they liked it.

You could've just removed comfy from your original post and it would've maked much more sense.

Cause I know from having watched Van Helsing and Mummy that they are as you explained

>I want a film with an adventurous light hearted tone. Where there is little character development and it's one whole journey of enjoyment.

Also Van Helsing > Mummy

Then what of Okie Dokie, Letsa Go, and Mario Get You Next Time?

Mummy 2 >Van Helsing > Mummy

Scorpion King > Any Mummy movie

Sup Forums needs people like you to keep people in check. Encourage lurking etc etc.

Cheers user, one for the books eh.

Then why did the Mummy get 2 sequels? :^) . Van Helsing had great casting and an enchanting setting though.

You take that back
It was pure videokino

This is just b8 now.

>Mario is the only character
>What is SMRPG?

Sonic movie when? It is like Sega do not want all that money from autistic children.

I stand by that opinion, The Rock was the perfect cast for that type of lighthearted adventure movie, and had better a overall better pacing than the mummy movies

>Mario is the only character
Try to make Mario movie without mario.
And mario as character just not very well defined, heck, even world he lives in not defined at all.

It's just lifeless dolls being totally silent, maybe giving a grunt or two while shit is going on around them, afraid of giving any characters dialogue and just a big mess, doesn't help that the """"story"""" is shit either

Sorry m8, but i think Scorpion King total shit, not even watchable. Typical action flick you will forget 5 minutes after.

Sega is already making more money from Sonic Boom than from videogames

>Try to Make Mario Movie without Mario
That was totally what I said.
If the best you have are strawmen, we're done.

I'm genuinely perplexed why it hasn't happened.

>mario rpg
>that one game only hipsters know about

You're opinion a shit

They could just make a animated movie and autists would larp it up even if it looked like that Donkey Kong animated show

Why would Nintendo ask Americans to make an animated Zelda series?

Can you name last japanese 3d cartoon you watched?

>3d cartoon
You mean cgi right?

>tfw we get Mario, Zelda and Metroid films
>tfw we get a team up film with constant fanservice and cameos by other characters
>tfw NCU

Metroid is the only property that I could see them being able to pull off.

But she's a blonde beautiful tall white female, it's too privileged and might remind people how superior aryan women are, gonna have to change a thing or two

Weren't they trying to say she was a tranny a few months back?

I can't name any Japanese cartoons, period, unless we're talking about pre-60s stuff. And I don't think I've ever seen a 3D cartoon done by anyone.

>Giving a single fuck about SJWs
Top Kek

My penis needs to know if it's fem to male or the worst one

Kinda like what Nintendo is doing then?

Nah, I think only SJWs were saying that.

Guys, if they will make metroid adaptation, it will be based in pic.

Haven't they just released that Ratchet movie?

It was sony and movie bombed.

Drive was pretty good senpai


>Game studio that develops games renowned for their gameplay and have always had the thinnest of plots decides they're going to make content that depends tremendously on strong stories

I can't wait to see the epic adventures of a plumber going to a castle for cake or some shit.

Derp de derp de diddly dee.

Get Ridley Scott to make a Metroid movie and MAYBE I am interested.

Seriously everything else is either stupid or generic.

Saving Private Ryan

Let's see how Ass creed does first

wii u made them money even though it sold so few
it wasn't a financial loss

As long as they keep Hollywood and their bullshit as far away as possible from producing the films, they should be okay.
The reason Wreck it Ralph worked, is because it doesnt feel like a Hollywood thing.
A Mario movie could work if they get a good indie director, and keep the bright colors in a movie with substance.
Mario doesnt have to make sense, just be fun and epic.

>Ryan Gossling as Link
Now I'm interested

They should make a Mario movie where Mario and Luigi are working class plumbers in New York during its most violent years. Peach is a prostitute with a heart of gold. Mario and Luigi get tangled up with organized crime, and they kidnap Peach and give Mario a lethal dose of hallucinogenic mushrooms. Mario, with only hours left to live, races against time and through his own twisted plumbing and mushroom-themed hallucinations to save Peach. It's a gritty, violent and nihilistic journey into the darkness of the human soul.

Mario "talks".
Just look at the M&L games. All he says is gibberish along with Luigi, but other characters seem to understand.

They pretend to understand. They're just humoring him. None of the events in the Mario games actually happen, if you know what I mean.

Mario has the deepest lore in gaming.

Fuck you, Mario Mario!

>Fire Emblem
>Punch Out

>Donkey Kong
>Animal Crossing
>Star Fox

The truth is, Zelda can't adapt to shit. The problem isn't that the story is minimal. Skyward Sword's story actually has some substance to it. The problem isn't even that Link is a silent protagonist. The problem is that the Zelda games HAVE NO CHARACTERIZATION. You can't really describe the personalities of most Zelda characters, because they don't have personalities. There are a few exceptions(Midna, Groose, etc.) but the main recurring characters like Link, Zelda, and Ganon are all just blank slates. Link = Generic hero. Zelda = Generic princess. Ganon = Generic evil warlord.

They could probably adapt it the same way they did those mangos a decade back. Granted it's been like a decade since I've read them so they were probably shit for all I know

Agree with you, with the exception being Windwaker. All three of the Triforce characters have deep characterization. Even fucking Link.

Twilight Princess was such a huge step back, in multiple respects. Haven't played a Zelda since.

Dumb. The problem is that movie was an awful commercial for the game and deviated a lot from the source material.

>hurrr how could disney ever make succesful movies the story of mickey mouse is just too thin

I mean the fact that link has been so many characters and there have been so many different Zelda universes would just mean they could easily invent a movieverse Zelda.

More freedom makes it easier to adapt and not harder.

Nintendo cinematic universe incoming

They don't have to cross over like Marvel, but the end credit scene for each one could build to a Smash Bros movie.