Selections from the 2016 republican platform:

selections from the 2016 republican platform:

>re-institute the ban on gay marriage
>no restrictions on guns
>completely anti-pornography
>fucking coal and oil are good "clean resources"
>no abortion ever
>largest tax cut for the wealthy in history
>in business, religious belief = law
>even higher defense budget
>only save christian refugees from ISIS
>international religious freedom only for christians
>get rid of the fucking IRS
>bible studies in all public schools
>teach abstinence instead of sex education
>limit people's ability to sue health care providers for malpractice

are you idiots still voting for trump?

Other urls found in this thread:[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf

God bless

never did, never thought to, but build the wall meme was created cuz of him


Okay, now try actually reading the Republican platform and get back to us, lying faggot.

It's all about opinions. Trump for life you fucking liberals.

Trump is basically pure evil, but you're a huge faggot. Virtually none of anything you wrote is actually part of the official GOP platform.

here is the GOP platform you dumb pieces of shit, and you can also go read Trump's platform[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf

read and weep you stupid faggots

yeah OP, you show those city slickers who's boss


You might as well make shit up about repubs, cnn, msnbc, and all the other left wing channels do.

i posted a link faggot go read the platform and stop blindly following like a fcking barn animal

He only want to remove Federal funding, it would still be available, just more more free ride, sorry socialists.

>Gay marriage
No loss there, gays are such a small part of the population they don't matter. Also, faggots can go fuck themselves anyway.

Gun laws only keep law-abiding citizens from owning guns, it does nothing to keep them from criminals.

> Pornography
They're only talking about child porn.

>Coal, oil
Need to get energy from somewhere while solar plants are built, ideals are nice but we live in reality.

>Tax cuts for the rich

Businesses are private entities and can have whatever policies they want, it is and always has been their right. No one is making anyone work for those with religion-based rules and policies.

GOOD, this is the right decision.

>Christians and ISIS
Seeing as how Muslim refugees all too frequently turn out to be rapists OR TERRORISIt IN DISGUISE this is the right decision.

>International blah blah
It's not America's job to police the world, what happens to people elsewhere is only our problem if we are invited to intervene.

Good riddance.

>Bible studies
As an elective, in high school. Nice try.

Sex ed is the parent's job, not the school's. Be happy schools are doing anything at all.

>Health care
Americans are too eager to sue over things they should not, cracking down on people who abuse the system only helps the honest ones with real problems.

I'm sorry OP, did you think the length of the document would scare people into not reading it? I guess it's too bad that Ctrl+F is a thing. Like people have been telling you, you're full of shit.

It sounds almost as horrible as an SJW-police state, except this way it makes all the whiney teenagers cry.

Also, he never said anything about banning gay marriage, you didn't even listen to the damn speech did you?

You're reading between the lines and finding bullshit lies.

heard this all before kid. every election the lies from the left are brought out and presented as fact.
tell me zit face when GWB was president with total republican control of congress were any of these proposals of yours ever brought to the floor?
I mean I know you were in diapers back then but try to think hard son.
or you could just call me an inbred Trump supporter and prove your stupidity.

most of those are good things. the rest are lies on your part.

Tax cuts for the rich is yeah no? What the fuck are you even trying to say?

nah more like liberal overreaction to one comment.

>Amazon web personal web hosting....

nice try / 10, but I actually watched the convention on C-SPAN (no commentators telling you how to "interpret what they meant").

>but Hillary pays me to post this stuff on Sup Forums

Find me direct quotes about all those things. Not "if you read the platform with lefty bullshit googles on it might kinda seem like that maybe'

you are retarded and clearly didn't read the platform shithead

What I said was right, try actually looking at it

>gun laws don't stop criminals
>no loss on gay marriage
>renewable energy not readily available
>muslims are bad
>we need even more defense money
>ignoring the point about bias for christians
>good riddance to corporation that keeps people from cheating their taxes or welfare

good job letting pence shove his hand in your ass you stupid piece of shit, you don't even know what you're voting for AND you're ignorant to the actual problems

Wait, he's anti-porn? Dafuq? That alone would cause a civil war.

I posted a link and if you want to come in with your stupid fucking confirmation bias go ahead, the lnik is a fucking pdf to the actual document and it says all these things you ignorant twats

It doesn't say tax cuts for the rich, it says better tax policies in general, some taxes will be cut, some will be increased, to better serve the needs of the government whitout putting an undue burden on people.

there isn't a single quote about "clean resources"
I'm going to assume the rest of what you said are also lies.

>no restrictions on guns


From what I remember, it read


If the Democrats start talking about following the 2nd Amendment I might start voting for them. All they've done in the past 30 years is try to ban as many guns as possible.

Yep. Mainly because I dislike the homosexual agenda and minorities.

Other than that, Trump can fuck off.

Sorry libtard, but all those things are true.

It's literally in bigger font than the rest of the document you fuckwit, good try, now actually read it

the stupidity of the US people is so insanely dangerous. All other countries are looking at your politics and shaking their heads not only in disbelief at the widespread ignorance that seems to plague your nation. but the fact that you are about to elect a man who might as well be an uneducated 12 year old boy. he is simply one of the most dangerous and stupid men that have ever attempted to gain control of your country. lol have fun living in that shithole! im glad im not american

>read the PDF that i made.... honest it's legit.

Yeah all your faggy points have been refuted by those that have read it. This user sums it up better than I could

Get back to plowin, Cletus and keep your dick away from your sister

you're an idiot

are you serious? look it up you stupid piece f shit it's like the first fucking google result

What shit tier euro warzone are you from?

Please don't come to the UK when your country goes to shit, we have too many immigrants as it is.

you didn't read it, so how do you know? You're the kind of person who actually should die, society would benefit and tbh Sup Forums would benefit

>Get back to plowin, Cletus and keep your dick away from your sister

Why are leftists so racist?

You oppose them and all they say is REDNECK, SISTER-FUCKER, CLETUS as racial perjoratives.

Imagine if you tried to shut someone up by saying YEAH OK JAMAL, GO ROB ANOTHER CORNER STORE.

And then insert that next time when you hear a leftists call someone a redneck, inbred, or Cletus.

Lol have fun choking on unrestricted Muslim cock. Fix your fucking country first, Europoor

I'm American. I agree with you. We are basically fucked to hell. All I can be grateful for now is that I am healthy and Caucasian.

>re-institute the ban on gay marriage
Nope. He said he would like to kick it back to where the states decided, but now it's the law of the land it harms nobody. It's a nonissue.

>no restrictions on guns
No more restrictions on guns. There are enough oppressive laws in place and they need to be rolled back.

>completely anti-pornography
Covered by the 1st Amendment. Evangelicals are a loud minority and nothing more.

>fucking coal and oil are good "clean resources"
May not he the cleanest, but reforms can make them better and there's a heavy American industry for them. Self-sufficiency and getting away from having to worship Arabs for oil.

>no abortion ever
Again, already decided by the SCOTUS.

>largest tax cut for the wealthy in history
Cut taxes for everyone in addition to reducing spending. More money for Americans means more money to contribute to the economy.

>in business, religious belief = law

>even higher defense budget
Some money will be freed up once the US has to stop spending money to protect Allies that cannot protect themselves (See the NATO 2% GDP goal as an example).

>only save christian refugees from ISIS
Wrong. Eliminate ISIS so that they cannot harm anybody.

>international religious freedom only for christians

>get rid of the fucking IRS
By simplifying how taxes work.

>bible studies in all public schools
When I was in school we were taught about numerous religions and how their beliefs impact nations/ regions. This was part of the standard HS Global studies classes.

>teach abstinence instead of sex education
Both viewpoints should be taught. And were, at least where I went. This is in New York state.

>limit people's ability to sue health care providers for malpractice
If it helps get rid of an overly-litigious society then I welcome it. People wouldn't have to sue for malpractice if they were allowed to have competent doctors instead of being forced to endure whatever Obamacare said they could have.

Go ahead and look at this as well as trump's platform and if you don't see it then you can look it up because it's all over the fucking news that this is the highest wealthy tax cut ever

>completely anti-pornography

WE MUST DEFEAT TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol, when you can't say retard.

Or else his government will jail him




How about you get your libtard ass out of Sup Forums you clearly dont belong here


Trump's plan actually cuts taxes across the board. Wealthier folks make more and will see a bigger cut due to the percentage of income. Sorry faggot, it's called math. 1% of $100 = $1, 1% of 1,000,000,000 = 10,000,000.


>Gun laws
Criminals already don't follow the law, so why do you think more restrictions would change that?

>Gay marriage
Yeah, pretty much.

Read what I say next time, retard. We need energy NOW so we're not living in the dark ages UNTIL renewable energy infrastructure is built. Do you have any idea how hard energy companies oppose renewable energy? It cuts into their profits. In some places the law was changed to they don't have to pay for power put back into the grid from privately owned solar panels.

Are ALL Muslims bad? Of course not. But until the ones that ARE bad have giant glowing arrows over their heads so we can pick them out, how about we not allow them to get away with mass murder and rampant rape?

>Defense money
Yes. America, because liberals insist we police the world, is in danger almost constantly. We need to be able to defend ourselves. I would rather we NOT have a big target on our heads, but I didn't set policy in the 60's and put us in this shit sandwich.

>Bias for Christians
Yeah, because Christians are less likely to be sleeper cell terrorists. It's still the best way to handle it.

The IRS has never been anything but a waste of time and money, with a simpler tax code (which is also in that document) we wouldn't need them at all, because fraud wouldn't be so easy.

Try not to let the rightness of the right wing twist your panties so much.

>it's all over the fucking news
It's being mis-reported by the fucking news.

You mean to tell me the news reports on how I should think, instead of reporting on the facts and discussions with all sides on the issue?

Then doesn't that mean tax cuts for the poor as well? Checkmate, faggot.

Read the fucking document. They want to overturn the legalization of gay marriage, stop funding and provisions for abortions, cut taxes for the wealthy to "increase jobs" even though that is disproven, allow christian store owners to discriminate against whoever they wish, and they only discuss the option of christian refugees and civilians to assist. They want bible study in particular to be mandatory.

jesus christ at least read the fuckin thing before refuting me you dumb asshole

Why the fuck should we be encouraging every dumb slut to have 5 abortions by the time their 25 anyway? Ending a human life shouldnt be that cheap.

Oh, by being objective and criticizing these obviously ridiculous and radical points in the doc, I"M THE ONE BLINDLY FOLLOWING MY PARTY?

What about you saying most muslims are terrorists, or that we can't transition to renewable energy now? Or that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed? fuck you dude, you're a blind conservative and a fucking idiot.

also bonus points for making it obvious you still didn't read the doc

lol most Sunnis belong under tank treads the Serbs taught us this

statement of what is fact is not misreporting. I've even seen it stated by a senator on Bill Maher. You think automatically it's being misreported when you still haven't read the doc and haven't seen Trump's platform AND news outlets with legit info are reporting it. Dumbass.

They know nothing,

What about if someone wants ONE abortion because they were raped or got pregnant by accident while using protection and can't support a child?

Not to mention a fetus isn't a fucking child you fucking horse's ass

I've read it and watched all of Rep convention. I want Trump as president. Why would I pretend to not know what sort of policies he would implement?

you see, here is the thing you people dont get about taxes.
>What libtards think
Ey mate we get yer income and spend it on free weed and hookers! Now go on work for us more, because wealth distribution is not a "equal" enough yet!
Join us at the live interview of closing down of another major corporation in the US which is moving itself to Ireland/Switzerland/Whateverthefuckcountrywithnocrazytaxrate
Reporter:Why do you hate america so much?
CEO: Well, make simply cannot keep working with the current tax rate
Reporter: So you are a greedy capitalist pig!
CEO: well it takes money to run a business, and it takes incentive to grow. I can work in a macdonalds now and earn as much as i do now, what is the point of this company existing then?
Reporter:To give jobs to society! To create wealth and prosperity for the country!
CEO: Well let somebody else do it, why do i have to work for free

Well you are the one making up outright lies about the Right, so...yeah.

I never said most Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim. It's a shit solution to a shit situation, but it's better than what we're doing now. I already said why we're not switching now, because energy companies would make less money, so they aren't building the solar plants. As for the gays, I honestly do not care. Gay people mean nothing to me. Whether they get special treatment, or are stuffed into death camps for extermination, it means nothing to me. They simply don't matter either way.

Sorry kid, but I did read it, and that's how I know you're full of shit.

Really? Cause it seems like I know more about what you're voting for than you do you stupid, self-righteous, ignorant conservative neckbeard

>to better serve the needs of the government whitout putting an undue burden on people.

You're pretending TO know, just like 85% of the shitbags in this thread

>got pregnant by accident while using protection and can't support a child?
Tough shit. Start a GoFundMe if your that desperate to stop a baby being born. Or, you know...put it up for adoption. Plenty of people desperate for a child and we're funding snuffing them out.

Since when did Sup Forums get overrun with faggy liberals?

You clearly didn't, and by bringing up points that weren't in it and defending points they didn't make, I see that. You didn't read shit, you would just like to make yourself appear smarter, but you aren't. So if that's it, I invite you to stop talking until you've actually read it or become less of a self-important asshole.

Even if they overturn gay marriage, most states would still vote for it. It's on the bottom of list of things to worry about. Churches are not forced to recognize it or hold the ceremony.

People should learn responsibility and if there's a risk of unwanted pregnancy, not have sex. Or at least take precautions. Taxpayer money should not go to things that many disagree with and that

Can you prove that this economic style cannot work? The Democrats propose keeping things the same, which clearly has not worked.

And store owners should be able to do what they want. It's their business and livelihood- a smart business owner would not alienate potential customers, but it's their freedom to do so. Or do you believe that every single business must accept every view point or face legal action?

I don't blame people for not wanting to accept Muslim refugees. Many of them move only to try to spread their ideology.

The Bible study thing is moot point. Again, just Evangelicals virtue signaling. The Bible is already studied in schools along with the basics of every other major religion.

Do you feel better insulting people who disagree with you?

>get rid of the fucking IRS
That one sounds interesting. They mean to put taxation authority under DHS?

>They want to overturn the legalization of gay marriage
They want it to be decided at a state level, which is as it should have always been. You shouldnt force 'progress' down people's throats.

There's plenty of children in adoption already. You're saying you would rather put a child through the foster system? You're a sick and ignorant piece of shit. Why not stop a baby being born if it's just gonna be a burden? Who cares about a lump of fucking cells? I'm talking about killing a lump of cells, YOU are talking about ruining a child's life.

You forgot a few.

>make marijuana illegal federally and rollback all state legalizations of the drug.
>raise the legal drinking age to 25
>eliminate the minimum wage


>gays are such a small part of the population
Yeah, but so many of them are closeted Republicans.


Sounds great, when can I go vote?

Then lets pump more money into the foster care system instead of funding and encouraging abortions.

No I feel better insulting people who are wrong, and who try to argue with imaginary points. You still haven't read the document, and you can stop being a pretentious fuck and pretending to be smarter and more mature than me.

>They want bible study to be mandatory and not basic, but in particular
>abortion is important for people who "protection" fails. Saying "don't have sex" is fucking ridiculous
>discrimination is never ok, and if you are someone who practices it don't start a fucking business then

Do you feel better pretending to know what you're talking about?

I personally believe we should keep abortion as it is, the womb is the most dangerous place for a black child.

So you're saying that gay people should put their futures in the hands of homophobes? Are you retarded?

you should always force progress down peoples throats

What is it with "forcing things down people's throats" and you people?
Closet much?
Suck a dick, you'll feel better.

Eliminating the minimum wage is only going to hurt losers who don't work towards making themselves more valuable as a worker. Anyone who plans their life around minimum wage is pathetic. 12 years of school in America are free, take advantage of that. Get out of your basement once and a whole and learn a trade you lazy Democrats and niggers.

Foster care is bad for children and abortion is not. Stop being insensitive and try thinking about the fucking children you're talking about dude

>faggots can go fuck themselves

yep, i heard that in his convention speech. i was actually considering voting for him, but this one was a dealbreaker.

voting for hillary now.

High school education won't get you shit, you redneck fuck. Minimum wage is a fucking paradise for stupid dropouts like you. What do you do? Landscaping? Fucking hick.

>12 years of school in America are free

Wow. Projecting, much?

>their futures
They can literally drive to the next state and get married.


I don't have to bring up points in the document in order to talk about them, kid. Also, every reply you address fewer and fewer points I make, every single one you ignore is another concession. You've already lost. Hell, you never bothered replying to my responses on abortion, malpractice suits or porn. Why? Because you knew you had no argument to make.

Why should they have to do that? So you can feel better knowing that they have to work harder to be happy?

Then let's make it better for children instead of shruging our shoulders and getting the vacuum out.

>republicans actually said this

>96 + posts / 37 posters

literally all of it is