Medfags of Sup Forums I have a question for you. Last night I was woken up because it felt like my face was on fire...

Medfags of Sup Forums I have a question for you. Last night I was woken up because it felt like my face was on fire. Kinda like when your foot "falls asleep", but much, much worse. The best way I can think to describe it was either having your skin peeled off, of the worst sunburn of your life. On a 1-10 pain scale, I can conservatively put it at a 9. Aside from this, I had a slight tingling much more akin to your foot "falling asleep" on the back of each elbow. The areas were about a half dollar in size and itched more than hurt. After about 10 min the pain started to subside, but the tingling spread to the fist digit of each thumb, and my knees, to a lesser degree of what it was on my elbows. About 5min after that the pain in my face changed to a tingling, and the tingling on mu thumb "diffused" to my hands, and the tingling in my knees did the same with my legs, again to a lesser degree. About 5 min. later the only remaining "tingling" was in my face, so I went back to bed. My face was very slightly red, but other then that appeared normal.

Things that helped: Cold stuff.
Things that hurt: Bending over or in any way increasing blood flow

A few other things. It could be a coincidence, but I normally sleep on my side. When I woke up from this I was laying on my back. About an hour after this I layed on my back again (due to an ear infection) and the pain started to some back immediately. However now I can lay on my back just fine.

Picture obviously unlrelated, but I feel I should at least post some tits in exchange for information. I'll keep bumping this thread with some tits, then move on to random images.

Other urls found in this thread:








I'll move on to random stuff now.


And if anyone has a request for something let me know and I'll see what I can do.



Any of ladies with huge tits spilling out of bra/top?

One of my favs user. Have some more tits.

I have very few clothed ones, but I'll check.,


This is among my top 5 of clothed pics I have.

jesus fuck sauce on any of theese?


Yeah this barely counts and sadly I'm out. Unless there are further requests I'm going to blindly click on pics from my Sup Forums folder now.

Sup Forums, sadly.

That's fucking beautiful, user. Thanks.

last = filename
second to last = jenn kaelin
third last = penny underbust

Checked and NP. Now for some efukt.

Just one more request. Got any heavy hangers?

truly a crime. godamn user. godamn.

I love you user.
As in large tits? Or ones that hang low?




Big tits that hang down as the woman is on all fours, leaning forward, etc.

So no one know why it skin was on fire? It can't be that uncommon...

That is hot as fuck.




Ah. No, apparently. As a side note to anyone who wants to make a request I have a wide variety of content. On the non-porn side I have things like FBF, YLYL cancer, infographics, etc. On the porn side I have Huge tits, ass, public use, trap/tranny etc. As far as /h/ goes I have things like public use, ntr, bb, m/f rape, some beheadings, etc. None of its organised though. None of it. So feel free to make a request anons!

Good thing there is more.



Oh. Sometimes it also sound like there are pop rocks in my spine. Anywho, that does it for the efuckt pics.



God was angry/they the worst kind of identity blocker on the internet.





25% chance

that is a cool story but what do you want? you never state what you are giving us tits for

looks like you had a small seizure btw, could have been fever related due to the ear infection, could have been a blood cloth that dissolved itself

better get checked out.

Oh. Why did this happen? Should I be worried?

Nigga go see a doctor.

Internet says 1/16 because the order of the heads is unkown due to the wording. I regret posting it.

Okay, I'll take some public use and any more insertion/expulsion you may have. Thanks user. All I have is tame stuff on my phone.

I can't for a few weeks.

We can't tell why why it happen but you should go to the FUCKING DOCTOR.
Unless your the all might bootleg doctor in my town just go to a real doctor.

As far as public use goes, I only have it in /h/ format. Is that ok or do you want something else?

That's fine.

dont know, yes

its what could cause paralisys, it could be nothing but in the off chance there is something seriously wrong with you... do you want to take the risk and wake up paralised in one side of your body one day?

if you are lucky its nothing, just a hickup in your nerve system or as i said a bad fever reaction

usually stuff like this is blood cloths in the brain that dissolved, next one could again be nothing or paralise you for life, or kill you...

or could be cancer, not even kidding, nerve or brain cancer is a possibility even if unlikely.

Due to the fact you had an ear infection my money is on fever due to the ear infection, but you should have noticed you had a fever then... and you havent talked about that.

Either way, im not your doctor just a dude on the internet that works as a nurse. get yourself checked out for it.

I am going to one, just not for a while for reasons. I wanted to know if I need to go earlier, which could be costly.


It could be shingles. It attacks the nerves and you will feel a burning sensation but it only come if you had chickenpox in your life time. Better get checked out

Yeah no fever. Well if it happens a few more times before I see one I'll go early. Thanks for the help user.


I honestly want to know how those band aids are keeping her pussy open. Band aids just aren't sticky enough and the minute they get wet they peel right off.

My mom had that, but to her it was constant. Good idea though, I hadn't thought of that, and I am at risk for it.
Check this

Fucking right? It has always irked me.

Will do, thanks.


do you smoke/drink ?
Headache always at the same area ?
runny nose, teary eye ?

What the fuck do people on this website for trolls communicate through pictures of women or something!! ?

OP read up on cholinergic urticaria.

I get what you described on your face, except on my entire body, every time my body temperature rises (even just by doing phisical activity, nervousness or by ingesting spicy food or alcohol).
It's pure hell.

I do have " ...characterized by recurrent, severe headaches on one side of the head, typically around the eye" but it also is unilateral at times, I have light sensitivity, nausea, and I sometimes pass out. And I don't have eye swelling or watery eyes. But I'm pretty sure that's all unrelated to this.


Though after a bad head cold a few years back my sinuses are always inflamed (feels like a stuffy nose) when I wake up. I was on prednisone once for an infection that helped, but it came right back once I got off of it.

Holy shit that sounds awful. I'll do that later since that sounds like it could take time and I promised pics. Thanks user.


It's only polite to give something in return for a favor user. Only asshats ask for help on Sup Forums without something in return.


> Be Medfag
> read Shitty post
> It's trigeminal neuralgia

Thanks for the porn!

Shit, it's starting to burn a little again...

Carbon monoxide poisoning

That sounds like it has merit. For the first two days of this ear infection, my TN hurt like a bitch. I couldn't even chew. I'll read up on that more later. Thanks again Sup Forums, you've been really helpful.


Oh, no worries then.




Shit. uh..woops. I'll check the thumbnails better next time.




I forgot I had some of this stuff.


These capthcas are making me fucking hungry.




Pictures oftwn show weird skin stuff, but for me it's almost always just the pain and red skin, so keep that in mind