Post ur cunts special forces

Post ur cunts special forces.

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Tbf most of healthy food are shit.


Madmax buggy?

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only if you're a NEET who doesn't know how to cook

Healthy i mean the industrialized ones, like the vegan food.

I eat a lot of fruit and grains.



Best Special forces in Central America.

But these days the police special forces seem to be better equiped.

Equipment doesn't matter much if they do a good job.

Tacticoolness =/ good

Thank you. Reminder that vegetarians and vegas are the only master race.

Fish, Poultry, and dairy are all good, too.

How do you even get up your bed?

Fish and dairy, yes. Poultry, no.

Why not Poultry?

What's your everyday meal then?

Poultry industry is a heavy polluter besides taking a good part of the farmland that could be otherwise used either to feed humans or given back to nature.

I thought that was with the massive beef and pork industries.

There shouldn't be any issue with free-range birds.
You can literally (And legally) raise a chicken in your back yard and sustain a population for generations, even from scratch.

I just don't eat meat, poultry and dairy products. I still eat fish ( I will stop tho), the rest are vegetables, cereals etc..

Are you just veggie or full vegan?

>I thought that was with the massive beef and pork industries
Poultry too, for example, a big part of the amazon rainforest is cut down because big landowners want to plant soy to feed Brazil's poultry industry, the 2nd biggest in the world. Do we really must have such an inneficient diet based on feeding another animal than killing him just to get nutrients when we could just feed ourselves directly?

I will go full vegan soon, but I like my bacalhau.

lol you won't then.

be positive.

>Do we really must have such an inefficient diet based on feeding another animal than killing him
There's plenty of eggs to harvest in between, which are important for many other things than eating them straight. A small population of hens can provide plenty of nutrients (And future chickens) before it needs to be slaughtered. I agree that mass factory farming should come to an end, but if someone can raise their own food supply, then that's fine.

Our navy is better remember us in the 16th century? this is us now

If you love fish so much, it's quite impossible.

Even though there are studies that shows that fish don't feel pain, so you won't feel that much of guilty.

>not knowing that's a submarine drone

Have more faith, Magalhães.



>chinese womyn

Really far with the meme eh?

The OG



had a kek


Special forces are not about the equipment guatemalanon

Why the masks all the time tho?

Members of the SAS/SBS aren't allowed to reveal their identity, not even to their families because they become targets

I mean gasmasks, why not a normal balaclava.

They mostly do nowadays

Gas masks were an 80's thing

Were they around for the Falklands war?

And she has a fucking bear trap of all things for her ability.

Pic related are actual jtf2.

Cool mustache

Oh cool.

Seems that it's the standard nowadays for Naval special forces to never reveal their identity. It's the same here.

Must be weird when your family or friends ask what do you do for living.

Yeah and i fucking hate it when i fall for it.

Nice mustache :D


Your map is so shit, just like all favelas. Very fitting.

The fuck is happening here?

Army Commandos
Our army SF use M4s (usually)

Also here is a youtube channel run by what I'm 95% sure is a commando, as he always has a mask on and has a video of him training with an M4, only SF use M4s in Aus army.

thats our 'swat' tho, for local stuff. pic related is the navy special forces, and yes they were around

>he cannot ino favela strats

lmao stay noob

>special air service
What the hell are you smoking, huemonkey?

caveira got that ass though

Why are they wearing camo?

Tell me where did the brazilian touched you.

>Must be weird when your family or friends ask what do you do for living.

Except in Brazil, you only join special forces to show off and fuck girls. You don't have to hide shit.

So you're both retarded and incapable of producing basic English. Can't say I'm surprised.

Idk, just guessing. You in the military?

I only served as conscript. I would like to get back into some military or cop shit though.


You did shit then...

Just go to the military academy.

I want to join policia federal so i can get lots of pussy again and pose with guns on facebook.

cuz they black uniforms were in the laundry..?


>pose with guns on facebook
Well I'm glad you fuckers can't get guns legally if you're so retarded that you use kikebook.


Special Jaegers

I only see snow and a tyre


Toneleros, also from Navy.

No idea the differece from them to GRUMEC besides they can tell who they are.

All Brazilians use Facebook.

I don't want to get killed for 400 dollars per month.

How hard is it to join BOPA

I imagine it's a highly sought after job in Brazil

It's not hard, but if the instructors don't like your face, they will beat you up till you give up.

Each state have their own BOPE equivalent. I think most countries do, it's just police special forces.

Only teenagers who watched the movie or suicidal people would want to join BOPE. Of course you will get pussy very easily because every BR girls knows about the movie, it's not worth it, too suicidal. Federal Police is the most sought after and most respected one, it's as glamorous as being an FBI agent except you barely work and will never be in any dangerous situation.

>barely work and will never be in any dangerous situation.

Yeah, the borders are safe as fuck.

Esses caras aqui servem pra alguma coisa?


Vários deles tem o crânio deformado, acho que são mongoloides.

whats with the blue helmet UN type shit

It's in Haiti. Brazil does whatever UN wants because it's Brazil's dream to get a permanent seat at the UN. Brazilians feel inferior without the permanent seat.

UN mission?

Nobody gives a shit about that.

The fuck you're taking that from?

Everyone knows that.

Everyone who? De facto is a attempt for the seat, but Brazilians IRL don't give a fuck or don't even know what is it.

Stop talking things out of your ass.

Yeah, our army went there too. I guess there is zero security there and they need other countries.

Which movie?


Elite Squad 1 and 2. BOPE is portrayed as incorruptible immortal supersoldiers.

Idk there are a bunch of them.

And then some secret CIA shit no one is supposed to know about probably

Our cunt went there aswell. Niggers killed one of our soldiers. Our Senate unironically almost declared war but the president wnet full veto. btw, our Senate is a bunch of nazis that name themselves socialists