Crazy idea to end race and racism: MANDATORY INTERRACIAL MARRIAGES and procreation

Crazy idea to end race and racism: MANDATORY INTERRACIAL MARRIAGES and procreation.

Within three generations, race in America will be abolished. No black. No white. Just mutts.

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good way to get average iq down and build shithuts

average IQ more to do with education, poverty, race.

Pieces of shit like you make me ashamed to be multiracial.

no harm intended. no intention to shame you either.

white boy here

would gladly suck black cocks for the rest of my life to better our living together

You're suggesting dropping the IQ of the population by about 30 points. You're a monster.

Everyone cept the white women. Stop fucking ruining theyre perfection.

Found the nigger

doesn't actually procreate. I mean, knock yourself out and all. what you'd be doing would be legal. it would be same-race procreation which would be prohibited.

Mandatory castration of all the niggers would be a better solution

>education, poverty,

Then why do peasant chinks in remote parts of chinkyland, on aggregate, score higher than educated westerners?

better than tinder, plenty of horny ebony sluts of your city on Forums.html

mixed-race people are more symmetrical than the rest of us, and being more symmetrical translates into being more attractive, having less infection, being less stressed, and having greater genetic diversity.

it wouldnt accomplish anything. Subraces would emerge with renewed racism

You're a fucking idiot.

clearly, biracial procreation will have to be a permanent plan.

> on aggregate

duh cuz theres more of them. were you trying to say something different?

bah god. You're a monster...

>Crazy idea to end race and racism: MANDATORY INTERRACIAL MARRIAGES

>as high as normal countries

In Brazil, Breen is able to do something even more remarkable than simply looking at the influence of genetic heritage on mixed and non-mixed people. This is also a country of great social inequity, and that means that he can separate out factors such as wealth, education and nutrition – the influence of environment from the influence of the genes. His study was concerned with post-traumatic stress disorder, one of the most common psychiatric consequences of exposure to violent crime. The preliminary results seem to indicate that people who live with the unrelenting violence and extreme poverty of the favelas or city slums experience the same levels of stress as those who live in the affluent suburbs. But the kicker is this: affluent people are overwhelmingly of European ancestry alone, but the favelas are home to people of mixed race. Mixed-race people are more likely to have a good functioning copy of each gene that we inherit from our mother and our father, which means they are more likely to have healthy biological systems to enable them to cope with stress.

If this really is the case, then taken together there is now good evidence that the more genetically diverse among us are indeed more likely to be more attractive, have better physical health, and more robust mental health, too.

>Crazy idea to end race and racism

How is that possible ? Whites have always been the fairest skin and the master race .

Actually, the most extreme case (sub-saharan) is only about 15-20 points below, on average. When you adjust for population sizes (there just aren't enough blacks for every white person to pair up with a black person, do the math) - it turns out you are looking at something less than a 5-6 point decrease, on average.

Probably a fair trade to end racism, and that's before we take into account the weighted contribution from the Asians of the world.

Net net, humanity as a whole probably wouldn't t lose or gain too much in terms of average IQ points. What we would gain is freedom from (at least this flavor of) irrational hatred.

Count me in.

no I really am white

better than tinder, plenty of horny ebony bitches of your city on Forums.html

You're a fucking disgusting race traitor and a shame to the white race.

Probably some millennial cuck who actually believes that all people are equal.

or he has asian fever.

Also, I hope you die in a fire and a hundred AIDS-infected black men piss out your smoldering ashes before they fuck your mom.

Have a nice eternal fiery damnation!

You think typing some words on a user board makes you important? Get of your keyboard warrior lifestyle and look outside. Its war,literally. And you fucking waste of a breath think you are fucking important. Top kek/lel in your words nigger.

>american's will be fine and dandy with this idea and support it across the board.
you forget op that that will still leave sexism, classism, and about a hundred other isms. what we need to do is just choose the one american that is completely average in every way and clone him/her up to point were they equal the american population then kill all the non clones and america will now be perfect and equal. and i will title this idea "A Modest Proposal"

would keep people from hating eachother is retarded.

Niggers have been killing eachother over colors, and for less than pride in their race for hundreds of years.

white power.


I don't think I am important.
I just think you are cancer.
Humanity will be better off once you are dead.
Please die in a fire.

>Its war,literally

Yeah, might wanna try to wipe the cheetoh dust off your keybaord before you engage in war

One flaw: We are left with just mutts. We loose all the awesome diversity like blue eyes, red hair, etc. We are left with brown skin, hair, and eyes. Which is arguably the most unpleasant color.

thats some hefty bait lad

>Niggers have been killing eachother over colors, and for less than pride in their race for hundreds of years.
>white power.

What, you're not gonna talk about white-on-white crime? Or the overwhelming cases of white incest as compared to any other race group? Yeah, keep it pure, by keeping in in the fam. lol, I cannot WAIT until whites are turned into mutts.. it will only take about two generations to breed out all the crackers.

Incorrect. Everyone would be bronze. Green and blue eyes would be a little less common, but not unheard of. On the whole, most people would end up *more* attractive, not less.

At a genetic level it would *increase* diversity, no decrease it - generally to our benefit.

I don't think that will be a problem. I'm a mutt. Part black part jewish. I don't think we'll see an end to hair and eyes - it will play out and express itself in very beautiful ways.

I think the best way to make this work, would be to enforce summary execution for anyone who flies into a spittle-flecked rage when approached with the new standard. This way we immediately weed out the inbred skinhead good old boys from tainting the genepool, and the people who don't preach hatred and murder and thus actually deserve oxygen, preserve more of it for themselves.

Where the fuck do you live that you have time to think all these dreamy unrealistic thoughts to have such opinions?

Fucking faggot. DO NOT visit this link guys it just goes to some ad revenue bullshit for this guy.

As opposed to your totally realistic visions of a race war won by the blonde-haired, blue-eyed perfect Aryans? LOL!

I live in the cavernous but dusty space between your Mom's hairy thighs. Sometimes when you are banging your sister, her guttural howls echo forever in here...

Make all whites apologize publicly.
Whites have no say on planet earth.
All brown/black/yellow get same rights.
Everyone has access to all earths resources equally,whites will get leftovers.
Automatically whites will be pitied hence solving all race problems.

Nice bait.
You still fuck your sister.

>little less common
A little less common? I live in Fl. Plenty of "bronze (not that that's better than brown mind you" people. Hundreds. I've seen one without brown or black eyes my entire 7 years here.

Almost everyone sharing the same outward traits, and those traits being quite ugly I might add (and according to dating/porn website statistics its a common opinion) does not make the general population more attractive. Why do you think brown/bronze/whatever you want to call it is so uncommon? Look at houses, computer towers, cars, etc. Black and bright colors are almost always preferred. Brown/"bronze" is associated with dirt and shit by most people.

It would become very, very rare. That and everyone will look similar to your pic. With that almost permanent tan look. That would make the world a sadder place to live in.

OP hates him! Learn this one neat trick to reduce murder & robbery in Chicago by 90% and rape by 81:

Here's a better idea: kill all the fucking niggers


You like how true it sounds don't you? Realistically this thread will die and whites will still stomp white power slogans until death do us apart.

I'm truly sorry that generations of inbreeding have rendered you incapable of recognizing basic truths, or reading past a 4th grade level, or really doing anything more than foaming and frothing your hatred incoherently.

I hope that someone kind takes care of you, at least until you can be safely and humanely euthanized.

I have a better solution. Sterilise all black people. Based on not only their history but how they act around the globe they don't seem like good genes to add to the pool in the first place. And with them gone we reduce the risk of darkening the global skin tone to a muted brown. And since they don't breed eventually no more will exist so there will be no tension.

Due to demographics mandatory interracial marriages would leave America primarily white.

>Nigger that doesn't want to have to fuck a nigger but can't get a white girl detected

Well the good news is that the white race will be utterly destroyed through this mandatory procreation plan.

Along with the destruction of the black and the jew and every other race you hate. It's almost poetic - the things you want to see destroyed, will be destroyed right along with the thing you want to preserve.

I am down.

lol what happened to diversity? you want to end it all when its what blacks and minorities scream the most! lol. so its ok to scream pride unless its white.....nah fuck that. you can fuck them but dont breed with them

it is an International Plan.

Your definition of a "bit less" is far from normal. No need to get so mad about it, its just a fact. Just like brown is a highly unfavored color. I'm sorry reality doesn't fit in with the world you want, but you need honestly suck it up.

Where have i head this before?

Yeah. Can you start the program in Israel instead though?

diversity would still exist. there is plenty of diversity in europe for example. West and east. Mediterranian vs Scandinavian. Celtic Islands vs Alps. and so fourth. all of these would be even more diverse through mandatory interracial procreation.

I agree. Or else imma never get laid :(

To the oven with OP. Never forget the 14 words.

good goy.

>diversity would still exist
But not anywhere to the degree that it does today. If anything people with rare traits such as red hair should breed with like people. People with dominant traits such as brown hair, skin, and eyes should be discouraged from breeding. THAT would increase diversity. Your plan only limits it.


oh yeah, your mentality is precisely what I seek to erase.

If u try to implement it, i'll kill u.


Already mixed blood with a Native American. I did my duty.

you'll end up in a FEMA camp in the first week.

I hope you get hooked up to life support & tortured for eternity.

Crazy idea: we purge u.


what is the point of this?

You're not trying to erase a mentality, you're trying to erase the most creative, intelligent, beautiful and noble sections of humanity, to clear the way for the rule of globalists and zionists. You're barely interested in race, you want equalitarianism, a level playing field, a grey mass of barely literate economic units.

I know you're just trying to get a reaction by saying stupid shit, but you are an agent of the kali yuga and you're kind is what should rouse the European spirit into destroying those whose sole purpose is to threaten its existence.

If u speak of this in person u'll be killed, hell, i'll kill you if you do.

You're a fucking retard. White power, kill all niggers and spics , and chinks!

I don't think you know what IQ is.

Oh yeah, prime gulag material. Good thing communists and jews and everyone else you hate is in charge of NSA, the government, the banking system, so that we can continue monitoring you until the right time to clamp down on you.

The chinese are alright man, I mean, when you put them in the same sentence as niggers and spics. There's a difference.

well firstly, I am not white. So I don't really care about everything you just said. I do care about destroying this white race, however.

BTW, this crazy proposal would probably work out a lot better than how the long run will turn out - which will play out more or less how I describe it. In USA, white population continues to decline. Europe, too.

>2016 caring about the human race

It won't work. We would just focus on degrees of X instead and or something else like ideology, ect.

We're just wired this way. We will always separates ourselves into groups because it's advantageous to us.

Are you a yid or just some subracial detritus?

>normal countries

The game is up. Your kind have aroused the anger of the white race, and as result you shall be purged from the Earth.


kin selection
ya dummies

maybe most important thing is destroying the white race, the black race, and the jewish race, entirely. Those can all be taken care of through a few generations of interracial breeding.

Also dubalubadubdubs of truth
None of you will live to see either outcome of what happens to this stupid species. Fucking who cares what happens. It doesn't matter.

I'm only like qt japs and Koreans, haven't seen too many Chinese qts.

oh yeah, we should definitely come up with a plan to dispose of all you nazi wannabes. Good think The Internet is entirely 100% monitored and in the hypothetical plan which I am advocating for - should it ever ever happen - your types would be put into the FEMA camps real quick.

If the jews go, all race problems stop. Government enforced programs of multiracialism stop, zionist depopulation of middle eastern countries stop, anti white propaganda campaigns stop. We'd just kick people like you out, without having to deal with some Jew claming you have 'human rights'.

When resources are less. Ancient times when things were being discovered.

Present day - enlightenment reached but only a mental state enjoyed by whites and rich.

Solution -Whites bow down and apologize and all resources equally shared. Result- No groups no racism. Enlightenment on the way.

not into 'mandatory', but not so bad i guess...

Well I'm not black but I too agree with With destroying the black race and white race and all become one

it's people like you, who aim to make the world a darker and more wretched place, stamping out anything resembling creativity or wisdom until people are finally equal, with the exception of their rulers. Who would inevitably remain racially pure.

Equal in ugliness, mediocrity and criminality.

I was thinking this exact thing earlier today