I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

Don't forget that we don't need to be praying 24/7 to be Muslims the same way you don't need to be in Church all day everyday to be Christian.

I will answer to trolls.

I am interested in having a real discussion about any topic you may want. Please refrain from buzzwords we have all heard before, let's make this interesting.

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 15&version=NIV

Why does the Quran advocate murder against non believers?

can you lie about your beliefs if it is to protect you from infidels?

Why do you claim to be a religion of peace when Islam breeds violence?

are you a troll?

How can i join ISIS :v ?

For the same reasons as the Bible and the Torah advocate for the deaths of non-believers.

I do not think that death of non-believers is merited. There is no reason to commit violence if you wish to spread a message to help people.

I think that this was added in the holy books in ancient times due to the homogeneity of the societies. Everyone in their societies believed in the same myths and all had the same culture. Therefore, an individual who would go against the mythical teachings people would believe, that would mean he would do harm to the others in his village.

However, I think that death is not an effective means to transmit a message. Nor, is it a logical punishment for an individual who may find peace and happiness in alternative means.

why islam is religion of peace?

why don't you kill yourself?
we all know that you are not a muslim and we all no know thatn othinff is myself too

Ever wish religions weren't so harsh on infidelity because there are so many and no real way of knowing which God to worship????????!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!:-[

better than tinder, plenty of horny muslim sluts of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/Sup Forums.html

Because there's a piece of you there and a piece of you there.

If life is in direct danger then yes a Muslim is allowed to sin in order to protect himself. This is Taqiya.

For example, if I am a prisoner and the only food is pork and I would starve if I did not eat it. Then I would be obliged by the Q'ran to eat this meat because suicide would be a graver sin in this regard.

Religions and ideologies are neither violent nor peaceful. They are just messages. A violent individual will interpret the message violently, a peaceful individual will interpret it peacefully.

For example, Darwin's theory of evolution is a neutral scientific fact. However, through the violence of human interpretation it led to social-Darwinism which led to genocides.


Google it. You'll end up in jail faster than you join ISIS.

They're all the same, retard

Do you have the right to kill anyone who falls from your faith?

>For the same reasons as the Bible and the Torah advocate for the deaths of non-believers.

the bible doesnt do that, at least in the new testament.

The same reason the US claims to be a land of the free when it's increasingly becoming anything but. We're clinging onto our fundamental tenets that are becoming less like necessities and more like ideals due to the impact of our cancerous societies.

I really like your explanation of religions being neither peaceful or violent... I'm a Christian who has a few Muslim friends and we have talked about this very thing.

nice trips.

It's neither a religion of peace nor violence. Refer to: It's a sin to commit suicide and it will end my life, I am living a pretty good life. I will carry on.

The God you choose to worship is equivalent in my opinion. Idol Gods are problematic however, this is forbidden in Abrahamic religions because it does not properly represent the wholeness of God. It limits God to whatever the idolized God represents.

However, if you understand that God is that and much more, then your belief in God is very similar to any Abrahamic religions.

In Islam and Judaism, unlike Christianity, God does not have an image and cannot be constraint. He is as he is, this is what God said onto Moses. He is everything and anything. He is all that is.

Not trying to be a dick, but seriously how does it feel to be hated by most of the world. Your guys' religion is dog shit and the middle east needs to be glassed so it can be a nice big parking lot for Israel (that part was to be a dick)

Agreed, with a small precision to make. Refer to: No, according to the law of the land in which I was born and the land I currently live in. Murder is illegal.

Morally, I would never kill any individual unless it was vital for me to live, as self-defense.

According to Q'ran, the punishments for apostasy fall under the ten commandments. The ten commandments state that we should not kill, therefore it gets very complicated. There's a lot of contradictions in the passages. Some say to respect all and show them the beauty of Islam through patience and action, and others call to killing apostates.

You have not read the Bible. I have studied religion in detail. I guarantee you that is in the Bible. Matthew 15:1-9. Refer to it.

Thanks man.

How do you react when people judge you for the things that these crazy terrorists do?

I will say I agree with this. The only times the Bible advocates the killing of non-believers were times it was specifically commanded... like during the conquest of the promise land. It was the exception rather than the rule and Christians are to convert through outreach and love rather than violence. Sure some have been violent in history; but that was political the same as anyone... it was never doctrine like the Quran (2:191-193). Yes I know it says you can kill a nonbeliever in the bible in Deuteronomy but that is specifically aimed at the Jews who turned against God and was old law which was removed at the coming of Christ

I am very little concerned with how others misunderstand who I am. If they feel hatred towards me, then they are already spending too much negative energy on something that does not bring them any positivity.

We as people should bring positivity to each others lives, rather than make life harder for each other.

If you hope to destroy ALL of the middle east, then what higher morality do you have than the terrorists? What makes you any better?

You need peace in your life.

>you don't need to be in Church all day everyday to be Christian.

Do you think that the Quran needs an "update", just like the Old Testament -> New Testament


Hey fella
How does a muslim find a spouse in this day and age
I mean its basicly overcrowded by atheists and bitches when you live in a modern city like me

Matthew 15:1-9 are not about killing non believers... its talking about the old law of being able to put to death one who does not honor their mother and father. Very different and a whole other topic

I am very little concerned. All I can do is impact the judgments of the people around me. I believe in this respect I do very well to portray a positive image of morality and ethics.

I can only live my life.

You should read your bible.

Refer to: for a passage in the New Testament that advocates for the killing of apostates.

Moreover, all the teachings of Jesus and the prophets before him are in the Q'ran. God speaks through prophets and does not stutter, therefore all their messages are equivalent. This is what Muslims believe.

Every Abrahamic religion calls for the death of apostates. This is NOT an exception. It was directly commanded by God during the exodus in Egypt. Read your Bible friend.

Do you think that the main problem with muslim terrorists, is more that they have the "honour" mentality rather than the religion itself?

What do you think will happen ultimately to people in other religions? Will they be punished by your god or are they considered to be on the same path (in terms of religion) just mislead?

what do you think of sikhs?

You know what? You look like a good person, i like how you view and live your religion.
Why islamic people like you cannot stop the fanatic, the crazy people that try to hide theyr craziness behind a god?
It happens with every religion, i know, but, i don't know, where there are islamic people its more easy to find a fanatic

Oh im by no means saying im better than the terrorists. I know im better than them because what Im wishing for is just that. A wish. Your home boys are the ones maiming, killing and torturing the innocent. In the name of your religion. And yeah hurrrr one lone wolf doesn't portray islam. Pssst its been waaay more than one and the world is sick of you all.

Also its much easier said than done to bring peace and happiness to other lives. I dont need peace I am at one with myself, you need a healthy reality check.

>pic related anyways.

Hope you have a great life my dirty muslim friend

where do you live brother?

why did mohamed say that a women who is raped is not innocent, and also say it is only wrong to kill the innocent.

That's a fact.

You are mistaking the "update". The Old Testament is a rewritting of the Torah, whereas the New Testament is the message of Jesus.

The update everyone is refering to is not that. It's the update made by King James, hence the name King James Bible. Do you not see it as problematic that a political figure from a far away land from where the prophet lived has the power to change the text that people will adhere to.

What knowledge or authority did King James have?

Bad idea, the next paper will get all stained, the copies will probably come out splotchy.

I do not expect my spouse to be ethnically the same as I, nor to be Muslim. I am open to any individual as long as we share basic ideals of morality and goals.

The bible has many passages concerning killing apostates. How is it that Christians have never read the Bible? The least you can do is read a short book before you claim to be a member of that religion.

protip: if it's in the Bible it's in the Q'ran. Muslims cherish and believe in all the teachings in the original Bible. Except that God created us in his image and that Jesus is the son of God.

Here is another example of death to apostates in the New Testament: Romans 1:20-32. There are many more.

I have read it and I double checked the passage. I'm still right and it's talking about the morality of man and how traditions for tradition sake can corrupt. biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 15&version=NIV

The law in the Quran is based on the old law of Moses and it is in the Bible... but it is among the laws nullified by Christ upon his arrival; much like food restrictions and sacrifices

How do you feel about Israel and Jews in general?

I like this thread so far
Keep it going guys!


The bible has over 40 authors
How do you know that everything in there is not corrupted
Also jesus was send down to fulfill the law and not abonden it

How does it feel to have no rights, to be nothing but chattel? I want to rape you so you will be honor killed! HAHA!

I agree that King James is a poor translation and the name is bad, but it was the frist standard English translation and it was paid for by his court... if he had touched it he would have probably burst into flames.

I have read it and it's longer than the Quran; yes most of the main stories are there but interpretation can vary as well as context. I just reread Romans 1:20-32 and just as many verses in all books it looks bad on the surface but given that they are talking about the death of the soul and inability to enter into the gates of heaven, not the same thing. Maybe it's interpretation or something but that's what I see

Terrorists are fighting a war. War involves killing. Why is it any different when the USA bombs hospitals or civilians?

Same path. All religions are analogous. As long as your religion brings you and your community happiness and positivity then you are doing good.

I have many sikh friends. Don't really have any opinion except for they have good food. I like their symbolism.

I am from the polar opposite of the planet from India. Don't know much about them in detail.

> stop fanatics
All I can do with my abilities is speak with the people around me. If I was more able and my message could spread further, then maybe I would have more impact.

In general, the reason we can't stop them is because we aren't warriors. I am a scientist currently living in the West, i have a cute girlfriend, many friends, a good job. Why would I leave to go fight extremists?

Moreover, the country I was born and raised in is Morocco, this is very far from the Middle-East. They are not even ethnically the same as I am. Why do I care about their regional conflict?

I have never met a fanatic in Morocco or here in Canada. Sometimes some young kids say some irrational things with teenage angst. I take this seriously and I take them out and we talk it out. I don't let these ideas fester. But, I can't do much more than I do now.

Not my home boys. Your wishes will influence the way you vote. Which will become actions. You should consider this.

It's literally less than 0.001%, you need to review your statistics. It's not reasonable to kill all Muslims because of 0.001%. Moreover, there's more Muslims in countries not in the Middle-East. So bombing the Middle-east would not achieve much.

You do need peace. Someone who wishes hurt on people and tries to bring me down through insult has significant anger and weakness within themselves. You need to find balance, so that you can be happy in the face of adversity.

>muh new testament

You are ignorant of the bible.

yes he fulfilled the prophecy and also abolished some things as he opened the way for the gentiles. The Quran also has many authors and is based on many of the same things. Just like anything there is no way to know other than faith, but I will say that very little of what was actually was written got in through the revisions and research. (also please don't feel like I'm attacking you or anything, I'm 100% trying to be critical for the sake of conversation and because defending things make you think critically; we wont agree but that's not my objective and I know we can agree to disagree :) )

would you leave your religion if it resulted in world peace?

there is a difference between accidents and directly targeting... if we shot a missle at a hospital for the hell of it yeah... but if it has enemy in it then sorry. Hell how many French did we kill bombing the germans?

So you want a big giant cock?
Sorry you are wrong then. Only small petit traps here.

Brother have you seen the stone in Macca, its a big black vagina, why do we kneel down and pray towards a big black vagina ? Why must we kiss this big black vagina during Haj.

Currently in Canada

What is the question here?

This is empirically untrue. Just read your bible. I will not keep repeating this. It's getting uninteresting.

Do you not find it problematic that the all powerful God spoke his message through Moses, but made mistakes so then had to send down Jesus to correct it?

Common now.

No problem with Jews, in Morocco there is a very large Jewish population with whom I grew up with. Moreover, the right hand man of the King of Morocco is a Jew. I currently work and live with Jews. We are very similar in culture and religious practice.

However, I believe Israel should not have been created in the Middle-East. it was created unjustly and immorally. Now, i think it is too late they deserve to stay there, however they should acknowledge their wrongdoings. They also need to stop completely destroying Palestinians and building colonies on foreign land.

I will not be honor killed if you raped me. You would be jailed. Welcome to 2016.

I have every right you have.

I agree entirely with what you wrote about interpretation. This is the same for the Q'ran. Common how can you make this double-standard. The stories are just stories. They need interpretation. The Q'ran and the Bible say above all the ten commandments comes above all.

>muslim acting like he knows what Christianity is about

Do u have any facial pics u can share? I love Muslim women.

Read the thread. I have studied religion in detail, not just Islam. I have read the Bible multiple times.

The Q'ran has only one author. God himself through the prophets.

Yes. However, war will never end. Why is it that in your family you have conflicts? Conflict is inertly human.

Well that's what causes terrorism. Each time a civilian gets killed in the Middle-East then the rest of that individual's family will seek revenge. That's not a means to end terrorism, it fuels terrorism.

Also, many times it's been criminally targeted. The massacres, random killings in Afghanistan, Agent Orange in Vietnam, these are all crimes.

It's a mound, where laid the first temple of Abraham.

>it was created unjustly and immorally.
How so? It was founded following a democratic decision by the United Nations, allowing Jews to establish a nation in their ancient homeland.

Read the thread. I have studied religion academically, I have read the Bible multiple times.

Moreover, Muslims believe in the Bible.

I'm male. I will not post pics. Too many haters on here.

>I have studied religion
>read the Bible
>multiple times
>Muslims believe in the Bible

Holy shit, what a special snowflake.

That's a cop-out answer cause you can say the same about the bible... one "author" as God yes but many different people picked up the message and wrote it.

Are you a muslim?

Nah nigga the quran and the bible are bootlegs of the jewish torah. Muslims and Christians believe in the Old Testament, do muslims believe in the gibberish that the apostles wrote ?

Is it true that Muslim women are "Halal in the streets" and "Harem in the sheets"?

Why do you delude yourself with fairy tales of all powerful beings?


1. How long do you think, until some western liberal democracy elects a right wing administration and accepts the challenge, and loads you guys on to boxcars?

2. and how long after that before nukes hit middle eastern cities?

Think about what you wrote here. I will make an analogy to show you how silly this is afterwards I make a few points.

The creation of Israel was not voted by the UN. The British took control of the territory of Palestine after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after WW1. They then started promising the land to the French, however the Rothschild in Britain put political pressures to give them treaty of the land. This was all signed way before the creation of the UN. Then immigration started from Arabic countries towards Israel. Then WW2 happened and there was a mass immigration from Europe to Israel, and then from Russia to Israel after WW2 during communist rule.

This is problematic, people who aren't even ethnically Middle-Eastern took control of the land. How does this make sense?

So, the analogy. If the USA became very weak after a war and a bunch of Natives lived in Saudi Arabia. Then, if the Arab League makes a democratic decision to give the Native Americans their homeland back and they did this by displacing the American people. They then funded large wards to give the Native Americans their land back, each time the USA lost, the Arab League, said of well you shouldn't have tried protecting your land. Since you lost the war we will give the Natives a little bit more.

Does this make sense?

Are you Arab? If so where can I find genuine Arab porn (or, just good quality nudes of real Arab women)?

Why are the majority of terrorists Muslims and why don't you like pork and why was profit Muhammad a pedo?

sandniggas might not know the boxcar reference user

they probably would do well to familiarize themselves with it though. if more of them knew how indifferent white culture can be to exterminating bothersome people, they might realize the benefits of chilling the fuck out a bit

Muslims actually do believe in the Torah and the Bible. we believe in the same God, and we believe that God does not stutter or make mistakes. All the Abrahamic holy books are holy to Muslims.

nice dubs,

The Bible was edited by people along history. This is problematic. The Torah and the Q'ran have never been translated or edited.


Agreed. The Torah is the basis of the Q'ran. This is written in the Q'ran very specifically. Moses is the prophet of our people. We are the second son of Abraham's children.

Some are.

The idea of God is not the only facet of religion.

1. Will likely never happen. They need us here. I am being paid a lot of money to be here, I'll take that as a "please stay". If they do kick me out, I'll go to China, I already got a nice offer from Hong Kong. I've been there I really liked it, it won't take much for me to go benefit their society rather than the West's.

2. Nukes will never hit the Middle-East. It's not enough of a threat and will hurt the USA more than anyone else.

That's actually a solid point, I'll have to scratch my head over that one for a while.

What do you think about the hadith saying a fly's wing and camel urine are cures for diseases?

Who would drop nukes?
There's a moratorium on their usage.

Yes I am Arab. Not sure, i don't usually jerk off to Arabic porn.

> terrorists Muslim
Depends how you define terrorist. If you mean war-mongers, then I would argue that most aren't Muslim. If you mean people who target individuals, then again I would argue that most aren't Muslim.

Muslims and Jews don't eat pork because in hot weather the meat goes bad, this is also true about chicken. However, people can afford to buy whole chickens, people don't buy whole pigs. As a result you cannot sell pork without risking people.

Refer to:

x,y,z other religions stopped following all the bullshit in their holy burning bush books talking about "kill everyone" a long time ago and accepted that "ayyyy, lmao, maybe we should change this shit up a bit to fit with modern times".
Why can't islam.

also, fuck you for following invisible sky faeries. you're a fucking idiot for that fact alone.

The Quran had diatric marks added, no?

Isn't takfir haram?
And pork can be preserved

It's a really complicated issue though. I wish all the politicians on both sides would be jailed and then the people can be left to live together.

Hadith was written by people. Fly's wings and camel urine does not cure disease.

Yup, only very uninformed people use the threat of nukes. It's irrational.

sharia law says you must pray 5 times a day at specific times

>I am interested in having a real discussion about any topic you may want.
then you shouldn't post on Sup Forums

>God does not stutter
>God does not make mistakes
>we believe in the same God
>this level of delusion
This must be bait.

if you didnt have the quran would you still be a good person?



> Do you not find it problematic that the all powerful God spoke his message through Moses, but made mistakes so then had to send down Jesus to correct it?

Do you not find it problematic that the all powerful God spoke his message through Moses, but made mistakes so then had to send down Jesus to correct it, and then another guy in a desert was chosen to pass the final message on?

nice dubs

Muslims are on their way. Give it time. Things won't happen instantaneously.

No, it has never been changed.

Yes, takfir is haram. Judging people in general is haram.

Pork can be preserved but not easily. If done wrong it is deadly. People just didn't want to take those kinds of risks. Jews built a culture that did not have pork in it. Muslims came from Hebraic culture and as a result just kept the idea of forbidding pork. Anyways, it's not much of a loss.

>Hadith was written by people.
What kinda Islam do you follow.


I'm hopeful I guess.

You should read the Bible and then the Q'ran, you would see.

Yes, I am inherently a goo person. I believe I would be able to be good regardless of faith.

Muslims do not claim it as a correction. Moses' message is as divine as Mohammed. It's equivalent in the Q'ran. It is the same message.

Just use wikipedia and you will be able to learn something. Yes, in fact, hadith was written by people.

Trump has said the nuclear option remains on the table. The pentagon is of course pro-nukes 100%.

The policy wags against it have been hushing as the years go by as well. It's an option because end of the day, USA doesn't answer to international law when it deems it unnecessary, which is all it needs to say to justify its actions. When its president got hauled into the Hague, the US just pointed out that it set up the Hague for other nations, not for itself, and recognizes no other court authority but its own lol.

But if Trump does want to pursue a nuke, the strategy involves convincing other powers to join in, to spread the blame around. From a political capital standpoint, the US really doesn't want to be the only country to have used nukes in the past, and then be using them all on its own again. When 2, 3 or 4 other powers join in, then it's presented as a unified front with France and Russia etc, 2 countries that have discussed it in the last couple years.

...imagine Russia gets to lob 1 nuke at ISIS for spectacle. You know that fuckers going to be a big "look at me/holy fuckshit" TsarBomba2. Like they'd even care where the fallout blows.

>Hadith was writtwn by people.

How do you follow the sunnah of Muhammed then?

Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, "If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it (into the vessel) and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing (antidote for it) i e. the treatment for that disease." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 673)"

Narrated Abu Huraira: "The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 537)"

Narrated Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).
Sahih Bukhari 8:82:794

Anas b. Malik reported that some people belonging (to the tribe) of 'Uraina came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) at Medina, but they found its climate uncongenial. So Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to them: If you so like, you may go to the camels of Sadaqa and drink their milk and urine. They did so and were all right.
Sahih Muslim 16:4130

Kekd hard.

so given that the quran can inspire violence and generosity, but without the quran you would still be generous, what purpous is there for the quran to exist?

>only very uninformed people use the threat of nukes. It's irrationa

>Implying you can fight radical islam with rational arguments.
Ultragigganigga, this is exactly what nukes are designed for.
Japan was less of an ideal threat than ISIS is.

Hello, what is your honest opinion on the shit thats happening in turkey right now.

whats ur honest opinion on Erdogan..

what do u think about the radikal islam ?

Didn't you just do takfir?

Pork is preserved just fine apparently nowadays.

Wouldn't that render the ruling obsolete?

>"give it time broski"
>takes a look at the middle east / SE Asia / Europe immigrants

how much time we talking broseph. At this point I find it more likely for the world to just go full fucking Randy Macho Man Savage on the muslim community than it is for them to reform their bullshit. like every day you hear about another fucktard shooting/stabbing/blowing up people or running htem over with fucking big rigs.

Trump talks a lot. He will never be able to use a nuke, and would never want to use one against the Middle-East. What would be the gain economically?

Refer to: I follow the Q'ran, the holy text. Simple.

>Muslims do not claim it as a correction. Moses' message is as divine as Mohammed. It's equivalent in the Q'ran. It is the same message
But if it's the same massage, why does god had to say it two times? And why not a third time in modern times, e.g. tp end this terrorism and the IS