/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

Quebec edition

French speakers welcome!

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*aims at /cum/ from a distance*

Bad edition.

fuck quebec

Is Aidsy still here?

*brushes teeth from a distance*

Why homophobic people are such faggots

Ich kann die bonbons gehabt?


ford freestyle

suck a fat graine


Any Mexicans here at risk of losing money from their illegal relatives in the states?

NEED a Quebecois bf


Hawaii will be the new superpower by 2030.

lads I prolly have low testesterone, how do I increase?

You guys are being real fucking jerks today
I'm spending the rest of the day on Reddit

Sorry I am not gay

What if Mexico sent their best?


My opinions are facts.

Poryay voo me recommonday un ote otel predisi

I know

Watch a lot of Info Wars.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling, but you're really annoying me
Just please take your name off


jesus fuck please mexico send a few chicanas our way
we'll breed with our superior genes

Then there would be maybe 1000 Mexicans total here


I used to date someone with her face.

Sadly, that was the only thing she had from her.

>their best
like their intellectuals and wizards?
they can keep them

Quebec please love me

think again fucko

I love you

Why do you keep posting with different tripcodes?


Trying to find one that says faggot. I had a link to a list but I guess that I deleted it

Not me desu.

>What if Mexico sent their best?
We can't send something that doesn't exist.

He obviously didn't practice memetics or worship Kek.

hahaha arkansas getting btfo

Hi baja, how are you doing?

could we invade your cunt and win in a conventional war?

You don't have the dedication to become me


Is there a football fixture on?

You could always just get one of those tripcode generators.
You might not have too much luck though

I think we should just be friends

If you invade my heart

Russia hacked my sexuality that one time I made out with my friend.

Please stop, mate
I just want to talk to baja

Too lazy

Y-you too
Friends with benefits at least?

might buy some nootropics

I'm posting from my phone and you can't stop me

Alex Jones swears by it

save yourself some time and kill yourself

i am lost BUT speaking about fixes you just reminded me to go watch the game monday.

Go ahead
But remember I am the one who knocks

Who /cunt/ here

I already do!

Didn't see the tripfag. Thought you were talking about sports.

ily Quebec

Just take off the name and stop impersonating me
I don't care what you have to say

...and thats why traps are gay.

i was gunna buy male viality but that shit is expensive

might have to go with the ebook merchant

i will fill my body with memes

I love you too, Arkansas!
No homo though.

>he isn't shitposting in real nigga hours yet

how does it feel living in the past?


holy shit cum went bad
now we have people fighting over names and baja
ffs where is all the bud posting and extra flags banter? what is this garbage?

I am going to have a French gf and nothing can be done to stop me

No, don't infect me with the gay!

everyday until you like it?
sorry. who are you going for in the title game?

Prove it... in front of /cum/..

>tfw not loved

I don't have to prove my whiteness. I just am.

I blame foreigners coming in
have told you 300 times already you lack discipline.

every thread

This anime posting has to stop
You guys are unbelievably stupid
Just go one one of the many boards designated for anime

I love you

Fine... I guess you don't really love me

I offered to take you to the movies, is that not good enough?

cum should have ended when bk got rid of his name for the first time

that was when it went to shit

I hear if you play this song loudly in a bright pink room filled with plushies, anime girls will appear.


This is the 301st time telling you
You're wrong

It's never good enough

Its a start I guess, what movie was it again you wanted to see?

Assassin's Creed

What more must I do?

ban guns
ban lewdposting
ban anime

then /cum/ will maga.

post more chen


and the thread fucking died
you keep track that is nice.
ill only give up chinktoons if you give up cara

250 micrograms of LSD down

I love you too Sinaloa

I'm sleepy lads but studying rieeeeee

if dubs sleep
if singles keep studying
if trips shitpost more

Okay, just dont get jumpy if it gets graphic....

ban ugly lesbians

makes u thnk huh


>mexican fashion

you dumb nigger, modalverben require the infinitive, not the past participle (not to mention that using the past participle without an auxiliary verb is also nigger-tier)