Post what you had for dinner, fgts

Post what you had for dinner, fgts

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Those carrots resemble a dogs erection


im poor

had mcdonalds, made these the other day tho.

What is that, halapeno poppers stuck into chicken breast?

yeah, with cream cheese, italian sausage, pepperoni, wrapped in bacon and smoked, sorry i'm drunk.

here's a chicken.

fresh peppers not poppers you buy.

and a 9lb picnic shoulder, smoked it for like 12 hours.

this is a very good thread


tender greens irvine

get on my level

>get on my level
>of posting pics i snagged from google

whats the receipt for that?

What is that, the bottom of an iceburg lettuce, and a frozen fish fillet charred on the grill?

Like 36 bucks.

>receipt: $43.27

healthy. looks good. 10/10

No, you fucking retard. How is it made?

Nobody's going to eat all those green beans. Less is more.


>calls people retards

Not only that, but they're obviously canned beans, fucking pleb tier.

>put salmon on char-grill
>put oil in pan, put green beans in pan and jiggle it around sometimes
>dump standard spice stuff on it
>8 mins later
>fish up
>green beans up

You don't gots an exact receipt for it?
If not, thanks anyways.

I told you the exact receipt for it is $43.27 (plus tip).


post more food!