How uncut fags ever get laid? All girls say uncut dicks are repulsive

How uncut fags ever get laid? All girls say uncut dicks are repulsive.

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you could say whatever you want, but if this practice was never started women today wouldnt care. isnt it kinda weird to chop a babys dick off as soon as it comes out? do you think we are experiencing true sex? cut faggot here

We have this thread every day

fuck off

Too bad we don't reproduce using diamonds.

Has your dick never been diamonds?

Fuck off rabi

About as weird as cutting an umbilical cord. Might seem gross, but absolutely necessary.

no you fucking autist

Most of the world's population is uncut. They seem to be fucking, too

It's honestly not that big of a deal. I'm circumsized btw. If anything it makes it better for them. And for real for real, women are fucking sluts anyways. They just want to get plowed, despite what you idealistic romantic virgin faggots think.

Necessary as getting your ears pierced.

uncut, and your theory is false
Youre just sad to have lost your dick

Half-Cut fags are better than you pieces of shit, we have the advantages of both sides. Plus, its easier to masturbate

>absolutely necessary
what the fuck are you talking about you carcinogenic donkey scrotum

No you're just experiencing half of what you could have had if your parents actually loved you.

Necessary why? It just desensitizes the glans.

Okay jewboy

aww man I'll agree with you just so you feel better about your mutilated cock

>cut is better

Why the rust to have this procedure done to infants though? Why not just wait and let people decide when they turn 18? I mean, if it's so great then the dick doctor will have a line a mile long every day right?

Diamonds aren't dicks though...
>a pizza may be more convenient to eat when it's cut into eight pieces rather than whole, but a penis cut into eight pieces is just a bloody mess that cannot reproduce.

>much better analogy

It's the same reason not giving your child a fucktard name is necessary. Sure it won't physically hurt him, but people will make his life hell.


Gloriously uncut like the Mustangs of the great plains


Wild and free

OP, I'm cut, and I'm fine with my dick, but don't say that cut is better than uncut.

Think about it.
>Gee, evolution has finely tuned our bodies to function effectively. LOLJK, the foreskin, earlobes, and index fingers are supposed to be removed.
It's even funnier if you're theistic
>God made man in his own image, and he saw that it was good... ...except for the foreskin, cut that shot off.

OP, do you know how many babies die unnecessarily in the hours after a circumcision, since sometimes the baby bleeds out because by the time the parents notice that there's blood in the baby's nappy, the baby has already lost too much of the little blood it has in its tiny body?

>no dickcheese
>skin doesnt get stuck
>head is still protected by dick
>as said, easier to masturbate

Need more?

Maybe if you're in america.... Though I doubt it's that big of a deal, I would want my son to experience the full effect of entering a woman, not some watered down version with chaffed skin numbing the feeling.

the only people to get cut are jews and niggers

Sounds like you post in a lot of shota threads


>nuff said
>minerals analogy
Gtfo here with your retarded wound dick you fool

id get pretty defensive to if i was missing part of my dick. Sucks to be you op your not even a complete man


Why does anybody give a fuck what girls think about it? By the time a girl notices, she's gonna fuck no matter what.



Diamonds are worthless. Just like dicks



Circumcision is a must. It is proven to be more sanitary and protects against std

which STD, exactly? i'm gonna need some sources on this claim

It is obvious, just look into yourself. Google it. It is more cleaner, therefore you don't get infection

Why do you even consider getting cut if you're not? You have something that majority of the men in America don't have, your dick will be considered a lot more attractive anywhere else in the world.

Sorry cut bois. You're just sad because you don't have it anymore.

Why are you guys so obsessed with your dicks


Talk to your doctor about it

Umad cause uncut dicks grow more than you Jewish circumfuckwads

I'm crying

Prove me wrong. You can't

6000000 jews did fall to stds

I'm uncut and most girls don't notice. I've had sex multiple times with some girls that still don't notice until I bring it up.

Yo i just fucking wrecked by this saemon daemon and i'm uncut, how do you explain that?

>Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.

They must of been whores. Any smart girl that respects themselves would not sleep with someone that is uncircumcised. This is because it is more likely to catch an std because uncircumcised is less sanitary. Talk to your doctor

Not a single I've had sex with or been in a relationship with has given a damn.

Bullshit my fiance is uncut and I prefer it.

>all girls say
>listening to what girls say

Cuck confirmed.

ok, i looked into myself and realized that STDs are SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED, meaning it doesn't matter whether you're circumcised or not, your penis is still entering an infected orifice. circumcision does help to prevent infection, just not the sexually transmitted kind, and also not in modern times, as hygiene has gone up dramatically since the practice was started to prevent infection a couple thousand years ago
also, read the pic, the studies used to show how circumcision prevents STDs were nigger studies in africa and were deeply flawed

Nice bait, fellow. Its actually because no one gives a fuck.

Cutfags are missing out on a lot of pleasure.


Yeah if you're a fucking pig and don't bother to wash your body properly

>He's circumcised.

It is safer to get it cut, and is recommended. Talk to your doctor

yeah safer if you dont ever clean your shit.

Better question: why are so many guys obsessed with other guys' dicks? Seems kind of gay.

How is taking knives to an infant's reproductive organs "safer" ? Are you retarded?

Any doctor would recommend

Pretty sure chicks would rather have an unsharp rock inside of them than a pointy cut diamond...

what in the fuck would i talk to my doctor about? getting my dick re-cut? just because i advocate against the barbaric process, doesn't mean it never happened to me
i can guarantee some of the loudest voices against circumcision are the people who've had it done to them

My personal favorite post so far.

When done properly, there is no harm at all. The benefits outweigh the negatives. Any mother that wants the best for their child would do it.

Evening Taylor.

>compensating for loss of sensation and natural lubricant with memes


Enjoy the cracked peepee, amigo.

ok mr shekelstein

>cut fags still use the completely rebuffed "cleaner and protects against std" argument

There's this wonderful vaccine called the hpv vaccine that offers the same benefits minus the moral issue of mangling your child's dick without his permission.

Also, if you educated yourself on actual rates of infection, you'd see circumcision is quack science

There's literally no benefit you idiot.

When your doctor talk to you about it, you will realise it was the right choose your parents made. Make you feel better


i had a gf for 5+ years who said she preferred it... it's so much easier to jack off with foreskin like it seems like a huge pain in the ass to have to use lube just to masturbate or receive a proper handjob

Getting a circumcision is an oxymoron, it doesn't benefit you or harm you in the long run. It somewhat reduces the risk of HIV but so do condoms, and the foreskin acts as a natural lube. And it has tons of nerve endings, meaning sex feels better for uncut people. Suck it jews.

there's literally no reason to talk to my doctor about it, and i'm not going to
there's also no proof that that was the right "choose" for me, you've yet to source your claims other than telling me to "look within"



Sounds like someone cut your dick up without your permission

anti- circumcision is like anti-vaccines. Talk to your doctor to get the facts

you're circumscribed right?

What the fuck is this nonsense?

Except people do fine with their foreskins and don't die. Fuck off summerfag

not dr pepper faggot

You're obviously trolling since I HAVE spoken to doctors about it and they are weary of giving any recommendations either way since it is a highly debated issue atm.

The consensus is that there are statistically insignificant benefits that come at very low risks. They tended to say that it ended up being a personal choice.

So lets call the scientific debate a wash. We,'re left only with the moral argument which massively leans in favor of the uncut camp since the cut folks rely on said shaky evidence and carefully selected advocacy research.

Don't cut you sons. End this mad practice

Can we start a raid or something. Let's start the hashtag #CutTheFlaps to trigger all the females on tumblr and let's see how they like it when we talk about mutilation on their kind.

you don't need lube to just masturbate, but a nice handjob always requires lubrication, be that actual lube or just her spit
there's some extra skin, it's not tight like a balloon or something, and you really don't need to pull the skin all the way up and over the head

don't be autistic, ask a real question if you're confused, obviously this guy doesn't know what it's like to have part of his dick missing so he's gonna be confused about it too

i have foreskin dickhead


half cut master race
>dick doesn't look like a tube sock
>nor a dried sausage
>can fap without lube
it's great


We get mutilated all the time as part of a religious practice too.

>you vapid cunt

worth it

OP when someone brings logic into this debate

Not all doctors are good doctors. I spoke to my doctor about it, and he said it is a good choice. He gave me some stuff to read. I think I still have the pamflets. Hold on a second I will find them.