Thoughts on the Australian PM?

Thoughts on the Australian PM?

I almost hear nothing about him these days.

Looks like someone who is always the nicest guy in the group but eventually you found out that he tried to fuck his brother's son

Who? What happened to Abbott?

More like the guy who would shock the guy who does that.


I hear his approval ratings over there have hit rock bottom. Why, and what will happen to his political party?


Malcolm has fucked up our National Broadband Network, thank's to him we will be even further behind in internet technology for years to come.

I miss Tony.

Well the alternative is bill shorten... sooo....

Last I saw, he had a satisfaction rating of 34%

But he was ahead on preferred pm 39% vs 28% over the other guy, Bill Shorten.

> fucked up the broadband network badly
> instead of legalizing gay marriage decided to hold a taxpayer funded, non legally binding opinion poll
> has a cabinet full of white dudes who are against enrichment in 2017, keep threatening to take away gibs me dat, and women who keep getting busted taking taxpayer funded trips to do their own personal business
> also has a hardline right wing faction in his party who keep jumping up and down about how much of a softcock he is
> typically seen as caring more about corporations than anything else.

> is objectively less likable
> has a party full of people who can't go a week without fucking something up
> cut a deal with the greens a few years back and introduced a very unpopular carbon tax that the other guys still give them shit for
> couldn't stop boat people from coming
> the party is seen as a corrupted mess of it's values full of selfish career politicians, where it used to be all about helping unions
> on that note, are unions anywhere near as relevant as they used to be?

Tl;dr would you rather be shot or stabbed?

he's full anglo

He's another slave of corporations, except he's far more prolific in this shilling than most politicians.

He's been trying to privatise our universal health care.

He's given several tax breaks to his owners (corporations).

He's basically reduced any good developments we had going or had plans to do. Fucked with NBN (National Broadband Network), making it inferior and take longer to build than the initial program. He basically kills off everything in favour of maximising his owner's profits.

You would not be wrong to say that Australia might be the worst country in regards to white collar crime and the government just fucking around, being useless + maximising profits for other entities that don't contribute to the economy very much.

We're economically fucked because we don't develop any strong industry in anything, some small shit that gets quickly killed off or moved elsewhere. The most painful thing about it is that we're in a position to do so, very easily and very extensively.

>It's a Aussies kick out their pm over some intra-party squabbling year

Oh wait that's every fucking year


>He's given several tax breaks to his owners

he's given one tax break of 1.5% to small business you leftist dunce

People dream up political crises just to get at turnbull.

The dude, for once, isn't a personal fuck up like Abbott, Rudd, Gillard.

More intelligent than Howard, Keating, Hawke

PMs before that don't matter so not point comparing

I didn't even vote for him and I think he is objectively the best PM, just leading a shit party (unlike the united Liberals of Howard that destroyed all political impediments)

Rudd did NOTHING wrong

>trying to privatise our universal health care

No prime minister will ever attempt to do this. It's political suicide. Where the fuck does the ALP pull this shit from? There''s been absolutely zero legislation introduced that would have ushered the privatisation of Medicare. There was TALK about privatising a small section of the billing department with the guarantee that there would be absolutely no change to the end consumer (and even that didn't go ahead).


Even though Tones is a shitcunt, atleast he is a meme shitcunt.