
/lat/ edition

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Hockey tbqhwya

>inviting the autists whenever they search the catalog for their containment general
Yanks are catagorically worse than leafs in every concievable way


a heartless bastard high and plastered my style is like the reaction from too much acid

let's leave the canadian identity shitposting in the other threads lads

moving to Brentford 2bh

but don't cry through your despair
i wonder if the lord still cares for us niggas on welfare?

good post

Why would you do that

It costs like 500 quid to do a bike test

good post


why on earth

Drugs innit

about to crack open the ol' fedora folder, be on your best behaviour


Ah yes, nearly 11 hours in the hospital

Might do an ol' 'cide


blowin back on this mary jane i'm analyzing the game

might learn a foreign language and pretend English is my second language just to mix things up

it cost me about 100 quid wtf are u on about u dickhead i'f been riding motorbikes for years nefore i did the test. i just passed the car test as soon as icould when i was 17

What for la'?

horrible thread

what happened see any cute nurses

>tfw to inteligent for yank-/brit/

pretty great seeing american flags writing in proper english

god goys

want to be the grumpy old mountain man with a barn full of cool old cars I refuse to sell when I'm old 2bh


fuck everyone in this thread

you're supposed to behave in the new thread, leaf

oe ta tu papa


We get the kids jets we want the hands of everyone up
Because the first to make the ortiba for pancho
And we'll give him a face mask.

Although they do not want us to be delinquents
We go from pipe with antecedents robamos armored,
Locutorios and markets we do not fit a state we're played.

We sell substance and cars we cry we do
Of first salideras in the banks somo '
Pirate asphalt scammers all know us
For the kings of trouble.

Mum had a CT scan cause she's been getting dizzy often

>being this new

first time here today

is this ireland?

Is she okay?

Probably a brain aneurysm
Sorry mate

>CT scan taking 11 hours
ah yes, government funded healthcare

Waiting for the results

>CT scan
surprised it only took 11 hours. hope everything works out lad




roughly ten (10) perecnt of posters in this thread are posting eith a british flag.
remind me again, why isn't this the /general/-general?

I'll pray for her and you

it's nearly 5 am in the uk hans

I had one of those in July posting results. Diagnosis very early stage alcoholic fatty liver disease lmao. Sorted itself out now tho ahaha

racist bigot

>I'll pray for her and you


>left reference list till last
>took bastard hours
>still 300 words short of target

what are you doing here?

reminder if you haven't gotten your shit on track by 25 you're DONE

its over


know its a bit late but citethisforme.com is a lifesaver

you know what the midwest is young and restless


I'll be 28 when I'll have everything sorted. Is there still a chance for me?

thread is not going well so far

the wachowskis were brothers
then they became women
now they're transistors

A communist Asiatic pro-immigration Partisan and B-17 Bombardier was teaching a class on Joseph Stalin, known rapist.

“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Stalin and accept that he was the least evil being the world has ever known, even greater than Rommel”

At this moment, a brave, honorable, Prussian aristocracy Panzer Ace who had destroyed 12,000 Shermans and understood that Slavs aren’t Europeans and fully supported all military decisions made by the Wehrmacht stood up and held up a dead child.

“Is killing this kid a war crime?”

The arrogant war criminal smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “of course it is, you stupid German.”

“Wrong. He was within twenty miles of a partisan camp. Besides, we were just following orders and you can’t really judge us because you weren’t there and don’t understand how we’re just fighting for our country and how most of us hate the Nazis anyway. If this was a war-crime, as you say, it would’ve been in Dresden.”

The partisan was visibly shaken, and dropped his PPSH and copy of The Treaty of Versailles. He stormed out of the room crying those communist crocodile tears.

The students applauded and accepted Rommel as their lord and savior. A Tiger Tank named “Following Orders” smashed into the room and stood guard next to the Reich Flag and shed a tear on a V2. Infantry Attacks was read several times, and Guderian himself showed up and advanced science by 1,000 years.

The partisan was caught trying to rape Berlin women and was arrested the next day. He died of typhus and nothing else in a prison camp that had a swimming pool.

Heil Europa

nada papi relajando en la cama y tu

any jews in here

just realized the entire plot of Click is Adam Sandler tripping on DXM

he's a problem child and what bothers him all comes out when he talks about his fucking dad walking out

Really weird when you repeat a word and it loses its meaning, or when you stare at a familiar face and it completely changes

the absolute state

pretty fucking bored 2bh familinia. bout to watch a movie but i still dont know which one.

might go turn the heating on

quite chilly

>just realized the entire plot of Click is Adam Sandler tripping on DXM

probably not
unless you've already been "on track" for a few years.

if you haven't started to settle down with a career and a long term plan by 25 you're finished and will always be "that old guy" stuck behind everyone else, or worse, working retail forever.

tfw no southern gf



I've set the bar low for what I consider success, so I'm all good

theres loads mate you've got plenty of choice
maybe too much choice

do a bit of a smirk every time I read this one



my uncle got his shit together now and he's 38

Only if you want to do the whole climb the corporate ladder thing

fuck OFF janny

off to the tesco, you lads want anything?

vaping my nut off in bed

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm a big guy
for you

Anyone else have trouble typing a word if they get interrupted midway through

Most of the time I end up having to just ctrl+backspace and starting it over again

i wanked to something awful last night

feel weird about it

Stradivarius violin

> open netflix
> so many different options
> wanna watch them all
> stress kicks in cuz i dont know which one should i choose
> close netflix

thats been my life for the last few weeks

go on lad tell us what it was

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Unregistered Hypercam 2

penthouse apt in 432 park avenue

it 'aint me

Bottle of Lambrini and a sandwich from the reduced section


john denver

what was it la

dont really want to


wales tbhlads