How come American muslims are so much more civilized than Euros muslims?

How come American muslims are so much more civilized than Euros muslims?

Euros mostly need those Muslims to work low class jobs as a result of better education and declining birthrates.

by needing to cross the ocean and learn english, only richer, culturally western muslims can go to america. all the nigger muslims go to europe

We only get the educated middle class ones, also Europe and the Islamic world have a very long, very bitter rivalry.

Because we mostly import the more educated ones.

Also the USA is just flat-out better at integrating immigrants. Sorry Euros, it's true. Look at how we handled the Indochina refugee crisis. Or even just compare the state of Mexican immigrants in the USA to MENA immigrants in France.

USA was built as a land of immigrants, so of course you know how to handle it better.

The US also has Constitutionally-protected freedom of religion, less so in Europe where enforced secularism (especially in France) rubs Muslims the wrong way.

there's fewer of them there.

Because we get the nigger Muslims and they get the educated ones. Other way around with Mexicans, the only Mexican guy I know has a PhD in physics.

Because they're largely western (in other words born in US) & specifically selected. Whilst most of the large pops of muzzies in europe are just piled in, nothing gradual. It's not sustainable or do-able at all.

they had to earn it.
Rapefugees get free shit

Americans, beware of more immigrants

The first immigrants from United Kingdom respected the Indians as well. Now the Indians live in reserves.

Not really many Muslims that came here knew jackshit English.

No several old world countries handle it pretty well. Uganda is a haven for many refugees in Africa over the years and many refugees stabilized and joined with mainstream Ugandan society.

Yeah, but that was after a huge portion of them were decimated by diseases from first contact before anglo colonization

Jealous of refugees lol.

Our Muslim population hasn't hit critical mass where they feel comfortable in their numbers to start being their true selfs.


Meanwhile Poland leeches off Germany and the Eu and gets free shit.

They do all the groveling menial work while pampered western euros complain about the coffee machine being broken.

canadian muslims range from retarded iraqi/lebanese/syrian arabs/kurds who adapt ghetto culture and don't do anything except act like they are hard to better educated pakistanis/iranians who are cool and contribute.

i think it has to do with arab iq being quite retarded after centuries of inbreeding.


hijab= radical muslim

pic related. a moderate muslim woman who is civilized. a hijabi women can be radicalized, you can't be sure.

i am not trolling btw, if you can find any document from 90's turkey, offical view of state was something like this on hijab, you can google it. and and it almost true.

Turkey is what all muslim countries should aspire to be. Instead they try to imitate Iran and Saudi Arabia. It's a damn shame.