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First for the FOOKIN LEGEND
Reminder that D&D thought the tower of joy was called Gerold Hightower, which is why he wasn't in the scene.
Sansa's acting was dogshit
it's confirmed isn't it lads
>Ramsey tediously killing yet another character.
I never thought a psychopath could be boring, but D'n'D proved otherwise.
Is Daario the most Marvel character right now?
>You'll never ride the dragon, she's wild you know ;)
>If I win, I'm the shit that killed an old man, if I lose, I'm the shit that got killed by an old man
>"Were you ever disciplined as a child?" Never! xD
>I'm...agh...very attached to this knife.
>I should've been born Dothraki.
>*rock headbash*
Can't ramsey kill a shitty character for once, like robin
Fans are loving it, we are getting it. Are you hyped, lads?
What are the chances that they could introduce one final villain during Season 7? A combination of Aegon and Darkstar character played by Ben Barnes
Reminder that the three best speeches from the books will all be in the upcoming three episodes
And D&D will ruin all three
he is the monk who saves the hound
isnt it?
absolutely ridiculous but at the same time completely believable
I'd like him more if they gave him proper clothes. He looks fucking disgusting.
literally 0%
Will she lighten up after getting a good plowing?
Daily reminder that Ned warged into ICE
>Ice is split in two
>Ned is split in two
>Twisted fucking psychopath
>nicest guy you'll ever meet
>guess which one killed stannis
>Jon offers Sansa a drink from his horn
>its ale
made me realize the night watch must be at least slightly buzzed 24/7
Why do they kill all the good actors, and leave the shitty ones?
I almost had a hernia during that Sansa and Jon scene.
yes. hound becomes a monk himself and through the power of love and forgivness he will defeat The Mountain.
the meribald priest, lyanna and the third one?
What if Stannis warged into Rickon?
Margaery is going to be hanged.
Cap this.
What ones?
>Not the lord and saviour that will bring the Seven Kingdoms back to the path of rightenousness before being unjustly slaughtered by his aunt
Having Darkstar and him on the show would be sweet though, I would take a merged character
What would you drink? Pisswater?
only if pod is there to watch
I hope she dies in a horrible way. Like pulled apart by 4 horses or something
Only old people dislike race mixing silly goys. :^)
Let the free folk through the wall silly goys. ;^)
Makes sense for warmth purposes.
ale back then wasn't as strong as the stuff we drink now. i mean it's a fantasy show but it's based in history. if they wanted to get shit faced they'd be drinking wine
what if Nedd warged into Ilyn Pain
Broken men, Kingsmoot and Mummers farce
Anyone else forgot this fucker was even locked up?
Margaery will convert and bully Cersei, after her champion loses to brother Hound.
OK, we've proven Dany is fire-proof. So how come her brother died from having hot gold poured on him?
>Targ fucking shit
Fire and Blood, it's their house words. They're the house of death and destruction. Not one of those epik le white haired mary sue dragon people should ever be allowed to set foot in Westeros ever again.
Wow, I've never seen TV show or a movie do something like this, reincorporate a scene from the past in this sort of rythmic way. Are there other works that do this, for lack of a better word, poetry?
Sup Forums nobody cares
>final villain
Are you for real? There is no such thing.
because dany is the princess that was promised
>remebering a faggot
yea no
Margaery will convert and rat out her Grandmother's involvement in killing Joffrey
>mfw skipping high sparrow scenes
This season is dealing with an already excesive amount of characters an plot-lines one stab at a time. What do you think.
he wasnt a dragon
because he was a man
Why did it take Margaery this long to realize that she could just fake it? I thought she was smart
Dany is not Viserys' bother, Jon is.
because Dany is the last dragon and Viserys wasn't
Bloodriders bowin before Caloreesi
You are not alone user.
yea they bore me to tears
He's literally the only good actor left tbqh.
there is no possible fucking way they can wrap this entire show up in the next 16 episodes. it's just not possible. they need at least another 2 seasons.
Reminder he will definitely die this season since the actor is now playing Iron Fist in a netflix show
He will soon enough. Robin will lead the frontal assault on Winterfell.
Damn, these guys love memes too.
Does anyone in the show that's not an extremist actually believe in a religion?
Feels like everyone is an edgy fedora now
i agree
There were like 7-9 Khals present during the Raze but lets say there were 6 Khals in total.
My question is why didn't they use Dany as a battering Ram? She may weigh a respectable ton but she was fireproof
I'm no knight
Yeah, I wish he had some more relevance in both show and books. He's introduced and rumored to be such a badass but he's barely even a character at this point.
>Jon rules the North
>Dany rules the South
>Targshits ride again
>physical contact = SEXUAL INTIMACY
i bet you get boners from hugs and hand holding.
>teleports again
You guys know time passes between episodes, right? They didn't all time travel and get older too.
Salsa Stark Lannister Bolton Snow
You missed important details about shoes
What's up with the brotherhood?
Or is that yet another long forgotten plot line?
they want a good Khal but they need the bad pussy
I would have rolled her around to put out the flames.
you are LITERALLY a plebian
Why didn't Dany die from a lack of oxygen?
someone said the same thing about mad men and they split the last season in 2 parts.
>implying Jon wouldn't drop her in an instant for Arya
Aegon the conqueror had two wives too though
I actually love this. Anything that gives Tormund more screen time is a plus
Its literally the same fucking shit
>characters goes to HS
>c-can i speak to X?
>no you cant
>here Ill sit down and talk to you lmao
>tfw we will never see the city of the winged men
>tfw we will never visit k'dath, the first city ever built
>tfw we will never visit asshai, stygai and the shadow lands, where demons, dragons and the lord of light reside
>we will never see the demon hunters of mossovy
>we will never visit the cities of the bloodless men
Ever since the end of season 4 political intrigue has been shit, they should just go full magic at this stage. Also keep Dany away from these, just send Jorah to asshai or something so that he finds a cure for his greyscale.
Robin will suffer an accident soon. CIA style.
more excited to see Ian Mcshane than the hound. Acting quality will go up significantly.
literally impossible
I just want to see Littlefinger fuck Sansa. Then I can die happy.
More Lyanna when?
Imagine if European Royal families conspired to murder the Pope and exterminate his followers, even if it was a radical Pope.
Just seems quite drastic.
Oxygen reserves in her arms
one of the best pictures i've ever seen
can i save it?
The Dragon needs no air.
I hate this cunt
I wish people would stop posting her retarded photos so I don't have to look at her duck face anymore
what if Lyanna is played by Lyanna?
>>"Were you ever disciplined as a child?" Never! xD
Wasn't he a slave as a child?