>album only has one filler track
Album only has one filler track
"Filler" tracks dont exist
An artist doesnt say "I need to make a filler track"
prove me wrong
i prove that you're wrong
>"A lot of the Paranoid album was written around the time of our first album, Black Sabbath. We recorded the whole thing in about two or three days, live in the studio. The Song 'Paranoid' was written as an afterthought. We basically needed a 3-minute filler for the album, and Tony came up with the riff. I quickly did the lyrics, and Ozzy was reading them as he was singing."
Well you've disproven me, but
no surprise there
glad music has evolved beyond this
That album is seriously fucking 10/10
>album is all filler
>band releases a filler album
>Sabbath wasn't the pinnacle of all music ever conceived
"evolved" into black hobos having a fit over a beat
>album has one good song
I can always trust Sup Forums to have racist edgelords saying stupid shit
Holy shit that just hit me.
Not complaining
>band releases nothing but filler
>album has a filler, happier
>implying Fitter Happier isn't beautiful
>calling someone black is now wacist
take your hurt fee fees back to dumblr
>calls people who listen to any kind of rap "black hobos"
>"i'm not racist. lol you fucking tumblrfag"
>The fact you haven't died from lack of oxygen inhalation yet
>First track is Filler
>people who listen to
you are one dumb motherfucker
nice comeback bro
>tfw the fillers are the only good tracks
fuck you
>album has tracks
Stefan "McRide" Burnet is black. This is a fact. There's nothing racist about alluding to his race. What the fuck are you talking about?
he's just a tan white guy
see NLDW cover
Retard alert. We got a retard.
what if he doesn't identify himself as a black man? Have you considered that? HUH?
Not him but take your Facebook tier memes elsewhere faggot.
You're being ironic but I'm unironically at a complete loss to what these fucking idiots are talking about.
>racist sexist.jpg
>he has a macro image with the filename 'racist sexist.jpg' saved on his computer
It's time to stop posting.
the problem is that you used it derogatorily
The Beach Boys put intentional filler at the end of some of their albums.
Ever hear Bull Session with Bug Daddy or Our Favorite Recording session?
Black Sabbath>99.9% of modern music
I think that was you projecting meaning onto the other user's statement.
>"evolved" into black hobos having a fit over a beat
>>>I think yr projectin meenin
I think you're a fucking moron
You think calling a man black is derogatory? Would you happen to be racist?
it's racist to use racial terms in a bad context, quit samefagging
>calling a black man black is racist
This is your brain on muh progressivism.
>quit samefagging
Kill yourself, Nazi punk. Back to your clandestine bigotry. Stefan is a beautiful BLACK man impartial of your hate for people like him.
it's not racist to call black people black
you're using the same logic that people use to defend "grab em by the pussy" no one's mad he said "pussy", or in this case "black", we're mad because of the context.
The poster was complaining about the devolution of music, because of black people
Fuck off jew nobody likes your shitty music.
>The poster was complaining about the devolution of music, because of black people
how is this presumption not racist as hell
that guy said nothing even remotely similar to what you read into it
>black people are black
Well? What color is this?
Racists ie complete dumbasses need not answer.
niggas got skin cancer now
Cmon. He suggested music devolved in conjunction with black hobos.
if race wasn't relevant then why did he mention it?
most new rappers are black
several of them look like hobos
they are devolving music
because black hobos sound different from white hobos
He was referring to a particular public figure, you total fucking retard. It was a joke. You're supposed to understand who it is without his name having to be said. What the fuck is wrong with you.
>he's a colorblind whitey
>race bears no relevance when he deems it so
you better be fucking joking
I can't even figure out what you're trying to say
It's a common bias that black men are seen as inferior or less evolved. To broadly sweep all rap as devolving music... he can dislike rap but he choose these words poorly and its hard to know online where theres casual racists everywhere
whats goin on in this thread
>It's a common bias that black men are seen as inferior or less evolved
no one said that except you. this country isn't as racist as you think, you'd know that if you stepped out of your safe space once in a while
what are talking about
do you have any historical context whatsoever
or are you fucking idiot
go2bed dad
yea br0 race is completely irrelevant to MC FUCKING RIDE one of the only rappers to find critical acclaim without conforming to predetermined industry stereotypes of the black image in America
what you're doing is violent. this is violence that you try to nullify his race as irrelevant to people who it means the fucking world to that he was able to find success
eat shit and die
stop feeding trolls
its not the fucking 1930s anymore faggot
Apologize to this PoC right now, you honky motherfucker.
>It's a common bias that black men are seen as inferior
They are.
>he doesnt think every white person is racist!!!!!!!! hes trolling!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you're an amazing shitposter, love your work. I agree with you
but I was pointing out the racism of the previous anons post, saying that if the "evolved" guy wasn't being racist, then why did he have to specify?
I can't
"hobo" would be accurate. "hobos" is not just stefan but a broad statement saying that blacks are devolving music
your point being? that they never happened?
>different opinion than me
All for diversity except diversity of perspective, huh? Fuck you.
it's just a little hard to believe that these guys aren't trolls
because that would mean they are racists
which I guess you are
Heads up to any PoC ITT; this poster
has already admitted to being racist.
>your point being? that they never happened?
they're long gone and the only ones left are old and senile as fuck. white people arent your enemy, friend. the government is our common enemy
>being racist is bad
you are the one talking about white people
I never fucking mentioned white people
you are so goddamn defensive because you can't handle that you might be racist
white people aren't racist
you are racist
right i guess it was the spanish in the 1930s doing the oppressing?
are you retarded
No it was the Democrats.
>it's just a little hard to believe that these guys don't fit into my shallow pre-existing worldview
>because that would mean that my preconceived notions of people that disagree with me and the racist / non-racist dichotomy by which I distinguish them doesn't have a foundation in reality
>which I guess you do fit because that's easier than having my perspective challenged
why am i getting trolled by someone who isnt even old enough to vote
>democrats r the real rayciss!
>believing in the 2 party dichotomy
happily voted to legalize weed in my state and for a few local offices
I live in MA so it didn't matter who I vote for president
what are you getting at
that I hurt your fee-fees when I called you racist ?
>listens to JRE once
Enlighten me, Alpha Brain dudebro, what political affiliation is there in American politics besides Democrats and Republicans that actually matters?
Take a few sips of your kale shake before you hit that submit button. I'm trying to become enlightened here.
I'm saying your little performance ITT can be surmised as
>anyone that disagrees with me
yet I'm the one being insincere.
captcha: kunden queer
2 party systems suck and most modern Republican establishment figures are the same neocon scum as the dems, but are you going to sit here and tell me that Alabama was a red state back then?
Godwin's law but "comparisons to Hitler" replaced with "arguments about racism"
you're just mad I'm not afraid to point out racism when I see it because unlike you I'm not an insecure pussy who's afraid of people unlike them
haha this dude has got a tiny peepee, i guarantee it
when was the last time you got laid, ya fucking loser? why don't you crawl back into the locker you were stuffed into before lunch?
>>anyone that disagrees with me
>you're just mad that I'm not afraid to point out racism
>doesn't even deny it
I posted this with the creativity i made and this is what you guys do to it.
>unlike you I'm not an insecure pussy who's afraid of people like them
Goddamn, nigger. Aren't you the hero this Cantonese finger puppet forum has been waiting for. My apologies. Thank you for your bravery.
There's no political party that matters besides those 2, so the only way to get a shot at actually changing the system is either a violent revolution or co-opting one of the parties and molding it to serve a different purpose, the latter being a more realistic approach.
>I'm not afraid to call out a different opinion when I see it because unlike you I'm an insecure pussy who's afraid of what people think of them
That does deny it
I'm not saying people who disagree with me are racist
I am saying that you guys are racist because you are
it's average
fucking kek
>the word black is derogatory
that's not what I said you fucking idiot
have you ever heard of the word context
because the derogatory part is the context
he is using black to describe a group who is devolving music
that is the problem with his language
>I am saying that you guys are racist because you are
>posts his dick on the Internet
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