Whi do arabs hate france so much ?

Whi do arabs hate france so much ?

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>Implying there are only Arabs who hate that shithole.

>using thr French flag as your prayer mat

But that's the highest honour, inshallah.

>But that's the highest honour, inshallah.


you can see him beckoning all fellow muslims to join him in prayer

There was a genocide and rough histoy of colonization in Algeria for 200 years
I don't hate France but I think French are rude af

why they put towel in the street?

They just want to be like everyone else.

Moroccans here behave like ass as well, and Turks, Egyptians, Iranians and such have to suffer for it.

>They just want to be like everyone else.

what's wrong with using a flag as a mat

Fuck off Nazi, Le Pen will get cucked hard at the election



>tfw FN will never be taken seriously because of this guy

I don't understand why you'd go to someone else's country where you're allowed to live and do this.

Those beta cucks are mad because their women crave for BBC and BWC, date kuffars and do porn. You can't escape western degeneracy.

everybody hates France

Everyone hates France.

You're free to fuck off back to North Africa any time, Mahmoud.

>You can't escape western degeneracy.

the french had 200+ years of doing the same to se asia but they fucking love french culture.

france embodies everything middle-easterners are not, secular, rational, scientific and into the material world of high art and culture rather than being a bunch of desert hicks too dumb and uneducated to function in the modern world.

You forget about freedom fries?

lmao stupid frenchboo

did you know that Morocco has been an ally to USA longer than France?

French are cucks and they deserve nothing but the worst
Let them keep importing sandniggers

>that flag
>this topic

>haha they recognized USA first what a great ally so longtime friendship!

>that flag
>this topic

>the french had 200+ years of doing the same to se asia but they fucking love french culture.
Eh, I'd think I rather live in Tunisia over Indochina

because muslims are subhumans

yeah travelled all the way from north africa to settle in Slovakia very intelligent assumption my fat friend

oh you

t. Pierre

arabs feel stronger when you show weakness but if you are strong they will suck your cock, they have the same approach to authority than dog. If you treat them equally to you they see it as a weakness, semitic mindset.

>showing strength

*shows strength*

*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana*
"heh.. sorry kid nothing personnel"

The majority of french arabs are from North Africa>North Africa was colonised by France>France was exploiting arabs and doing other nice things like torturing them with electricity>after the liberation arabs still think that french people adress them as the inferior people.
So they came here for a better life and it doesn't seem like they're having it.

>france embodies everything middle-easterners are not, secular, rational, scientific and into the material world of high art and culture rather than being a bunch of desert hicks too dumb and uneducated to function in the modern world.
Pretty much this. Like America, France represents the vanguard of liberty and modernity (note that I said modernity, not post-modernism). As such, these two are the most desired target for shitskin terrorism.

This as well. There's a small problem though: they're not like dogs. Dogs are incredibly loyal and if you win their respect, they'll honor you for life. Arabs will backstab you the moment you show weakness, and they are quick to mistake kindness for weakness. Because they get welfare money like the unproductive, lazy and stupid goatherders they are, they think France bends the knee for them.

I hope this summer, France will prove them wrong. If not, then it was fun while it lasted.

All Arab countries hate each other.

>France was exploiting arabs and doing other nice things like torturing them with electricity>after the liberation arabs still think that french people adress them as the inferior people.
the population of this region multiplies under the french occupation because of all the hospitals, medical help etc. Algeria was literally create by france, it was nothing before. The stupidy of french colonization was to teach them "les droit de l'homme". We should not give a fuck about them and just exploited economically like england did, country that have been occupied by england are not angry about their old master but the french one are, why ? because we promise them something that will never happened : becoming french. That why they hate us.

*sucks cock*
wew guess you were right

>country that have been occupied by england are not angry about their old master
Not quite. The national elite is not angry (mainly since it was on the colonial ruler's payroll). The common people can be angry in any way they can.

To my knowledge, for some reason in black Africa the butthurt is nowhere near as great as in North Africa.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's because black people are better than arabs. Arabs are just THAT shit.

indians are not angry about england, in fact they take a lot from them, one of the french colonie has war with france and lost it (vietnam) Now descendant of this people in france are perfectly assimilate, they have french name and work, only muslims are causing problem. Semitic people ( and people with their mindset = muslim) are filled with hated, even 100 years after they will still hated you for some shit.

They hate liberty, freedom, and fraternity.

lmao what the fuck is this pepe

i mean we lost it


>Not knowing the smug elephant

hello, former opressor

>indians are not angry about england
Well, at the 1947 many of them were mad at Endland. 1945-1947 were the years of great unrest - labor movement in the cities, riots on the fleet, tebhaga movement in villages.

>Eh, I'd think I rather live in Tunisia over Indochina
Only because were prevented from saving them from Communism by fifth column hippie liberals.

This. Maghrebis are absolute assholes but black africans are really kind and many are proud to still speak french and are thankful to our nation. They still have the old french currency iirc

English football hooligans do this sort of >I'll come to your country and cause trouble, what are you going to do about it

Really not that hard to understand what's going on there

i love his smile

that nem looks delicious

The pic was taken in Morocco iirc

Because France lost to UK.
Everyone hate loser.

the came to france expecting beautiful white women, but instead found that the "white" french were swarthier then they themselves