/got/ general
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no not rly
Daily reminder Westeros is full of manlets
Preston is a cute.
thought it was a fun episode lads
I expect every autist who though the Umbers were secret Stark loyalists to come forward and apologize for being such retards.
This is what you get for having faith in D&D.
>yfw the ending is Bran from far future giving Jon the secret to defeat the others
In name, if not in blood.
I hope not.
Not a claimant to the throne, otherwise I would. Freys are on Based Tommen's side anyway.
Targaryens are literally foreign invaders that didn't even adapt to the local customs like Willy the Conqueror did. Jon is alright, but his Targ heritage won't even come into play.
Same as with Freys, not a throne claimant.
>that watermark
Get the fuck out of here
>Graffiti in a Ghiscari city written in Common
>Myhsa is the Ghiscari word for mother, but both Tyrion and Varys mistake it for Valyrian
The letter was sent by Smalljon to get Jon involved and BTFO the Notlobs.
actally sent by cia
>knock down torch
>entire fucking building catches fire in a second
Exactly. It would have been a good image but they had to ruin it.
>Targaryens are literally foreign invaders that didn't even adapt to the local customs
Okay. So why would you support the bastard cadet-dynasty of the Targs in that case?
>Not a throne claimant
>Implying that matters
What is the realm? Nothing but a lie that you idiotic Stannisfags believe in. Strength decides who sits on the throne, not claims, honor, nor blood. Bloody hell even Jorah the cuck realized this much.
>new house
They've been around for at least 1000+ years. They're newer than Lannisters and Starks, but are about as old as Targaryens and those only died out because based Lannisters killed them all when they were in one place. In the books there's quite a bunch of Baratheon cadet branches, I'm pretty sure. There's also Edric who's treated as actual royalty unlike Gendry, so even if Stannis was to die there they'd be far from finished.
Dany's tits screencap where?
>tfw melisandre will figure out that Dany is actually the one not jon snow
>fire god princess and Dany the dragon queen destroy white walkers and rule westeros
Pretty sure they used some sort of accelerant and set it up beforehand. They had enough time to prepare.
Didn't you ask this last thread? It isn't hard to find.
Is this bait?
Yeah! Artist should never get paid paid!
The watermark isn't going to get them paid dumbass
eh, braziers being knocked down and everything catching fire is a familiar movie trope, i'll let it slide
better than a fucking dragon coming and torching the place
>building made of wood
>in the middle of a desert
>surprised it burns down in a minute
>tfw GRRM himself wrote the scene of Dany burning down all the Khals and emerging as a leader because of her epic fire resistance
How mad will be spergs be at him then?
another title to add to her business card
They got naturalized. Baratheons are 100% Westerosi. They don't do incest, in fact they abhor it. Their ties to the Targs are very, very, very distant at this point.
This is why CIA wouldn't sit on the throne, he'd control whoever sits on it. He doesn't care about direct power, he's more of a behind the scenes type of guy.
>yfw Sweetrobin is going to warg his falcon and peck Ramsay's eyes out
Screencap this
> Sansa & Jon hug
> No way to hide how short Kit is compared to The Mountain That Eats Lemoncakes
>implying Mellisadre will survive long enough to meet Dany
She's literally dead m8, if Davos doesn't execute when he finds out what happened to the princess, then Brienne will.
>gold and white
They're not getting paid
>Does not understand why art/design has value.
/got/ can you bookfags please stop being autistic fucks on hating last nights episode, that ending gave me fucking goosebumps it was epic and needed to happen, just shows you how bad ass she is, cant wait until she crosses the sea and kicks some white walker ass with jon targ!
also rachel riley needs to be in GOT getting naked every episode
It was made of stone you cunt, and no way they could have oiled everything up before without the Khals noticing
>better than a fucking dragon coming and torching the place
Why? That would have made sense for them bowing down to her.
Still a cliche either way, but one is just retarded.
They were dumb brown people who weren't prepared for a white savior to come and destroy their ignorant culture.
Super bait
> GRRM writing something
Does anyone else think it's kinda hot that the frog hasn't cracked yet? Cersei cracked and Loras cracked and frog is the strongest one when the chips are down.
>jon = azor ahai
>dany = princess who was promised
William the conqueror didn't adapt shit. The kings spoke French well into the 15th century. Aegon changed his religion and let the old families keep their lands and vassals.
>She smiles when she mentions that her character could be a good candidate for the Iron Throne
Please god don't be true
>Loras cracked
Of course he did he's a gay, lol
I can't wait to have more scenes of him talking about laces and frills and craving cock.
Thing is, shit like that gets knocked over all the time. They would have learned long ago to not be so retarded as to make 1 knocked-over torch equal likely death.
The retarded part was that any one of them could easily have gutted Dany before burning to death. Hell, after the doors were locked, there's pretty much no hope so you may as well kill the bitch.
The fuck you talking about? He's always writing about his travels and what he eats.
The Khals don't live there, they were just convening there for the meeting. The widows have the run of the place most of the time. Also they live in their own filth and the filth of their horses, they probably wouldn't have noticed a thin layer of fat or oil on the floor.
Best character coming through
are you triggered?
Can't have weapons in the holy city.
That being said they really should have just beaten her to death.
Agreed, but at least Dany accomplished something by herself for once instead of relying on MUH DRAGONS.
hello sorry
Toj lyanna when?
What was he thinking at that moment?
>wildings & tullys vs boltons
>lannisters & tyrells vs the sparrows
>dany taking the dothrakis
wew lad. get hype.
anyone think they know what the ironborns will get up to?
>The Khals don't live there, they were just convening there for the meeting.
>What is the meaning...of potato.
You people understand that this show is shit right?
And yet you keep coming back to it?
Why are Americans so god damn retarded? I've literally proved you all wrong with the Canadian tv show thread I made yesterday where it was unanimously agreed upon that Canadian shows were indeed far superior to your own
I guess it's because Americans just love to bitch and whine about ANYTHING
You fat fucks aren't simply satisfied with all the food you have, or the fact that you can always come up here for free medical treatments
No. You just have to prove the whole global community right.
We all laugh at you "muricanz" because you are all retarded and keep coming back for more
You have no idea how hard I'm laughing at you fat fucks
And it's not just me; the other 1st world countries are laughing at your 3rd world status too
>I fukt your waifu
Which is true, in a sense.
>Agreed, but at least Dany accomplished something by herself for once instead of relying on MUH DRAGONS.
Yeah, instead she relied on her plot armor to not get crushed by the falling debris or suffocate from the smoke. Also relied on the men who came to save her. Also relied on the Dothraki to accept her, granting her another free army.
All she's done this season is rattle off her titles and push over four lamps. That is not encouraging.
>i'm so getting beaten up at school the day after kids at my school see this
*freeze frame*
>You're probably wondering how I got here
He's Lord of the Reach you fucking hack jews. God damn I'm so mad.
Lamp oil doesn't smell and dries up pretty quickly
i wonder if sophie fuged the hund
Sorry, that was stupid of me. Still, like you said, I'm sure they could do some damage while unarmed. They seemed a bit too terrified and not pissed off enough
>Katrina Young is a Melbourne-based Illustrator. Her artwork spans many mediums and themes but she specializes in portraits and layered colour and pattern silhouettes. Kat is heavily influenced by fiction novels, games, cinematography and her favourite artists.
She sells prints of fan art, and watermarks digital copies so people have to pay her for her work.
there gonna strike a deal with dany to retake the mainland by providing her with ships to move her army
Did you get it all out? Feel better now?
I really hope the bumbling idiotic merchant routine was just a cover. That would be awesome (although who didn't like the opera singing?)
even though the siege of meereen ever happens in the show. we all know that daenerys will win
Anyone got some rare Mace the ace's?
>It's a Dany burns down a retirement home episode
>a retirement home for the women of highest respect in a barbarian society, where abusing or attempting to harm these women is a death sentence in the culture, literally the safest place for a woman the Dothraki society
>people love her for it
Why do people think Masie is ugly? She's qt
He looks like an extra they picked up an hour ago and put in the roots to keep the seat warm.
The oil was from the braziers, not already on the ground
KEK user, Jorah is azor ahai
>Max Von Sydow
>looks like an extra
full fucking pleb
no macelovers?
So which asspull conclusion did fans come to to justify the whole vaes dothrak joke?
Robin is autistic right? Like I mean in the clinical sense, not the way channers use the world.
Like, if this were real life he'd have a diagnosis.
I don't think they'll finish the flashback until The Door episode, whenever that one is
I hope the curse of The Crow isn't real.
>at least I'll be taller than Jan afterwards
Why do you say it was oil?
>over floor in sawdust
>push burning brazier onto it
>being this much of a retard
>in desert
>everything's dry
>the liquid comes out of the brazier
>everything's happening as it was prophesied to happen
>dany isn't a mary sue
she is the princess who was promised
>She sells prints of fan art, and watermarks digital copies so people have to pay her for her work.
Her fanwork you mean. Since she is making money on stuff George created. So piss off with your moralfaggotry.
And nobody here is buying it, so who cares.
There's stone to the right of her
>I'll be tasting me mum's potatoes in the afterlife