I like him.
I like him
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care
I expected Black Panther to be tougher looking under the mask.
It's a shame we have to wait 2 years until the movie.
Sup Forums's tears are going to be glorious.
He was pretty good in the Civil War movie.
Just hoping his own movie keeps his momentum going.
I don't see why they would care.
Dude Sup Forums has been butthurt since CW came out.
I enjoyed the character and the guy playing him is bretty gud too.
I hate the "muh diversity" crowd as much as the next guy...but this didn't feel forced at all. It felt natural and it made the movie better for it.
Probably because Black Panther is a long established member of the avengers and they would have to go well out of their way to make it feel forced.
Not even that though. Sometimes black people are shoehorned into movies for diversity's sake and it doesn't make any fucking sense having them there.
Example: Black Johnny Storm in the new Fantastic Four.
He was only put in that movie for the SJW's.
>The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations, a mantle passed from warrior to warrior. Now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of King. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?
he was pretty based
Black widow is gonna get BLACKED isnt she
is he a mutant? injected with super soldier juice? or is he just BLACK?
She already got greened nigga.
She's a slut.
That's the typical Hollywood race washing and it's irritating no matter how they do it. I'm just as irritated when they make Asian characters white because they're easier to sell to the audience.
Magic jungle herb (no seriously) and a Vibranium suit.
He's also a genius, master tactician, etc. Think Batman fused with Captain America.
Sup Forums DID IT AGAIN!
No doubt. In this instance though, Sup Forums is buttblasted because "Negros in muh movie?? I can't wait for the day of the rope."
When the reality is, he was one of the most based characters in the movie.
I thought he would have a goofy African accent like Leo, but it was based, like Eddie's.
>Vakavia, clearly a country somewhere in Africa, is the most technologically and culturally advanced nation in the world
Absolutely not, don't know where you got that from.
They are a country very hostile to other nearby countries and they are in a constant war with other tribes.
Plus it's all about the king, what he says is the law.
It's pretty primitive.
How do you pronounce T'challa?
Also his helmet is pretty neat
Oh good for you
and how was that?
still dumb
>everything that has to do with race is Sup Forums
you fuckers are even more annoying than Sup Forums
because an African nation being technologically dominant is more unbelievable than most capeshit elements
They are rich as fuck because they are in posession of the only vibranium mine in the planet, and everyone who doesn't do whatever the king says gets shot.
they would've traded away all that vibranium for salt and saffron centuries ago in the real world
Vibranium was discovered in early 20th century.
Wakandans are basically assholes who happened to be born on a place with cool shit, then refused to share
They're isolationists
In the real world there are no superheroes.
a century ago*
time to instill some imperialistic policies in marvel comics, then
fascinating insight
>fascinating insight
Exactly, complaining about a superhero movie not being realistic is absolutely retarded.
>you have to suspend all disbeliefs simultaneously and irrevocably
fascinating insight. very novel argument.
Well, i'm glad i'm not a Sup Forumstard then.
intensely underrated post
>you have to be a Sup Forumstard to laugh at an African nation being a leader in any significant field in the contemporary world
fascinating insight
He was pretty cool
>Don't worry Ms. Romanov, I will kill him myself.
Yes you are.
Fortunately extremists are a minority and the world has a completely different mindset.
Too bad his solo movie is going to be some watered down trash with television-tier cinematography instead of a cinematic epic with thematic depth and gorgeous Wakanda visuals that look like moving paintings.
Oh well
>being unable to imagine a rich, isolationist country
>with a monarchical government at that
>in a capeflick
fascinating insight
not in modern Africa, I can't
Hello cuckold
You already gone into scratched disc mode?
I'm sure you have other things to be offended about.
Not really. They're literally Saudi Arabia. They just happen to be sitting on top of something that's infinitely more valuable than oil, and are more technologically advanced as a result. They're still backwards and condescending and generally shitty, just like the Al Sauds.
fascinating insight
>not trading away all their valuable natural resources for a few arrowheads, some rocks, and Jesus
Mods pls take the Sup Forumstrash out.
>when SJWs take over the Chins
>when Sup Forumstrash leaves their containment board
Africa is a pretty big place. It isn't all sub-Saharan genocidal warlords. Look at the Malian Empire, or Aksum, or Songhai, or Egypt, or Carthage, or the Umayyads and Ayyubids and Fatmids and Zulus.
fucking sheltered SJW shut in
Have you been to fucking shit hole africa?
1 in 5 african Niggers is AIDS infested.
Black panther can save more actual Nigger lives just by standing on a street corner handing out condoms.
Fuck fighting crime. Those niggers need to fight ignorance and illiteracy first.
That's why nobody likes you.
You get triggered, you derail every single thread about that subject that triggers you, and everyone who doesn't like you is a SJW.
People don't like Tumblrinas, you think anyone would like you, when all you can discuss is
I agree. He was pretty cool.. I thought he'd feel forced but after watching the movie i thought he was based
That being said, His solo movie is most likely going to suck. Hes cool as hell but hes not THAT interesting where i could watch for 2 hours.
Hopefully theres a scene where he kills abunch if Nigerian email scammers
A black guy channeled Arnold Schwarzenegger, go figure.
fascinating insight
>look at all the places that have gone to shit
Things tend to go to shit after a few thousand years, yes.
This is a fictional story.
Why not call him the Panther? Aren't panthers black anyways?
I saw Tachalla. Or Takalla.
>Have a film that's supposed to launch your characters story line and get people hyped for his own film.
>Unironically getting overshadowed by a 19 year old Spider-Man who had 12 minutes of screen time.
They were right.
Dont feed the retard user. Sup Forumslacks are incapable of having any rational conversation without mentioning race or cultures because theyre all autistic like the rest of the "alt right" movement
Man I hate Sup Forums and capeshit but its really obvious when someone who has no idea about comics says stupid shit like this.
Why are you niggerlovers so triggered? Does Sup Forums really make you feel that insecure about your yourselves and your feelings?
Sup Forums is the second most popular board on Sup Forums after Sup Forums, and by extension, represents the ideals/views of most Sup Forums users. Why are you fags so surprised that it leaks on all boards?
Fuck off to plebbit if you want your PC garbage you tumblr tard.
He's African royalty and it's a fucking comic you dumbass.
Are you seriously this retarded?
>character that has never been in a movie gets overshadowed by the debut of Marvel's most popular superhero in history
What went wrong?
glad we can agree on Wakanda being more unrealistic than flying men with laser beams
fascinating insight
>Sup Forums
>more popular than Sup Forums
My fucking sides.
>we should stay an echochamber
the hypocricy strikes again.. Also, thats not Sup Forums you dumb fuck.
newfag pls go. Consider yourself owned bitch
Is ''fascinating insight'' Sup Forums's ''misogynistic white men''?
Panther's a shitty pop culture term. It can refer to mountain lions, also known as cougars, which aren't black. It could also mean jaguars, which rarely have a melanistic colour morph that makes them look black, but they're from South America. Then there are Leopards, which aren't black at all.
>Consider yourself owned bitch
fucking kek. you couldn't sound like a bigger dork if you tried
you can characterize it however you want, senpai
Why are Sup Forumsfriends always so angry bros.
>you will never be this triggered by things in fictional stories about characters that have existed for 10+ years because different races
Who gave the Sup Forums dog permission to post?
i don't get having a black guy in movie that tries to appeal to many demographics is pc garbage.
Can't wait for the movie to come out and make the average 600 million of these movies to see Sup Forums mad as fuck about it.
DCucks will be gone by then, we need new victims.
>being triggered
take a xanax, princess
pic related
Because they're all fucking losers, So they vigorously live through the success their race has accomplished to make them feel better about themselves.
Sup Forums don't you have some thread to make about how nobody cares about your ideologies?
Do you actually read comics? Or do you just shitpost threads, check for (you)'s and go "fascinating insight"?
What's tougher than a nigger?
the word you're looking for is "vicariously." you'd know this if you spent less time blogging about social injustice and more time paying attention in high school English
fascinating insight
recommend me a better comic than Naruto. that's right, you can't.
>expecting logic from Sup Forums
lad. You've been endlessly complaining about a little bitch in this thread because nigger in movie. Talk about denial.. also opiates are for losers.. I knew Sup Forums had degenerates but good lord.
>Sup Forums already worshipping the BBC
And i thought star wars came out in winter
you sure showed me.
I'm actually a big Marvel fan because of nostalgia but I still didn't like him. He had good intentions and his confrontation with Zemo was cool but his backstory was nonexistant and therefore I could not be attached to the character. I didn't want him to get a full backstory, but this just didn't feel like enough.
I know, shame on me
>black panther gets overshadowed by spiderman
wowie zowie bro im surprised marvel execs havent PERSONALLY skullfucked every writer responsible for this turn of events how could this EVER HAPPEN bro
i'm not your lad, bloke.
>endlessly complaining
poor choice of words
>about a little bitch
is the black panther a little bitch?
>because nigger in movie
>uses the word "nigger"
>looks down on Sup Forums
fascinating insight
the xanax would certainly help your very limited cause
typo != illiteracy