
best food editions.
fins are welcome, macedonians love /mämmi/

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Do you want to make me hate Bulgaria?

I unironically think that Marina Abramovic is pretty cool.

Attack me Christian fundamentalists

>Snowing non-stop for 2 days now
Wish I was a kid so I could enjoy this more lads

Good morning lads :3

>tfw the Sup Forums banner is also Holo


I am Macedonian and I don't love that.

no, i want to make you love finland

WTF Greece is not enemy of Finland WTF is going on here?

dunno, maybe they hate albanians. beats me

I'd fug 'er to be honest lad

Stop this Mämmi shit xpozed, in case you haven't noticed nobody finds it funny.


Women are goddesses and superior to men

Prove me wrong homos


I can't believe how young she looks.

>Snow in Agrinio
Now i`ve seen everything

Is it true than ancienne republique yougoslave de macedoine makes the best ajvar ?

Hello my friends I was wondering if the orthodox albo has posted recently

Surrounded by plebs

Those are the ones who secretly would like to fuck their mom

mn studeno deba a durvata sa mi malko osven da lqgam


Watch this. This is the Russian economy

Lmao even worse. Why do you like to fuck each other in the ass if you have boobs this big?

B*lgayria confirmed for hardcore homosexual.

And this is the Turkish economy. Turks are smarter than Russians.

Watch this. This is the FYROM economy

Can't beat us tho.

He's a fucking autist

Wew lad...

Glass houses, stones, etc.

Putin needs to use the oil gas and mineral shekels to diversify the economy like the chinks and Arabs are doing. Matu6ka Rossiq can't rely on them forever.


You can fuck a female in the ass too, my latin brother
But then again, you'd love to have a dominant homosexual gorilla nation just across the river now, wouldn't you?


probably the same in every country

so no one has seen Orthodox Albo post in the last couple of days?

He is dead.

So he hasn't my posted in a few months?
Damn man

Literally none are "diversifying" their economies. That s only a buzzword

Malaka looking 1st world as fuck

Bulgaria looks the same as turkey

Where do you find these?

Yes they are. The Arabs are turning their desert shitholes into hubs for tourism, construction, banking plus they're investing everywhere and buying up all the gold

Serbia ok

Today I learned Shqip has oil

Serbia export: 15.7b
Bulgaria export: 30.0b


We have 26% more money than the statistics


no you dont, thats just the albos selling bubregs

Romania is better than western economies

>western union making 26% of macedon economy

the balkans cant hold us down

Hello, is Fulgrim (Фyлгpим) here?

What did he mean by this?

Just walk in here and you'll feel 26% better than in Bulgaria

They are pretty much 100% oil

Diamonds and gold is some expat jews selling shit to other expats. There are more westerners in the gulf counties than natives.

I'm really curious to see what the gulf countries are going to be like a generation after the oil runs out. if they create good infrastructure and attract long-lasting western investment, they'll probably be better in many ways than the Balkans (though I'm not sure how much the average Arab will benefit, especially with the ethnic replacement/swamping going on)

The balkans will be great. There are countries in south america that didn't go through communism and we cought on to them in 20 years.

I don't envy any of them. Their kids will be trying to migrate to our kids countries who will have to build a wall, just give it one generation.

The gulf will always be wealthier but I still prefer to live here because of 4 seasons and we europe.

unfortunately, i doubt Europe will have that many kids at that point lol

Too many Sup Forums Serbs in Sup Forums wtf

Balcony looks good today

>wanting saudis in your country;
Speaking of, still pissed the winners of the arab revolt were a thuggish warlord(al-Saud) and a fanatic who's scholar family considered him stupid and his brother literally wrote a book on why he's retarded and his theology is an unhistorical mess(Wahhab).

>what will happen once the oil runs out

Who cares.

Europe had was less people a hundred years ago.

Shqips are protesting in front of the French embassy


do Greeks understand ancient Greek?

I don't think so
It doesn't have enough Turkish influence for them to understand it


>percentage of citizens over 65
>Bulgaria - 12-14%
pretty good, desu
It's because people here tend to die in their 50s-60s.




>export copper
>steal it back

Superpower by 2020 bois

>call eachother shquip
>offended when others call them shquip

literal niggers

did they protest being called shiptars?


I can see property values decreasing everywhere shiptars walk

How can you gather that much subhuman in one picture?

>román gazdaság

i don't know, probably not, but that's what the banner says in the pic

damn send me authentic ajvar, no such thing exist in my country(anymore).

how do you come up with those words? do you choke on horse dick and write that whatever sound comes out?

Taking Greek words is worse than that

Merry Christmas bois
Romanian lipovans (my mother's family) celebrate today as well as the 25th

make it yourself pussy

yeah but it had healthy fertility rates. getting them back to 2.1 is the problem, not just that we'll have fewer people

>do you choke on horse dick and write that whatever sound comes out?
úgy érted, román?

lipovans are a really fun bunch to be around.


State agency for statistics


Average salary in 10.16 was 33,000 mkd = 539 euro, lets round that out at 540 euro

540 euro = 570 usd

570 x 12 months = 6840 usd nominal per capita

Almost 7000 usd and this is for late 2016.

Why does Google say we have half that and doesn't update their statistics on Macedonia?

yeah, there's a whole district of them in Brăila, where I grew up untill I was like 6 years old
my grandmother and her family (my mom and my uncle) all speak in russian to each other


lipovean is used as an insult in romania

E, Бългapчeтa, кoгa зaбpaвихтe oткъдe идвaтe?

link related: youtube.com/watch?v=ATJC5-073u0

yeah I've been called a lipovan in an offensive tone before but that's fine I don't think about it too much
I also find it funny, we're basically russians if you think about it, but we all identify as romanian unlike a certain other minority


Eurogayans will support this.


>Romanian lipovans

You can either be romanian or lipovan, not both

Why do albo heads look like bulbs

eu in dreapta