About Munich killer:

About Munich killer:

Why should we care what skin color this guy had? He is dead and he is not a danger anymore. I just laugh at this media circus.

Yup, it was just an isolated incident. There is no evidence that suggests this was associated with Islam and there is no evidence Islam inspired terrorists will ever attack again.

Nothing to see here.

Multiculturalism is good
Diversity is good
Open borders now!

Hillary 2016

well, try to forbid Islam if you are so smart. Good luck with that.

Possibility that another psycho will kill again is higher than zero, but what can we do to prevent it?

People just looking for more reasons to hate. Even if it was proven beyond dispute that the guy was a white christian, some will steal hear only what they want to hear. And that's why the world is going down the drain, not because of ISIS, BLM or shitty politics. People is just dumb.

Shoot back. Often. And publicize when you shoot back more than when they shoot first. Also you're not suggesting we do nothing because what is there to do are you?

never thought i'd find the voice of reason in a Sup Forums thread
Sup Forums is just as bad as the /sjw/'s... but this, this is what's moderate and logical.

Are you actually stupid or just still in school? Your plan to save Europe is to basically start an all out war. So more people will die and tensions will only rise higher. Can you imagine what's going to happen with the millions of non-violent muslims in Europe? Suddenly they'll have a reason to start shooting too. Hell, they might be a pest but in the current state they are managable to some extent. Picture all of them turning terrorists. Europe will burn out faster than a small candle. Maybe there's a reason you're not in a position to make any decisions. Fucking imbecile.

>Thinks the solution is anything but confronting the muslims

Regressive faggot

No, regressive pieces of shit like you hear it is another muslim attack and still refuse to associate islam with terrorism. You still hear what you want to hear and in your mind it was an oppressive white male doing the shooting

We need a law that says we get guns and you don't. Seriously, you're not responsible with them, let us do the gun-toting. Everybody will be safe that way.

identifying the killers motive gives us a better understanding of how to deal with future shootings. If he was a radical muslim then they may want to look into their immigration policy etc.

>Thinks he's not regressive by having the most regressive solution out of all - mindless confrontation.
That's been the solution to everything since the dawn of men you dumb shit. If that's not regressive I don't know what is. In your small head it must make sense to just shoot back everytime you get shot at but we've evolved further than muslims. You haven't. And you're exactly like them.

The way I see it is, opressing islam would just backfire. Do you want to have more terrorists? Right now we really have a fair amount of possible terrorist, which is obviously bad. But oppresing peaceful muslims would probably turn the situation even worse.

Truth be told, I might be wrong. But that's how I see it.

Sarcasm noted. Tell me kid. How is diversity bad? I see inbred shits who can't even spell their own names. How are we superior to anybody? (Talking about race. Not religion)

I don't think you understand what regressive means. In fact, I know you don't.

So, anyway, when a white Christian lad from a good conservative family goes and blasts a school up do we call it Christian terrorism?

Or will we be honest and just call it what it is? Normal every day conduct for conservatives.

Terrorism is not religious, it's conservative. Slaughter is the tool of conservatives the world over, Conservatism exists purely out of fear. Conservatives are a people united by their fear of the future, by their fear of reality, and by their fear of change, fear of learning. Cowards, why is this level of cowardice permitted? Because liberals are too pussy whipped to do what is required to move our species forward and start exterminating conservatives.

Islamists, Republicans, Hindu Fundamentalists, Christian Fundamentalists, Hasidics. They're all the same thing, with the same core beliefs and the same paranoid fear of their fellow conservatives.

The US has killed 4,000,000 Muslims out of fear that the some Muslim will shoot them at McDonald's.

I hope Trump wins and the US stops getting all of this unearned respect, let her become the laughing stock she really is. The land of the stupid. The land of the poor. The land of the frightened.

>don't oppress Muslims
>they kill us

>oppress Muslims!
>but they'll kill us!

So... just die, then?

Fuck that. Bring on the crusade.

>Normal every day conduct for conservatives.


You're an arrogant lying faggot. If conservatives were as violent as you pretend, you'd be dead. At the very least, you'd be unwilling to run your mouth for fear of retaliation; you know, the reason leftists can't bring themselves to criticize black thugs or Muslims.

After all, they're the ones with all the guns, whereas you're a limp wristed pussy with a superiority complex.

>Allah Akbar!
>bangbangbang BOOM!

>blames conservatives

Fucking kill yourself.

so, how much did you make off the "correct the record" program?


When did the US not oppress Muslims? When Cheney and his sock puppet Reagan were founding, funding, and training the latest version mujahideen to wage war on communism?

The same people that were unleashed on the Afghani population once they had fought America's proxy war?

There is a vast faction of hyper-violent retards in Islamic countries to be sure, but the USA doesn't get to pretend to be any kind of victim here.

No, fortunately you conservatives spend most of your time trying to butcher one another, that's our salvation. One flavour of conservative wages endless war against the other flavours of conservative.

Of course, when the people you've been killing start killing you, you blame liberals for not letting you kill the people you were killing all along. You people are like a reality show that celebrates only the stupidest kinds of stupid.

You disunity is the only thing that keeps you idiots from destroying civil society the world over.

I think we need to tell all Muslims that they have to do something with their angry brothers. If they say it's not their problem - fuck them in the ass. If they start inside war - problem will solve itself.