Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

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I am

because overwatch got released.

sage cancer thread

LAG :/

Good boy.

Because I'm male

Because I'm enjoying myself way more on overwatch

Cuz it's a shitty game

Because I play Second Life. Which is a far better game.

Machine updated to windows 10 and uses 100% ram/cpu

Why not?

I don't play ASSFAGGOTS

Ranked makes me mad

I have a life

because its 2016?

Because all MOBA's are shit

I play Star Trek Online.


One shitty player can make you waste 30-40 mins of your life.

Unless you can carry games constantly (plat 4+ skill level) you will never leave silver/gold.


then how are there people in plat 5?

>Play Trundle
>Play Pantheon
>Play AP off-tank Zac
You're welcome, cunt.

I'd also recommend Wukong.

playing certain champs doesnt stop others from playing yi support or janna top

If you're up against a Janna top if should be ez pz.
Especially with the champs I listed. :p

That's why I hardly play ranked, casual is fine for me.

lagging too much :{

because it sucks?

Because once you hit plat, theres no winning beyond it.

Cause I'm collecting pokemons

Because I'm not a faggot. Have fun playing a pointless man child game

played it for about 4-5 years now and finally stopped like a half year ago when i got a girlfriend.

Raged too much against teammates. Moved to Rocket League, where you're stuck maximum 5 minutes with retards if matchmaking hates you.

Because the game isn't about you being good anymore it's about being queue'd with the stacked teams. If Rito wants league to stay relevant they need to seperate solo queue and team ranked again so that there's a valid measure of how competent a player actually is

pokemon go

Because I hit diamond 5, and I feel like I won't get much better.

I think you might just be a bit bad at the game man, or you have to high of expectations of your win rate. What is your summoner name? I will tell you witch one it is.


literally just got into a match

Watch, and learn something.

cuz smite is better

trips of truth

Because the community is terrible and the characters are all generic ripoffs of other, more original franchises.


it always were

because league a shit

Explain why.

I don't like playing games with cartoon characters unless they're the kind I can fuck.

i play new realms

cancer player, toxic and xpeke

i meant someone on your team playing janna top to troll lol

Because it's a boring, second-rate knockoff of a knockoff

With the champs I listed you should always be top.
Jungle as a secondary.

Fight people for achievements or fuck bitches. The choice is yours.

Most games are "knock offs" it's not like there's been many original ideas.

I fight people for achievements in better games and then fuck real bitches.

becoz LoL is a cancer for retards which does not know how to use brain.

Irony out the ass.

I am not a virgin


If your gonna hit diamond five it's really just a matter of Lear ing the other roles well enough. Once you know enough to play them killing them is easier in you main role.

because my all of a sudden my fps drops to zero for like 3 seconds when there's too much action on the screen and I get killed in that time. Then the whole team says report noob feeder. fuck those guys they don't understand I got a lag spike.. fuck that game.. no matter how low the settings are I still get lag spikes It was annoying enough to make me quit the game


Cuz bot lane sux dick so hard, even I help then with perfect tp.