Star Trek General: TNG Killed The Franchise Edition

Reminder that while TNG had the highest ratings of all the shows, it eventually killed Trek by making 80's and 90's babbies think it had to be about "preaching messages" and feature "contemporary themes" and "social commentaries", which is why no one bothered to watch Deep Sleep Nine, Boreager, or that one with Scott Bakula. The franchise needed to go back to its fun, actiony TOS roots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reddit recommends you skip TOS. That says it all.

Fucking SJWs ruined this franchise.

>The people making Star Trek forgot that it is supposed to be "fun". Star Trek became self-important, buying into the hype that it was somehow changing the world.

You must love the Abrams movies, then.

still OP
This is why I unironically enjoy the JJ Abrams movies, because they have that campy, fun, doesn't-take-itself-seriously 60's flavor that was missing for so long because Gene Roddenberry and Rick Berman got too full of themselves.

Star Trek is undeniably liberal and progressive, but there were some really weird and regressive scenes that stood out to me over the years.

e.g. that scene where
>Trip votes for George W. Bush
>Soval uses the phrase "the eternal Ando"
>Shran says "pinkskin" but starts stuttering after noticing Mayweather
>T’pol explains to Archer the difference in IQ distributions between species
>Chekov tells Sulu that Russia should have conquered Japan like it conquered the Ukraine
>Kirk jokes with Scotty about Spock’s mother being a race-mixer
>Bones called Spock "Jew, Green blooded bastard"
>Spiderbarclay steals a guy's pizza
>Troi walks in on Barclay browsing /r9k/
>Gowron calls Worf "a subklingon fucking targ"
>Worf enters Picard's ready room without knocking and gets phasered
>Picards helps forcibly displace the Indians because of a treaty with the Cardassians
>Data tells Geordi that he's just as beta as Barclay, but people take pity on him because he's blind
>Dax tries to redpill Bashir by showing him the chart with all the Bajorans in top media positions
>O’Brien complains that "petaQ" is just a word and it’s silly "only Klingons can say it"
>Kira coaches Ziyal on how to milk the Occupation for maximum sympathy
>Weyoun jokes with the Breen that Damar drinks like he's Tusken
>Bashir tells Ezri that he's glad she's "not a slut anymore"
>Sisko misgenders Jadzia
>Janeway says "we have to out-Ferengi the Ferengi"
>Tuvok walks on the bridge and Neelix makes money noises
>Chakotay was actually Armenian but pretended to be Indian for attention
>Kes confesses to Paris that Neelix is molesting her, and he starts hitting on her too
>7 of 9 insists to Captain Janeway that Barack Obama is actually not an American citizen
and also
>that scene where a couple of these are real



"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

really enjoyed TNG but i remember DS9 as very soapy (watched it as a kid). is DS9 really as good as all the memes here make it seem to be?

also remember that vitriolage looking shape-shifter annoying me a lot.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Ds9 is pretty good you get used to odos cg

i live for this

You live for me. I'm the person who posts that in every thread.

if you think TOS is some bodacious cops and robbers sci-fi then you havent actually seen all the episodes
there are so many slow episodes that are purely centric on the social or philosophical themes they convey, with honestly only a few episodes i can think that are of pure action wank. every other series had more action than TOS. the only difference is kirk being a chad and general 60s sexism and such

This is now a Quark thread.

>A cardassian qt will never say this to you
Why even live

I'm going to watch some Enterprise now.

Wish me luck! I'm going to need it.

TNG is Reddit's favorite Star Trek.

What should we do about that?

>>Worf enters Picard's ready room without knocking and gets phasered
This is the point I started laughing really hard

People did bother with DS9, it's just that the first season was shit and by the time it got good most people had tuned out.

>Skipping a show this comfy

Fuck you.

But you're forgetting that tons of TOS episodes had messages, like the racism white-black face one.

Line Graphs of Series
DS9 <
Voyager curvy <

DS9 Just gets better and better it's god like, best show on earth.

Don't you mean the black-white face one?

Star Trek is far from Liberal.

It's been hijacked by the Liberal Generation and changed to their agenda because of how goat it is.

>The franchise needed to go back to its fun, actiony TOS roots.

It did with Voyager.

Not yet, wait for the new series.


DS9 gets better and better, then the last 2 seasons happen.
Graph: ^

Threadly reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.

Enterprise was a fine show which followed previous patterns of early season troubles. Fuck anyone who hates it

Actually the older series are pretty redpilled see
In that episode ,at the end, they say that the problem with NationalSocialism isn't NatSoc itself but having a single person with so much power leading to corruption.

If I remember right the episode got even banned in Germany.

Straight from wikipedia if you don't believe me.

Imagine anyone in a show of today saying that.

The butthurt would be crazy.

OP has legitimate points but is pretty stupid. First off, "no one bothered to watch Deep Sleep Nine" is fucking bullshit, it had plenty decent ratings while it aired and there was never any tiptoeing or worry that it wouldn't get renewed.

Second, the assertion that TOS didn't have any preaching and was just fun action is complete bullshit. TOS had metric tons of social commentaries as well, half of TOS stories were allegorical about social, economic, and political issues. They were just written better, and the Federation/Starfleet was more militaristic and realistically bureaucratic in the TOS, than the utopian leftist ideal bullshit version in TNG.

I did like Star Trek 09, but Into Darkness was pretty shitty (not the case of colon cancer I expected it to be, but bad piece of shit nonetheless).

In some metrics I consider ENT better than or tied with TNG.

My general rankings for Star Treks. Note I did watch TOS syndicated before TNG came out, I grew up watching TNG and DS9, and generally saw every TNG episode as it aired; DS9 quite a lot but not as religiously; VOY I started faltering on viewing, and ENT I barely watched when it originally aired (didn't help for those two that early UPN was a shit uhf network with poor signal).

Series-as-a-whole Ranking:
DS9 > ENT >= TOS > TNG > VOY
Random Individual Episodes Ranking:
TNG > TOS > VOY >= ENT > DS9
Well-Regarded Individual Episodes ranking:
TNG >= DS9 > TOS >= ENT = VOY

>You mention in passing that you don't like genetic enhancement because Klingons had a bad past experience with it
>This is awkward because Bashir comes out as an enhanced human. He probably remembers this comment and your general lack of apology, but he never confronts you about it.
>You hooks up with his old crush Jadzia. It's sort of convenient that Bashir is okay with this, but you are too busy getting a hard on over the approaching Dominion War to ponder the lack of conflict
>It becomes clear that Bashir's enhanced brain is always working away on something. He begins to cuck your wife out of her role as science officer by being smarter than her all the time.
>You fight with your wife constantly and generally sacrifices your standing as a star fleet officer (to the point of losing your chance of ever being a Captain) and a Klingon to keep her happy. Bashir begins to smile.
> Your wife becomes so sidelined as a member of the crew she stops being appearing on the Defiant's Bridge. But somehow the wonderful Dr Bashir has allowed her to get pregnant with your child. While offering thanks for this "miracle" Jadzia is critically wounded in a freak attack back at the station.

>The great victory you've had at the front is spoiled by the news of her injury. You rush back but despite his "best efforts" Jadzia passes away along with your unborn child, somehow the Dax symbiote is unharmed.
>Bashir sends the ill symbiote off on a transport with only one Trill on board. A Trill that is even cuter and definitely tighter than Jadzia. When the symbiote begins to die lucky she's there to act as host.
>She comes back to the station and makes a big show about how she is a different person now, but with the notable exception of Klingon stuff like Ractachino, she goes back to her old likes striking up a new romantic connection with Bashir in her first appearance.
>Worst of worst she is a ship's consular like the women who dumped you on the Enterprise and like Troi she continues to tease you with the prospect of being on again.
>You know this is just pity which stings your pride, but worse too your sensitive Klingon nose is the scent of all the tantric genetically superior sex she's having with Bashir everytime they're out of shot.
>Bashir's grin is superiorly smug.
>post yfw you're not Worf

>ship's consular

angry klingaboo detected on the starboard bow.

The problem with Star Trek right now is basically that it's a franchise that doesn't know what it wants to be, or who it should appeal to, and so it has become sort of a directionless thing. It can be niche sci-fi with messages and stories that are actually deep, or it can be a fun action romp that the masses will adore. I wouldn't say TNG killed the franchise. Quite the opposite really, but the bar was raised a little too high on telling a highly meaningful or relevant story, and they didn't know how to keep up with that standard. At this point, I say let it be an an action festival, and leave real sci-fi to the heavyweights. Star Trek can be that entry level series for people who are curious about that kind of stuff.

Roddenberry's wife was pretty hot desu

She wasn't his wife back then.

Gene "Serial Cheater" Roddenberry was married to Eileen-Anita Rexroat during TOS, and Majel Barrett was just his one of his extramarital affairs on the side.

yellow and green if you know what I mean.

What do you care about his trail of broken hearts? You've probably done the same kind of thing, Eileen.


I tried. I just couldn't get past the first season. People hear say it gets good around season three and he shaves his head but I have no clue if this is true.

meant to say *here

Could you finish the first season? The last two episodes of season 1 are pretty great, and give you a good indication of what the rest of the show has to offer.

>It's a "Special Guest Star: The Rock" episode

it gets so much better, don't fall into the first season trap

Weyoun and Martok were also in that episode, but UPN thought it was a good idea to let The Rock get all the attention instead of them.

Whose idea was it to put Star Trek on UPN? Shoot them.

>it's a Lawxanna bangs picard ep
>it's a quark blows the nagus episode

So much this.

UPN literally did nothing wrong.
>put pressure on Voyager to be a ratings hound because it was the only thing supporting that network (this is why Kes was fired and 7 of 9 was brought on, for the TnA)
>prevented Year of Hell from becoming a season-long story arc in case it alienated casual viewers
>cancelled Enterprise even though its final season was still getting slightly more viewers than the last few of Voyager

>TNG was so good that it redefined the franchise and inspired the Golden Age of Star Trek
>this is why it is bad

>not defined by one glorious leader and his cult of personality

>it's a "writers make up a dead character we were supposed to have known despite never seeing her before and she's also Harry Kim's gf despite many episodes saying Harry could never get his dick wet on their entire voyage" episode

Are there any viewing guidelines for ENT?

I'm trying to give this show a chance because people told me it gets better in seasons 3+4 but wew lad getting through season 2 is a chore.

Daily reminder that Kes is a q3.14

Typical white men taking advantage of minorities and locals for their own purposes and pleasure without any regard for the consequences.

pedophile, she's like 6 years old


KES: Did the Doctor tell you he found something growing on my back?
JANEWAY: Yes, a growth of some kind.
KES: It's, it's the mitral sac. It's, it's where my child would grow. I'm going through the elogium, the time of change, when, when my body prepares for fertilisation.
JANEWAY: Humans go through the same kind of process. It's called puberty.
KES: But I'm too young. Much too young. It usually happens between the ages of four and five. I'm not even two yet.

I'm watching Enterprise right now.

If nobody else has made a guide by the time I'm finished, I'll make one myself.

Some help from /trek/ would be appreciated though.


Does anyone have the picture of Shatner and Stewart visiting Bakula n the set of ENT?

Gene was fine with it.

>At a press conference about Star Trek: The Next Generation, a reporter asked Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry about the relationship between Wesley Crusher and The Traveler, commenting that "Surely even the other characters can see that their bond is akin to a sexual predator grooming a child for molestation, and they would do their best to protect their children from such would-be rapists."

>Gene Roddenberry had the perfect response.

>"No, by the 24th century, humanity will have evolved beyond your archaic and outdated hangups, and we will have blossomed into a free-thinking free-loving paradise for all forms of relationships, sexual or otherwise."

>No, by the 24th century, humanity will have evolved beyond your archaic and outdated hangups, and we will have blossomed into a free-thinking free-loving paradise for all forms of relationships, sexual or otherwise.

(citation needed)

I wonder if the Cardies lay eggs.

This is unironically one of the best Trek two parters.

>>Soval uses the phrase "the eternal Ando"
Gets me every time

Black-white faces are but animals so I choose not to acknowledge their existence.

Damn, I love this series.

Since that one user gave away the picture dimensions and punctuation, anyone can fake the genuine article.

Give me a time travel machine and I'll prove it.

>What do you care about his trail of broken hearts?
Because he spent the next 25 years talking about how the sexist network wouldn't let him have a female first officer on the show when it was really they wouldn't let him hire his mistress as a regular.


>It's an Admiral Janeway goes back in time to bring Voyager home early but can't be bothered to go back a few extra weeks and save your life episode

Bashir is worse than the jew.

>You will never be Miles O'Brien, hate-fucking a Cardassian scientist until you pull out to fertilize the eggs she deposited.

>The franchise needed to go back to its fun, actiony TOS roots.

It did, that was what Voyager was all about.

Meanwhile, the DS9 fags keep whining about 'muh storyarc' that really doesn't go anywhere and relies on deus ex machina to save the day.

>based Janeway didn't ask fake gods for shortcuts.

I wonder if Majel Barrett ever recorded a full alphabet recording like the voices on a sat-nav.

If she did they could make a soundboard and have the computer still retain her voice now that she is dead.

Well they are wrong, just not very wrong
DS9 > TNG = TOS >>> Voyager >>> Enterprise

This dishonor will not stand!

>it's a black people planet kidnaps the blonde white female and Picard politely asks for her release while complimenting the abductor''s BBC episode

>it's a "Janeway goes back in time and gives herself supertechnology to defeat the Borg" episode
That's even worse than the DS9 deus ex machina.

Rom+Kira could have saved the minefield if they had only a few more seconds of spare time to decouple the ODN relays. With Janeway, the Voyager writers were literally pulling Endgame out of their asses.

Which DS9 Ex-Machina?

Is that the one where the ayys found her corpse and possessed it like a Goa'uld and justified the raping of her body as that is how their species reproduces?

Because that "reproduction" triggered the ever loving fuck out of me, it's so stupid and they would have gone extinct a very long time ago if that were the case.

sacrifice of angels

Damn Season 1 sucked.

It kinda pissed me off too. They could have just had Rom sabotage the weapons and keeping the minefield intact. If that's what turned you off DS9 however you are a nitpicky autistic little faggot tebehe,

Well, take your pick:

>muh prophets defeat the Jem'Hadar fleet they had no chance in stopping
>Escape a Dominion prison by having your impounded runabout beam you away by tapping at the air conditioning
>Dominion have such laughable security that Damar's resistance could just hang out back by the dumpster and seize the Changeling leader of the Alpha Quadrant

Janeway's reckless use of time travel was the result of her guilt. And obviously the Federation figured out how to defeat the Borg conventionally in the "imperfect" timeline, so it's not that much of a cheat.

Season 1 and 2 are actually the best if you enjoy science fiction.
3-6 is for plebs that enjoy soap operas and cheesy speeches.

>>muh prophets defeat the Jem'Hadar fleet they had no chance in stopping
Would you consider reading ?

The Jem'Hadar fleet would have been unable to come through the wormhole if Rom+Kira had only a few more seconds of spare time to decouple the ODN relays.

The writers weren't using the Prophets because they needed a deus ex machina to save their asses. The writers deliberately involved the Prophets because they wanted the Prophets to be involved.

You're right, it's not deux ex machina, it's just like, a shitty thing that happened. Because the prophet / Bajorian religion subplot is what everyone so fondly remembers about DS9.

>Because the prophet / Bajorian religion subplot is what everyone so fondly remembers about DS9.
In a few places, yes.

Mistakes were made, but there were also times when it made for quality entertainment.

Oh look, it's the exact same episode as "Power Play" but this time Keiko is the evil one.


Generally speaking, it doesn't matter where the idea comes from if it's executed well.

The Assignment was executed well.

As another example, Blink of an Eye was one of the best episodes of Voyager, so we overlook the fact that it was stolen from Dragon's Egg.

Why do you bother lad? It's obvious he's just the "pewpew action" guy from months ago only now he's taken a different approach to it.

DS9 had the best holodeck episodes, bar none btw