If your masculinity is so threatened, why don't you stop watching the show? You obviously can't handle it. You're too fragile.
Game of Thrones
Other urls found in this thread:
>3 are victims of rape
>1 was forced naked and had shit thrown on her
>1 is beaten regularly
>1 is a shit-tier mary-sue character that was also nearly raped and is beaten regularly
Yeah they're nowhere near powerful
A man gets brought back to life and these frustrated virgins are still buttblasted because they think it's le feminism show now.
Tell that to the permavirgins that are constantly complaining that the women have too much power this season
>complaining about pandering is equivalent to being threatened
You do know the only reason there's more "female empowerment" this season is because twitter bitched about salsarape, right? None of it is a logical progression of the story, it's all hasty rewrites to surf on crowd approval.
If you honestly think the Game of Thrones writers are some kind of paragons of feminist ideals rather than business-savvy producers who saw potential for catering to different interest groups as a means for attaining shekels and good press, you're delusional.
why are the evil bitches all hot while the goodie two-shoes are all dogs?
First post best post
For believability.
I, for one, welcome our new female overlords.
can we talk about the height difference between jon and sansa? kek
>All Men Must Die
>Fat weak little girl gets the drop on a room full of huge ripped men
>they stand there helplessly as she slowly struggles to knock their lantern over
>they watch her waddle over to the next one and strain to use her girl arms to knock it down
this is what shitlibs actually believe
you may have a point if this was at the start and this was an original work
but it's neither
what went wrong?
sansa is gonna be the one who kills ramsay and its gonna be GOOD
>If your masculinity is so threatened, why don't you stop watching the show? You obviously can't handle it. You're too fragile.
I feel like OP had to muster up courage/will to post that.
Some men are more feminine dude. Just be ok with youreself and dont worry about proving yourself to people.
Also, stop being such a pussy on Sup Forums.
No she sets up a trial for him. (Not even joking its from the leaks)
Feminist power fantasies are fantastic
They can't imagine actually being good at anything so they have to imagine the bad guys standing there and letting themselves be murdered
>I'll do it myself if I have to
Hahaha oh my god
personally I think it's great that theyre trying to make more strong female characters. imo its more important that yound girls can have people to look up to than having a plot exactly like the books. its 2016. sorry men, but women arent sex objects anymore
Incestuous whore, regular whore, flame proof whore, weakling tossed around as her name her only redeeming quality, brainwashed by a quasi religious death cult, generic stronk womyn that is bested and outplayed by nearly every other character.
It's game of thrones, not game of thronettes.
It's true. They made some changes in response to backlash over Sansa's rape. Now they've pissed off the other camp by catering to the tumblr crowd. But the show does not generally center around feminist themes, so to speak. People see it that way now because of their recent attempt at appealing to special interest groups. I wish that showrunners would be able to just do what they want creatively, and not have it dictated to them by people who insist on this or that version of events.
Naw, being an asshole online is more fun.
I think it owns that feminists are coming out and admitting they can't handle realism in fiction and need to be spoonfed fantasies of ~empowerment~ because muh feelings
Yea that's retarded, they have diverted from the books didn't they?
I don't know I don't read the books
I just love that "empowerment" means acting like a literal retard and not getting called on it
>Its 2016. sorry men, but women arent sex objects anymore
You almost had me user
Thanks for another GoT thread OP.
There can never be too many threads about the same subject on a board with a limited number of threads, as long as it's a subject that OP wants to talk about. All other topics of discussion can just 404 to make way for OP's views.
>women arent sex objects anymore
Speak for yourself, fatty.
The fuck are you even talking about?
All in the same episode, without taking danny bullshit it's still a lot of bullshit
>we want sense8 audience
If your femininity is so threatened, why don't you stop watching the show? You obviously can't handle it. You're too fragile.
I'm tired of damsels in distress so even though D&D and GRRM poorly portray strong women at times I'm not against the gender roles reversed this season. It might seem silly and cliche in some scenes but so is women getting raped and dominated by men. It gets old after a while desu.
I don't see hordes of whiny, oversensitive women complaining that GoT is too masculine and treats the female characters as props
Wait. That actually happens constantly.
I think the conclusion here is that everyone is fucking retarded.
Get the fuck out of here with your perfectly reasonable opinion.
For real though, there's plenty of scenes of women getting subjugated, defeated, and generally manipulated by men in Game of Thrones, book and show. What's wrong with a little role reversal?
There's an unfair standard here wherein anything that deviates from the standard is automatically pandering. Not necessarily, I say.
An upturned brazier filled with gallons of oil is not something you just run through, especially to attack some demonic bitch who probably breathes fire or some shit.
>I'm tired of damsels in distress
Where in any fiction produced in the current year is anyone allowed to portray a damsel in distress?
>standing there and letting themselves be murdered
Right, because that kind of convenience only happens when it's women doing the killing. Your bias is showing.
>What's wrong with a little shitty writing
Lel, I hope Jon is like YOURE RIGHT SALSA YOU SHOUKD DO IT YOURSELF and gives her longclaw and she goes back to winterfell and xena warrior princesses ramsays entire army
Yes it is, may I have your number baby?
shut the fuck up and post more maggie
is Jaime Azor ahai yet?
> he's pretending this is a counterpoint
Do you think the feminist police is actually going door to door with a shotgun preventing people from writing shitty chliches? Leave Sup Forums for a bit, watch some bad TV, and you'll be seeing damsels in distress (and extremely lame subversions) up the wazoo.
Hahaha this fight is literally the reason why the dany scene is retarded
The dothrakis vs dang are like the mountain vs oberyn if you took away all of oberyns ability to actually fight, they could be stabbed, shot and burning and still kill a weak little piggy like dany
I'm just saying there's plenty of instances of both good and bad guys not behaving perfectly rationally and pragmatically shortly before meeting their demise, and that perhaps the scene in Dosh Khaleen was just another instance of that rather than "le feminist boogeyman". That kind of conclusion just reeks of SJW-ish demonization and wishing to be offended when no offense was committed. It's bad practice.
>he can't answer
I would like this very much. I need to more for my folder
post some nigga
In all fairness, I don't actually watch much shitty TV. You could be right, maybe they've done away with overused cliches altogether. Seems the feminists are finally doing some good. Thanks for the info, user!
I don't think it's all pandering either. They just don't want the series to get stale so they switch up some roles. It would get boring if characters stayed the same, regardless of their gender. the writing might be shitty at times but it would be worse if there were no changes or new development.
I do think they're trying too hard by making all the strong men weak suddenly but there's previous development that supports their reasons so it's not like it comes out of nowhere.
>furious backpedaling
Instead of trying to pretend that you have an argument, why don't you just admit that you don't?
> Even men literally on fire can kill a woman you guys! I mean, she's a woman!
You are a reasonable user with a good opinion.
I don't have that many, I would appreciate if some anons could help add to my collection
>he admits this
Holy shit bro you need to stop posting
>samefagging this hard
Here's another pic
You literally just admitted that your entire opinion is undigested spew from feminist tumbler blogs
You need to stop posting on the internet and take a look at your life
> Not knowing how to check
>If your masculinity is so threatened
No one with a modicrum of testosterone ever says this
The damsels in distress trope is still strong. It's not as in your face as a Disney movie but it's still used in modern fiction.
does she have a role in got?
Don't think so, don't really watch it. Just obliging the user who wants more Lauren Cohen pics
no, is there a problem with that
>muh weak little piggy
Give examples from popular current works of fiction
Hard mode: no twilight/ other fiction written by women for women
>tfw no Lauren Cohen gf
its so strange that the louis theroux autistic kid is everywhere
> Queen with magic powers who flies on dragons overpowers a group of warriors with a trick
Well fuck me, it's obvious this is about feminism isn't it lads?
What did she mean by this?
Are you honestly trying to tell me you haven't watched a show, movie or read a book that involved a woman in a weak position being protected or rescued by some alpha male? Why are you on Sup Forums? You're obviously far behind in recent media.
If you got cucked by a gook then kill yourself.
LOL Twilight fan
>literally can't give a single example
You need to stop posting, bro
>people aren't hype for the Battle of Five Queens
> Renewed for its eighteenth season
One is a gritty crime drama meanwhile the other is fantasy.
>this triggers the stormfag
SJW tier looking for shit to complain about
If you think I'm going to waste my time spoonfeeding a retard living under a rock a long list of examples you're sadly mistaken. Catch up on recent media and my point will be proven.
damn all of them bar 1 look sexy as fuck in this
OK, Twilight. I'll look to "recent media" to expand my horizons.
What's gonna happen to Loras?
So is stannies 100% dead?
Find a flaw.
the fact that you consider either brienne or arya hot is fucked up man
Pancake tits
Thats literally her only flaw
The "Damsel in Distress" is a successful archetype in fiction because it's rooted firmly in reality.
A gender swapped damsel in distress story would have to work hard not to become a comedy.
watch this video if you really wanna know
Did she take the Joker's laughing gas?
>his entire point is he's SO SICK of this CONSTANT MEDIA BARRAGE of damsels and their distressed
>literally can't give a single example of this thing he's JUST OH MY GOD SO SICK of
>his entire opinion on the topic comes from tumblrblogs pretending this is a serious thing
Just stop
Just stop posting bro