Looking for that one deleted pic that got the 'pics you shouldn't have saved' thread deleted

Looking for that one deleted pic that got the 'pics you shouldn't have saved' thread deleted
07/23/16(Sat)21:58:56 No.696049967

Other urls found in this thread:


i am also looking for a leprechaun with a pot of gold, good luck to the both of us.

WHat did it show?

I don't know
one guy just replied 'you shouldn't have saved that' and the whole threat was gone

well i'm all for threats being removed so i won't post it. i still have the thread open but fuck you for requesting cp





well what even was it then
jailbait or what?

here you go!

I'm intrigued by this, I hope someone has the image somewhere.
Although more description by OP would be great


it's actually pic related
that was the pic the op of the threat posted

The ship is the thinnest thing in that photo

Damn that boat is sexy...no wonder thread died when it got posted.

this is the image OP is requesting (not even joking)


What I don't understand is, why he didn't have auto update on. You can open deleted pictures, and 404'd thread's pics with it on.
I do it to troll all the time. In those threads people post and then pussy out by deleting and then I just re-up because I'm a cruel bastard

yeah i know. i do the same every now and again


It was just a fucking fat ogre of a whale. Probably deleted it cause he got embarrassed.
The thread hit image limit.



well never mind then