What's the visually most stunning movie you'v ever seen ?
What's the visually most stunning movie you'v ever seen ?
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The Passion of Joan of Arc
Batman vs Superman
2001: A Space Odyssey
meme off
This one is. The part where the blind slowly comes down over the pyramid is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The only thing that could've made it better is if the chairs didn't look like standard 80's office chairs. Perfection, otherwise.
Blade Runner too, how come no other sci fi movie comes close with all the thechnology we have today?
Batman V Superman
what is this?
Batman v Superman. I'm not even trolling. Every frame was like a mosaic come to life. I saw it four times in theaters before I came to the conclusion that I was only scratching the surface of that film's depth. I downloaded a decent rip and literally paused every second to soak in it's majesty.
Sorcerer 1977
Blade Runner
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
The Searchers
It's way overrated. Story is forgettable and visuals a little bit above average.
Sunshine, some scenes were really good, some were really terrible.
I agree on the story but the film is a visual masterpiece
pic related
also a contender
crouching tiger
>visuals a little bit above average
Barry Lyndon
This or 2001.
Anything Vittorio Storaro touched in the 70s
Emmanuel Lubezki's work with Malick
Anything Kazuo Miyagawa ever thought about
Spotted the pleb from pleberino county.
cool as fuck
Days of Heaven (1978)
Bladerunner is probably my favorite.
The Fall is also visually amazing but a flawed movie.
What's this?
Probably some self-absorbed short film.
Beyond the Black Rainbow
So Is this a reference to "To The Wonder"?
That's because every single movie after it copied Blade Runner.
Take a look at that shot of Deckard climbing up the stairs in the middle of the dark night. Only lightning is the glare of the outside's billboards.
There was nothing like it before in cinema and now every action movie has a shot like it.
Chungking Express
Don't let yourself read the post if you feel the pleb around the corner. Now, if you're on me and you have to post when I post...I will not hesitate.
Good choice.
could you post a screenshot that doesn't look washed out and grainy?
hey /r/movies
plebtown, citizens: you
Thats nonesense.
Matrix is a good example of actually new ways of using the camera.
Bladerunner was good because it had great source material.
Let me remind you that Alien 1 was released several years before and it had a lot of similar uses of lights and visual style because it was also directed by Ridley Scott.
Some of the casting in Blade Runner was unfortunate IMO but It was hardly an experimental film or anything.
Ridely Scot is not the director you want ot be looking at for interesting and innovative uses of lighting and Camera work.
This. Also paired with a GOAT score.
>unfortunate casting
never heard anyone criticise that
who do you dislike?
Blade Runner was the 80's Interstellar/inception.
A common denominator movie that was slightly above retarded, which is what you need to draw in the normies en masse.
So you've only seen one movie in your life then?
>Blade Runner was the 80's Interstellar/inception.
interstellar and inception will be forgotten in a few year
blade runner is an unanimously praised classic
I agree wholeheartedly about the story. The visuals are unique though.
not that dude but Joseph Kosinski's direction is very visually impressive
wouldn't say best looking ever but it's a beautiful looking film
So say you.
Either Blade Runner or Pic Related
I just always thought of it as one of the few well done futuristic noir films. Plus it's fun to look at, the set design is impeccable, as is the costume design. The story is ambiguous at best but still engrossing. I'm not going to say it's the best movie ever but it's still a great movie.
This. Not only is it stunning, its a fun film with an believable mythology
so say anyone that knows a tiny bit about cinema
What dreams may come....dark crystal......revenant.
Very much related
too bad everything else is shit
Ctrl + f great gatsby: 0 results
For shame, reddit. I am disappoint
you're not talking about Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby AKA headache: the movie, i take it
You obviously know nothing, as blade runner was not well received upon release.
Batman vs Superman
I liked that blue filter.
I haven't seen BvS yet but this is hideous.
>Thinking kubrick's best movie is shit.
Go back to watching The Shinning you utter pleb.
>blade runner
>draw in the normies en masse
but that's exactly the opposite of what happened, user
are you new to cinema? maybe you should explore this world better before posting here
The Fountain. By a wide margin.
Which Great Gatsby? The new one with Leo? If so I'm LMAO at your life.
All of Malick's films are solid, but in particular The Thin Red Line stands out for me.
days of heaven is better than the thin red line in every aspect though
Good choice OP.
I'll go with LOTR
Hero with Jet Li comes to mind also
Interesting choice. I saw the movie, read the book but never thought about it visually. I guess I was just more paying attention to the story.
story is pleb
the music and visuals are patrician
this is supposed to be serious discussion not a troll thread
Not user but Days of Heaven is certainly more striking. Although in some ways I prefer the more organic feel of TTRL.
The visuals were so boring...
Maybe Armond is right and for a comic book movie it explores deep social themes but visually it is completely ordinary and dull.
I dont mean the retarded action sequences but the camera work and composition in general.
Watch Cloverfield for an updated visual style for acti0on movies. It was much more daring, using the found footage style for a high budget film.
watched it 2 days ago, wish I had a huge ass screen and a good sound system to enhance the experience desu
Jean Pierre Melville movies are boring as fuck but very very pretty to watch.
>high budget
>$25 million
Completely different films.
How can it possibly be better in every way? I guess only retards know.
the story isn't pleb you fucking mouthbreather
Oh man. I could watch that movie on mute despite it having the most amazing score I've ever heard...it's just so easy to watch visually. Say what you will about the overall message of the movie but every, fucking, scene grabs you.
came here to post this
How has no one mentioned this visual masterpiece yet?
Chronos is better IMO.
>Camerawork by Michael J Fox
No thanks.
Blade Runner, without any exaggeration, codified an entire genres visual feel.
Even Philip K. Dick liked how it looked and he hates everything about his "adaptations".
Tarsem Singh is godlike at visuals
Based on scale and choreography, Playtime is a good choice.
nah bro
army of shadows