$40 venmo/paypal to anyone who answers this . I will pick best answer. POST EMAIL IN REPLY OR YOU WON'T BE PICKED

$40 venmo/paypal to anyone who answers this . I will pick best answer. POST EMAIL IN REPLY OR YOU WON'T BE PICKED.


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nice dubs

nice dubs

you ruined it.. here, have my dubs.





So (s)he can empathise with cultural issues and comprehend ethical diversities, welcoming them into a better, more accepting work environment.

Plus, it would be more beneficial for the manager personally, since it would give them a much better insight to their task and therefore help them to execute better than a culturally ignorant person.

[email protected]


not bad.. but not worth $40. can you add a bit more to it and ill send it? thanks


JEW-wish i would accept $40! i'll do it for $10000000 shekelz


Not sure how much I could add, so I'll tell you from experience, that a manager with cultural acceptance with thrive in a task where they are working outside their comfort area. A friend used to work with a Muslim who asked to work through their break during Ramadan, and, not knowing how to handle it, told them they could, so she was demoted not long after for breaching workers' rights. Someone who understood the situation the worker was in could have empathised with them to resolve the issue, benefiting everyone

i dont care about ur experience i care about the question. add some more reasonable BS to the question and ill send you the money poor fag



I'll just reword my experience then?

A specific example would be a Muslim worker enduring Ramadan. A culturally ignorant manager may not understand the situation, risking breaching a worker's rights, perhaps by allowing them to work through their break, however someone with a detailed understanding would be able to offer the worker support through their break, benefiting them and the company through workplace morale

I know it's not great, but it's better than nothing, I'll take $30 PayPal?

[email protected]

Because niggers gotta noes their place