I've been in a deep depression since months. Please can anyone help me with a effective...

i've been in a deep depression since months. Please can anyone help me with a effective, "easy" and "painless" (i know it sounds funny...) option to kill myself. Thanks.

dont do it man, i know im going to get hate for saying this on THIS site.. but its not worth it. It gets better no matter how long you THINK it will last.

down a bottle of pills before you go to sleep

just jump from your nearest window fag

your going to die one day anyway, so you might as well live your full life and enjoy it to the best of your ability

if you live in america take a shotgun and kill some people.

you will be better before


People care about you, please call a suicide hotline

it's been 4 months of somthing i thought would be a few weeks... even with medication. thanks for your words though.




which pills? i want something not so messy as said


>become jon lockerman
>fly to isil
>kill isis

4 months out of a entire life is hardly anything. wait it out and i promise it will get better, because once your dead, its over. get the most out of this shit.

jump throught the window is painless so just do it





Drowning is nice its scary at first then super relaxing and serene t. Almost drowned to death


>he's been depressed for 4 months
you dont know shit about life nigger, i've been depressed for years and havent tried to commit suicide
grow a pair faggot

Shitpost till you die is still more hard and painfull than being skined and stabbed to death so try anythingn if you bitch about it being messy or so you're just a faggot and you never gonna blow yourself