>tfw other simpsons thread came to bump limit and no comfy simpsons thread to lurk while drinking beer
Tfw other simpsons thread came to bump limit and no comfy simpsons thread to lurk while drinking beer
comfy Simpsons you say?
>Bart! You're no longer in Sunday school, don't swear!
my favourite Simpsons joke was always in the road rage PSA Homer had to watch, where the last guy is just an astronaut waving a golf club around and screaming. Sets me off just thinking about it
>So i managed to shoot him in the spine
>Next place he's trying to rob better have the ramp
>By the way, I'm aware of the irony of appearing on TV in order to decry it, so don't bother pointing that out.
This is the best quote right? Sideshow Bob is the patrician's favourite character
which is the best song? I'm torn between Monorail and Planet of the Apes
>I hate you all from Chimpan-A to Chimpan-ZEE
>search for a simpsons comic creator because there must be such a thing
>find an old futurama flash comic creator instead
What a blast from the not too distant past.
Oh my god, I was wrong! It was earth, all along! Yes you finally made a monkey
Yes we finally made a monkey
Yes you finally made a monkey out of meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I love you Doctor Zaius!
See My Vest, see my vest
Made from real gorilla chest
Feel my sweater, theres no better than authentic Irish Setter
So apparently they did a gimmick yesterday where Dan Castellaneta did live improvised voice acting. Anyone see it?
>dem radial gradient buttons
Alas, zombie simpson's even ruined him- Kelsey Grammar should have had the grace to refuse once the show went to shit
Does anyone remember that Simpsons cartoon maker pc game?
>Tfw absurd simpson scene happens just laugh it off but find it odd.
>Years later watch the movie it was referencing and have the climax ruined remembering the simpsons.
Is there more endearing TV than golden era Simpsons? It's just got everything without too much of anything. Charm, heart, wit, but never saccharine or in-your-face smart.
It's so difficult to say there's anything wrong with Seasons 2-8
Theyr yellow for some reason tho.
Uhh, wallet inspector
that's not the wallet inspector
>Shilling for the liquid Jew
Whatever you have to do to enjoy low brow comedy I guess
The liquid jew is fluoridated water. Lurk more on Sup Forums m8
Toothpaste with fluoride is also bad for the same reasons, right?
I don't know but it can't be as bad since it's in smaller quantities and you don't ingest it.
I'm /x/ not Sup Forums so while we have a fair bit of common ground, I still miss things. Seemed like Sup Forums would know.
are you me?
That bird! He's killing Homer! STOP HIIIIIM
Moe is the best character. Skinner and Burns are close runners-up.
HEY...I'm tryin, to eat lunch here!
>not kent brockman
It's pretty sad that the Simpsons was supposed to be a subversive and "real" version of family sitcoms of the time, but still managed to be more heartwarming than anything on TV nowadays.
even the idea of a shifty conman monorail salesman is more clever than anything the simpsons has done for 15 years
The ending of "And Maggie Makes Three" is genuinely touching.
>wait, I thought you said Troy McCLure was dead?
>No, what I said was he sleeps with the fishes. You see...
>Uh, Tony, please, no. I just ate a whole plate of dingamagoo
Simpsons died with Phil Hartman
Only one good joke
>I shall send you to heaven before I send you to hell
Fucking traitor
How based was this?
gimmick to the max
goddamned classic
>that cheat code that let you launch your car into the sky
But hockey games can't end in a tie.
Best game based on a licensed property. Also like the only open world game with enjoyable driving/race missions.
good memories
>running out of time while being beamed up into the UFO on the last mission
I watched it a few days ago and I still can't get the song out of my head
I've only been watching up to Season 11 and 5 is by far the best with the quality degrading the higher and lower the season number
>tfw ex gf bought me season 5 dvd because she knows i love the simpsons
>reveals to me it's her favourite season
i miss having a simpsons gf
King Kong is the only other licenced game I can think of that wasn't awful.
there's so many user, you just have to look within
Not in the NHL but some leagues don't use overtime or shootouts and ties are possible.
Maaaarge, my brain hurts!
You will toil in our underground chocolate quarries.
It was kind of hard to make animations that revolved around the pretty few voice clips they provided, but it made for some really awesome non-sequiturs.
bake him away, toys!
>listening to commentaries
>groening hated whacky episodes such as Deep Space Homer, A Star is Burns, and Homer at the Bat
>julie kavner loves episodes about homer and marge having parent issues
>azaria likes talking about how he came up with voices such as wiggum, moe, comic book guy, etc
>dan ad libbed the greatest jokes in the history of the show
>oakley and weinstein have to explain every joke that involved old timey things
>merkin is a really good storyteller
>david s cohen won't shut the fuck up about math jokes
>conan o'brien won't shut the fuck up period
>reiss is a huge faggot
>lawyers are bros
>shearer still won't do commentary
>Swartzwelder will never do DVD commentary on any of seasons 2-8
>no comfy simpsons thread to lurk while drinking beer
How pathetic is your existence?
Hit the gym. Go outside. Talk to girls.
Fucking nerd.
Gyme? What's a gyme?
It's OK, we got it out
>they call him
>immediately realize he could sue
>back pedal and pretend it wasn't him
>Matt hated the critic
>so much so he refused to do the commentary
>Principal and the Pauper
>the first fifteen minutes of commentary is them bitching about all the complaints they got
10/10 read this in his voice
>people unironically think John Schwartzwelder is a real person
tfw you realise that Simpsons will always be terrible because of the amount of patting each other on the back occurs during commentaries
Who /futurama dvd commentaries are better than the actual show/ here?
No dad, he's grooming him!