Why girls dont admit that they masturbate?

why girls dont admit that they masturbate?

where do you live? I never met a woman that tried to hide that fact.

Many don't but those who do tend to admit it.
Also it may sound strange to millenials but wether or not somebody masturbates is none of your fucking business.

თბილისი, საქართველო

Just about every girl I've ever met and literally every girlfriend I've had strums the vanjo on the regular.

>strums the vanjo

> goes to b
> sees this thread
> gets butthurt by the post
> tells us that wether on not somebody masturbates is none of our fucking business and continues fingering herself to guy she repeatedly tells to she is not interested in sex and career is her waifu


>strums the vanjo

holy shit my sides

Mooooooaaaarrrr plzzz

More what? Pictures of fully-clothed random strangers? Holy shit, son. Maybe think about getting yourself a facebook account.

Fuck facebook.

Most people will deny it.


ive been trying to figure out the same thing for ages so fucking many of them dont want to answer or just lie

Because they don't want to tell some autistic retard their sexual habits you fucking creep. Gain social skills

Stop trying to be PC. All men masturbate, and all men admit it. Unless they're some hardcore Mormon boy who thinks they'll get banished from getting their own planet in the afterlife if they admit to spanking the monkey

My wife tells me all the time.

how many guys do you know admit it?

The girls you know won't admit it to a neckbeard perv such as yourself?

Get a GF then ask her.

You are probably an ugly beta. I don't say this to mean. It's psychology. They are desexualizing themselves in your mind because they know they will never want sex from you. They are preemptively telling you that they will never have sex with you because they will never be attracted to you. Find a girl that is attracted to you, they become all kinds of freaky then. Trust me, I'm a beautiful person.

>strums the vanjo

they do you're just a virgin

Honestly this is true, I've been friends with plenty of chicks and the ones that have admitted that they jerk it have said something about a relationship with me (and or just boning)

Trust me I'm an average person

This girl i know keeps denying the shit out of it but she's a slut and i know she gets lost in the deep end everyday after school

They do. They just don't admit it to your creepy ass.

somebody draw this shit now

That moment when you're streaming and you forgot to hide your vibrator.

>be me
>girl-friend but not girlfriend asks me to help her hang pictures in her bedroom
>I drill holes, etc. hang pictures
>need to do something with her bed (I can't even remember what it was)
>get down on floor
>suddenly from her:
>ok then
>sex toys confirmed

I don't because I'm a practicing Catholic. I do the whole chastity thing. I used to, though. I'm 20, haven't flicked the bean since I was 15. Fuck, I hate that that rhymes.

>strummin' on the ol' vanjo

>be lonely sperglord faggot
>imply that you are female on Sup Forums
>wait 0.03 seconds
>290 lonely, gullible tardpockets appear and spend the next 45 minutes screaming for tits, timestamps and sharpies in poopers


>I do the whole chastity thing.

I dont think the chastity thing includes masturbation.

In Catholicism it does.

Sauce: Theology of the Body

There's still a stigma in parts of the western world about women enjoying sex and how they're not supposed to enjoy their sexuality.

Guys we need to shut the fuck up and construct a set of stummin the ol' vanjo meme, this shit is of the upmost importance to our survival of anons on a finite image board such as this! We must

Because if they admitted to enjoying sex it would make them feel like they had to give it up easier. They need to keep the price of pussy high.

Strummin* fuck off you judgemental grammar nazis i made one fucking mistake leave me the fuck alone

But it has to be a Jeb Bush meme



With a transpararent vanjo in the background, and some dank text about strummin the vanjo

>need to keep the price of pussy high.

there is some truth to this. If a guy admits he masturbates everybody says yeah of course. If a girl does - all the guys assume she is horny and might fuck them.


I dunno bro, i gogglesed it and almighty goggle says you are wrong and i am correctamundo

I googled "vanjo". I can't find it anywhere else, other than as some guy's name. Fuck all y'all, I'm gonna start using this all the time and claim it as my own.

We have been graced by a god in this thread, this is a saying of the gods

I dont always strum the vanjo, but when i do its on the regular

here ya go OP
this may add to your knowledge base


Fuck them. If a chick is into me it's highly likely I'm not into them and they're beneath me. Only 10/10 pussy for me

still tho, you compare the amount of guys that masturbate that admit it and the number of girls that masturbate and admit it, there is a difference

Because they don't. Girls fart bubble gum and rainbows.

One in five 18-24 year old males hasn't primed the yogurt cannon in the past year.

I call shenanigans on these "stats".

Nope, Google is just retarded.

>strums the vanjo on the regular.

post pic of face and timestamp then.

If you say you are a beautiful person, then lets see it?

>angrily challenges guy from an hour ago

>strums the vanjo
But... that's not even that funny. Has Sup Forums really gone so far down the shithole since Asian moot took over that even this is deemed meme-worthy material?

Somehow I don't trust selfreporting when it's the legitimacy of said selfreporting that is in question.

>all the guys assume she is horny

My life became a lot better when I realized that women like sex just as much as men, whether they admit it or not.

beat me to it

This man is a goddam logician

>need to do something with her bed (I can't even remember what it was)
>get down on floor
>suddenly from her:
>look under bed anyway
>oh user...thats..just my neck massager
>give a little smirk, i can be your sex toy if you like.

That would have been the appropriate response

>inb4 you creepy neckbear autist

If you have fucked as many girls as i have, you would know that it only takes a few perverted jokes to get them to show you they are perverts again.

then you can fuck them in that asshole.

Oh, i should prolly say this only works if you are average/good looking, sorry i know its terrible but its true.




>practicing catholic
>believing that a wise god would gift you with a clitoris that houses the most amount of nerve endings in the body to give intense physical and emotional orgasm's then tell you not to use it
>not believing that nature evolved you this way to encourage reproduction and love
>not ever looking at the facts
>always closing the door to further explanations

Believe in a higher power if you want lady, but dont dismiss evolution.

If you do not believe that marriage was a man made construct, then you surely have some growing up to do.

You believe in a God that is infallible, and you also believe that the same God is a hypocrite?

Joseph and Marry were not even wed when she gave birth to immaculate conception. Mary was a young girl of 13 years old. Joseph was like 36.

If you believe in thousand year old nursery rhymes that is.

I don't masturbate and neither does my son so fuck off and die in a plane crash somewhere near port winston on tueday whilst wearing an item of clothing given to you by your mother or a dead relative or something actually it's not that important I suppose the main point was that go fucking die already

He must be the same guy who does the old lickaroo

Every girlfriend I've had has masturbated, and told me about it (if not done it in front of me).

>not believing that nature evolved you this way to encourage reproduction and love
So masturbating ties into that how?

Don't cut yourself on your own edge, user.

my wife's son*

Clearly you missed the point of my post.

You are born a woman with a clitoris,

A clitoris was literally going to be the penis head of a male

In the womb genetics told the fetus to grow male

We all start off as females with a vagina in the womb because of our mothers

The vagina and clitoris grow to be a penis and a sack for testicles

Boy grow up and jack their dicks

Young girls before the social stigma are known to rub their privates all throughout their childhood

Until puberty hits and they are made to be shamed for it

Point being, our cock-heads and our clitoris's how the same nerve endings, we all touch them and feel nice sensations,

Its evolutional encouragement to have sex, because the body rewards breeding with orgasms.

Masturbation is a natural precursor to reproduction.

Full house checked while strummin' on the ole vanjo.



I do believe in evolution. You're drawing non sequiturs. Obviously, I have a clitoris for a reason, I just don't believe that reason is so that I can pleasure myself with it. But hell, it'll sure come in handy with conjugal love with my future husband.

Mary and Joseph weren't married when she conceived, but that's irrelevant because it wasn't Joseph's child who was conceived. Jesus is/was literally the Son of God.

Your arguments are kind of shit, friend.

I knew a girl that did. Everyone called her a slut. Then she became a slut.

Give me a
>strum the vanjo