Has anyone tried to just sit him down and tell him that the White Walkers are back for the first time since the Long...

Has anyone tried to just sit him down and tell him that the White Walkers are back for the first time since the Long Night, and he should probably stop being such an asshole? Does he even know about the White Walkers?

I mean, has anyone actually told the other people in the world that there are fucking White Walkers and shit? Like, if the entire Night's Watch agrees that they're back, shouldn't that be duly noted by someone? Anyone? I mean, the North is all up in arms about the Wildlings, but has no one questioned why the Lord Commander, for the first time in recorded history just let two thousand Wildings through the Wall? Can't we at least get a scene showing the small council being like, "the fuck is going on up there?"

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As for the small council point I have a feeling they'll resolve all the religious bullshit first then get around to white walker based shit but yeah Ramsey and his men will probably end up fighting the white walkers alongside the watch because he didn't know they were there

So BASED Ramsay will be an hero?

Mormont tried to warn the south, they laughed it off as superstition.


The only people who have any respect for the Night's Watch are the Northerners. The rest of the 7 kingdoms see it as nothing more than a place to banish people to who are a problem.

Then they should send a raven saying, "yo, we just let all the wildlings south of the wall. Better do something about it. Also we saw White Walkers. Not just zombies, but literal White Walkers and shit. Also, Giants are real. We got one."

Do you try to put some sense into the head of your local edgy 14 years old?

Yeah., because we saw how well that went for Jon Snow with people who actually believed him.

and they would laugh that off too you dumbass

I want to know why all the Dothraki bowed down to Daenerys at the end.

Didn't the fact that the widow of the former khal was immune to fire have "it is known" status at that point? Why would they bow to her when it was pretty obvious that she just murdered all high ranking guys and women who nobody is supposed to touch, and burned down their little temple? Is she supposed to be the new khal now or something?

Why? So he can defeat them all while shirtless and casually eat apples afterwards?

>Ramsay, the white walkers have returned
>white walkers, when I am done playing with them they will be RED WALKERS
>No, you don't understand, they are supernatural creatures of the dead
>Stop with your fairy tales, this isn't a dreamworld, even if it was, I would be their nightmare!
>I am the warden of the North! I grow tired of your prattling, shall I feed you to the hounds as an appetizer before the White walker main course?
>No, forgive me my lord

> Is she supposed to be the new khal now or something?
A superstitious lot, they're worried about witches and shit. Otherwise it's a decent moment to free Danny in a power play of the Dothraki and probably use them to smash Slavers Bay. Easy to let is sound as cool or lame as you want. Works well for the story since Dany is "supposed" to keep getting more powerful. The viewer is motivated to see her as a Dothraki leader by calling out the current Khals as petty and weak compared to Kal Drogos awesome season 1 speech in the same spot.

le white walkers aint real is a meme by now

God I hope the give Ramsey a Valyrian steel katana folded 1000 times

>white walkers, when I am done playing with them they will be RED WALKERS
This was good.




>So BASED Ramsay will be an hero

GOT is such a bullshit show. After the epic Hardhome massacre, one would think there'd eb conference room meetings everywhere, but nah, what is apocalypse? Even Jon Snow was like "dude, I'm going south lel". WHO WRITES THIS SHIT?

>le white walkers aint real is a meme by now

and a fedora

to the rest of the realm talk of the undead and white walkers is fairy tale nonsense 'grumpkins LOL!!'

they aren't able to garner any support and to make matters worse the realm is at war with itself

>the story is okay except for all the stronk women bullshit

Everyone in this show is an asshole who deserves to die.

Why watch it?

The same reason why they bowed to her when she didnt burn in her husbands funeral pyre...

Dothraki are just looking for a "stronk" ruler and walking through fire is literally strong.

Because she's Dany and can do no wrong, even if she did just basically burn down their most sacred site she's a fucking hero and they must worship her

Is Ramsay autistic?