>tfw that one faggot sitting alone in the movie theater
Tfw that one faggot sitting alone in the movie theater
When I went to go see Civil War everyone was by themselves. I only saw like two couples.
Do people not have friends?
ofc, cause it's a movie for NERDS
My theater only allows groups of 4 or more into the movie. Sometimes it's hard to get 4 people to go.
>let's watch a movie in the theater X
>sorry user, but my gf can't fit on the seats, how about theater Y?
>Almost half way through 2016
>doesn't take his falcon to the movies with him
What the fuck is your problem, OP?
This is why I always take a hooker to the movies with me, in order to not seem alone. It ends up costing 10x the original ticket price, so I can only see a few movies a year, which is fine since there's very few good movies. The penis inspection also makes her uncomfortable, as the penis inspector always knows she has a penis, even though she tries her hardest to seem female. It's kind of sad really. I'd say that it is this very sympathy for her that prevents me from going to the movies more than the inflated price itself. Maybe someday, the theaters will allow just one man to go to the movies by himself, but not until feminism really gets a hold of popular culture. The feminists will come and help me through my tough period by making it more acceptable to see films by oneself. This is why I completely support the new Ghostbusters movie, and why I loved Mad Max. Some people aren't ready for this change, but I believe that everyone will grow to love this new direction movies will take.
main: one shot johnny
second character: brunt the terrible
>Laughing at yourself
>that one faggot who bought nachos instead of popcorn
>That one poorfag who bought popcorn without extra butter
Not me since my movie theater has a no single policy.
Luckily i have my local Kino to go to alone
>That one poorfag who bought popcorn instead of crab legs
Going alone to my local synagogue to watch Green Room tomorrow lads, wish me luck.
>that one faggot who buys a big popcorn and big soda then feels like shit for the rest of the weekend
Oh wait that's me
Main: Dome
Secondary: Crispy
Dome has a decent attack and high defense, and if we was constantly healed by crispy, you could slow-takedown your opponent
I don't have any friends. Every time I ask someone to go to the movies they think I'm literally gay.
>only friend that drive
>have to go pick up others
>have to drive people to go get food because movie food prices
>no one pays for gas
>no one offers to buy me a sandwich
>end up late because of this
>wait for next showing which is 40 mins away
>friends are fucking loud during trailers
>friends laugh like autists during critical scenes
Fuck normies
I have a small penis.
You deserve it for being so beta. Any time you drive people around always demand gas money or free food.
>went to go see
This is how Americans actually talk
It's bad enough I have to fucking pay a tax
It's me.
I bet you charge people when they come over and ask for a drink too, Schekeldorf
What's wrong with that, faggot?
just dont eat and use booze as an appetite suppressants if you want to loose weight
I lost 5kg in a week with this one wise trick
How does it feel having attachment issues to the point where you need to have your hand held to go to an event that isn't a social event? Daddy must have left at a young age.
There are people that won't go see a movie because they have no one to go with
Fuck you I don't have any friends. I want to see new movies.
>>only friend that drive
are you 17 or something
This amazing bait.
>Booze has shit loads of calories in it
>It isn't an appetite suppressant
>loose instead of lose
>5kg in a week instead of 2kg
i sort of have friends but i dont feel especially close to them and only see/speak them once every few months
i work from home and dont meet people
i just wanna get laid
thanks for listening
nice dubs tho
Don't do this to me
I emigrated to a different country that didn't have a no singles policy (they kept rejecting my applications for a falcon license) just so I'd be prepared for The Neon Demon
But if I go in and people start laughing at me, I'll have a physical panic attack
I'm going to see Kill zone 2 in Boston near Chinatown this week, so like I was in ip man 3 I plan on both being the only alone person as well as being the only white guy.
maybe the only one who have a car
Also look at this capchat wtf woooow...
>laughing at yourself at the movies
it worked for the non american that I am
>pay for ticket and confection, walking down corridor
>ticket guy smirks and opens the door to my theatre
>enter and realize the previous arrivals are waiting and have formed a push alley
>try to join the side but get pushed into the middle
>get tossed around back and forward, pushed and kicked by a few girls
>join the end of the queue and wait the next arrival
>he seems cool so we let him join without pushing
>wait for another guy
>hes a weak manlet and gets pushed and beaten
I always get nachos fuck popcorns.
You gave the shittiest advice ever.
The first 10kg are easy as fuck to lose.
There is one theater where I live they have movie marshals who will detain and interrogate anyone who shows up alone.
I'm currently 140lbs for 6'2 trust me.
I do that everytime i get too fat
>cart people all around town so they can get food making you late for the movie
>not charging them for wasting your time
Am i the only one that cuts a hole in the popcorn bucket? Not to trick a girl into a handjob like the meme, but so i can fap without anyone else in the theater noticing. I've tried to see if there are any other guys that do it but it's hard to tell(it really works well hiding it).
I'm 23 and I don't drive
Well i'm sorry to hear that...
Lmfao. You're welcome.
this also couple days suck
That's me. Usually there's more people that are sitting alone as well, though. This is the best movie viewing experience... I'm sorry that you feel too self-conscious to indulge yourself
My friends all went to Furious 7 without me while I was on vacation. I came back and went alone because I wanted to see it. What is wrong with this?
personally i don't think there is anything wrong with it, and I doubt anyone at the movies gives two shits if you are there alone or not. But i wouldn't do it, or eat alone at a resaurant either, not because i think there's anything wrong with it, but just because i would feel weird about it
I don't have friends so I always go to the movies by myself.
I'll go to the movies with you senpai